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To the Moon and Back


When Alex meets this girl in front of the mall, he is intrigued and he can't seem to forget her. They keep bumping into each other, but Sharky has a love for danger and that complicates things.


Alex Gaskarth

Alex Gaskarth

Singer and guitarist of All Time Low

Charlie aka Sharky

Charlie aka Sharky

Crazy girl that loves danger



Nooo, it's over. :-( This was a really sweet story. I loved watching Alex and Sharky's relationship grow. Hopefully you'll consider a sequel so we can see how married life treats them. Well done!

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

Aww... it's over! :( That kind of threw me off a bit, because in chapter 35, you said there were three chapters left, so I was expecting another after this. Unless there's an epilogue? Maybe you just changed it where it was only two, that's okay as well, lol. Wasn't prepared to say goodbye to it yet though.
A few things to note with this final chapter:
I hear Jack behind me snicker and just then realise that the organ did not intonate 'here comes the bride' but a somewhat churchy adaptation of our song 'Cinderblock Garden'.
I believe instead of the word "intonate" you may have meant "initiate." Looking up the definition for intonate, it deals with the rise and fall of pitch of voice. That doesn't really make sense when you're talking about an organ, lol. Whereas initiate would make sense because it would be saying that it started up the song. Also, realise should be realised; tense was off there.
And I was a bit confused with the date at the end... 2011? Yet Cinderblock Garden wasn't released until their album in 2015. Unless you wanted to change that entirely for the story? But up until this point, I thought it was set at the very least in 2015, if not present. I'm not really sure why you would want to throw off the music dynamic, though.
However, I did think it was cute how their wedding was on May 4th! Too perfect, and I'm very surprised Alex actually didn't try that in real life, lol. :P
But other than those two things, thought you did a great job on this chapter and the story overall! I really enjoyed it, and hope that you continue writing, because you really have a knack for it. Interested in seeing any new ideas that you come up with for new stories. :)
Gonna miss this one. Sharky and Alex are just <333, perfect.

Nanook Nanook

lol, ohh okay. XD Yeah, just the word "letting" as a noun confused me a bit... that makes sense now. I think maybe here we would just say "vacation house" lol. :) Or maybe just rentable house.

Nanook Nanook

Uh, oh, then that must be an Australian term, it's a house that is rented out to tourists. I don't know what the equivalent American term would be. :)

T-what T-what

Awww, I love how she asked Rian to walk her down the aisle. That's so sweet, especially given their history. It looks like their wedding is coming together so well, so that only means more disaster is on the way.

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo