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Baby, We're Like a Timebomb

You Held The Ice



After I felt his fist strike into my face, and heard the audible crunch of my nose snapping, the impact from the punch caused my knees to buckle and I collapsed onto the ground.
It seriously didn’t even hurt that much, probably from all the adrenaline pumping through my veins, protecting me from the excruciating pain in my face.

I was shocked that Brendon could throw a punch like this, and this hard. He seems like such a peaceful guy most of the time, but if you get in a disagreement with him, then damn, he can hit.

I watched in horror as blood gushed out of my nose, dripping into a small puddle on the tiled hallway floor. Massive amounts of blood was flowing from my nose, I gasped for air to fill through my lungs through my mouth.
I tried to sniff so I could inhale through my nostrils, and choked, blood going to the back of my throat.

So much fucking blood.

Wow, I knew there was a lot of blood in the human body, there’s like 1.5 gallons of blood in the entire body, the one thing I remembered in health class besides to use a condom during sex.

At least I use a condom when I have sex with Alex, I wonder if Brendon would punch me over that as well. He probably would.

I put my hand over my nostrils and groaned from the shooting pain into my face.

“MOTHER FUCKER!” I shouted, crouching on the floor in agony.

“Holy shit!! Jack, are you okay? Oh my god!” Rian rambled, bending over me to see if I was okay, I am definitely not okay.

You never really think about how your ears, nose, and throat are all connected until a situation like this comes along. I could taste the blood in the back of my throat, trying to swallow to get the disgusting taste of metal in my mouth, I could feel it sliding down to my stomach.

This is so fucking disgusting, what’s happening to me?

“YOU BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE, YOU SHITHEAD!” I yelled, looking up at Brendon who looked shocked at himself for what he had just did.

I guess the both of us never thought the kid had it in him.
If I knew that I’d end up with my septum broken I would’ve never picked a fight with him.

“Karma's a bitch, I guess.” Brendon shrugged, not caring he just damaged my face.

“How could you do that?” Hayley was shocked, stepping away from Brendon and the scene.

“Rian, fucking help me.” I whined, grabbing onto his wrist with the hand that was not covered in blood.
He frowned and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, not knowing anything else to do.
I cringed as my hand shifted, and droplets of blood dripped onto his shoulder.

“Aw, I bled on you.” I told him.

“It’s okay, Jack. Let's just get you to the nurse before class ends-”

Literally. In that fucking moment. The bell rang. The obnoxious, squeaky, loud, school bell, that signaled that class was over.
So students would be pouring out of classrooms.
Of course, we were right near Alex’s AP Calculus class, so he would walk by.

“Dammit, Alex is going to see you.” Rian stated, standing up in a panic.

“No! Get me out of here!” I exclaimed, and gasped from the agonizing pain as he tried to help me up.
He’s gonna find out, he’s going to find out right fucking now. I’m not ready.
I’m not ready to break his heart. I can’t do this. Not now.

It’s happening. Brendon’s going to tell him everything and he’s going to cry.
I can’t stand seeing him cry.

He’s going to break up with me, I know it.

“Don’t say anything to him, Brendon!” Hayley ordered, wrapping a hand around his wrist, he glared at her.

“No,” Brendon argued, pulling away from her.

“I will murder you if you tell him anything, he’s going through enough.” I tried to sound as strong as I could, but I was the one that was one the ground bleeding right now.

I felt sick as I watched teenagers flood from their classrooms, stopping and forming a circle around me once they saw my position. I groaned, Rian ruffled his hand through my hair.

“OH MY GOD, you broke his nose?!?” Cass yelled, running over to Rian in shock.

“I didn’t! Are you kidding? Brendon did!” Rian exclaimed, pointing to Brendon.


I shuddered as I heard his familiar voice, I saw my beautiful boyfriend, dressed in tight denim jeans, a black v neck and a maroon beanie, stood in the front of the crowd with his eyebrows pinched together in confusion.

He’s going to find out.

“No, baby. Please don’t come over here” I begged, my voice sounding different and nasally.
I pulled my knees up closer to my chest as he rushed over to me.

Please don’t hate me for the rest of your life.

“What the hell?!?” Alex exclaimed, wrapping both of his arms around me in a tight hug, my hand still covered my nose.

I love him so much.

“Alex…” I mumbled, he was shaking his head, kissing my cheek repeatedly.

I scooched closer to him, placing my head down on his shoulder, feeling instant comfort by his touch. I sighed, breathing in his soothing scent, pressing my forehead to the side of his neck.

“Why would you punch him?!? Baby? Oh my god, Jack. Are you okay?” Alex rambled nervously, I could feel his heart beating faster in his chest in a panic.

“Don’t worry about me Lexy, I’m okay.” I leaned forward and tried to assure him, bumping my nose into his chin and released a loud groan in pain.

Fuck I hate this so much.

“Jack! Oh my god!” he gasped, holding me tighter.
I recognized his face, this was the face he wore when he was about to cry. I knew it too well, I glanced at Brendon and I could tell he recognized it as well.

He had to be a monster if he was going to tell Alex. He can’t make this sweet boy cry.
He can’t handle this.

“Brendon! How could you do this? Why would you hurt him?!” Alex asked angrily, hugging me tighter against him.
He’s never had to protect me like this before, I’m usually always on the other end.

He’s asking him.

I stared Brendan directly in the eyes, he looked beyond pissed off. I knew he thought he was doing the right thing, I understand his side of the situation, but he can’t tell him.

He doesn’t deserve this pain, he’s going through enough shit at home.

His parents don’t accept him, he’s constantly lying to them, constantly pretending to be something he’s not to impress the two people who are supposed to love him unconditionally.
They don’t even love him, they treat him and Tom like shit.

Not to mention all the horrible things that run through his head. The poor boy, has general anxiety and all he does is go through crap, unless he’s with me.

I know how much he depends on me. He needs me in his life.
I make him happy, I treat him right, I protect him.
He relies on me more than anyone right now, I’m his boyfriend.

Brendon can’t break this broken boy more.

“He called Hayley fat,” Brendon lied, looking down at the ground. Thank god.
Cass scoffed and I glared at her.

I know she disagrees but I’m doing the right thing. Right?

“It’s true,” Hayley nodded, pursing her lips trying to make her face unreadable.

“That’s fucking horrible Jack, but that doesn’t mean you break his nose!!” Alex yelled.

Brendan nodded, looking shameful for his fake actions, but I think he just feels bad lying to Alex’s face.
You get used to it...

I watched a teacher toss a towel to Alex, who moved my hand and held the towel to my nose.

“Oh fuck, jesus fucking christ.” I groaned, leaning away from him, he pouted and kissed my cheek.

I couldn’t be more thankful for Brendon right now. I knew he didn’t pull this stunt for me, maybe he understands that it would be better to just protect Alex.

I watched sadly as Alex scolded Brendan, telling him to take out his anger on someone else that wasn’t me, that I didn’t deserve it, and I did nothing wrong.

He was wrong, I did deserve it.

I fucking deserved a broken nose, but that doesn’t mean I was telling Alex anything.


i promise im updating as much as I can, i know i said i would update everyday but sometimes i can't

i havent been feeling well
physically or emotionally
im going through a lot and life kind of sucks for me right now
im sorry this isnt my usual insanely enthusiastic comment

also sorry if there was any typos, my autocorrect doesnt work


please leave comments on what your thinking cuz they make me feel super happy and they get me motivated to write moree :D

I will try to post another chapter tomorrow, hopefully i will be posting more frequently, i think i will be

guys... we're getting close to a BIG PART IN THE STORY
im so excited to write it

thanks for reading my story buddies :D
i never say thanks
i should say that more often to you guys cuz you're all great and ily

heres a link of Jack with a broken nose lmao

how do you guys feel about jack right now?
how do you feel about brendon?

Title credit- Dont You Go


Hello! I don't remember if I've commented on here before, but I love this story and I miss it so much! I hope you are doing alright and update soon! <3 -also this cliffhanger is gonna kill me-

Alltimegabi Alltimegabi

Hey! I've missed this story! Where are you? I hope that anything going on will resolve soon, because I am hit with a major cliff hanger and I am majorly freaking out. I hope you can update soon!

Hey, just wanted to say that I miss this story a lot and I hope you haven't abandoned it. (:

Hey, I've been reading your story for a while now, I just have never commented before. And I really miss this story. It's awful to know you have a writer block, I've had them, and it's stressful. But well, I hope everything gets better for you soon. We will wait <3

ChrisGaskarth. ChrisGaskarth.

How are you doing? I miss this story so much, it was one of my favourites. I hope that one day you can continue this because it is too good to stay unfinished and also I'm still dying to know how it all plays out. :)

T-what T-what