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Make it a sweet, sweet goodbye


Rebecca has abandoned her old life in Britain to come to the States...or more specifically Baltimore, Maryland. Yet still she cant help but blame and punish herself for everything that's happened. She constantly puts herself down and destroys herself. Can certain new friends change her opinion about herself? Can a certain boy fix her crumpled heart?

Can't you see there should have been a happy ending we let go?


Alex Gaskarth

Alex Gaskarth

The boy who will have his heart stolen

Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

The over-looked bestfriend

Kendra Maine

Kendra Maine

The bunny boiler

Rebecca Thomas

Rebecca Thomas

The girl who will steal his heart


  1. 001

  2. 002

  3. 003

  4. 004

  5. 005

  6. 006

  7. 007

  8. 008

  9. 009

  10. 010

  11. 011

  12. 012

    Warning: Self Harming

  13. 013

    Warning: Self Harming Reference

  14. 014

  15. 015

  16. 016

  17. 017

  18. 018

  19. 019

  20. 020

    Warning: Self Harming Reference

  21. 021

  22. 022

  23. 023

  24. 024

  25. 025

  26. 026

  27. 027

  28. 028

  29. 029

  30. 030

  31. 031

  32. 032

  33. 033

    Warning:Small Reference to Self Harm

  34. 034

  35. 035

  36. SEQUEL

  37. Thank you!!!<3


I just read that you were at the concert in June at Emirates - I WAS THERE TOO OMG IS THIS FATE OR WHAT!? I love the story and I'm freaking out right now! That's so crazy! :DDDD
Ellsxo_ Ellsxo_
It only took 3 hours but I'm done. Now .. The sequel! !
Piercethep3rry Piercethep3rry
I'm just starting this. Only read first 2 chapters and its already amazing
Piercethep3rry Piercethep3rry
Hey! This story was so awesome!!! I'm starting to read the sequel now and I'm really glad there is one :D
just wanted to let you know that your an amazing writer and that this story was simply perfection!
GhostWriter GhostWriter
asdfghjkl. I don't know why but fanfics set at warped are always my fav <33
Amberly_Love Amberly_Love