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Chapter 4

“Come on Eve, it’ll be fun” Cass and Dakota were currently trying to rope Eve into watching Rian’s band practice.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to take a break from homework” Eve laughed.
“Cool! Now let’s go. Don’t wanna get there too late” Cass and Dakota gave each other knowing looks before pulling Eve off towards Rian’s house.

“Come on in girls! Rian’s just downstairs with the boys” Rian’s mum beamed when she answered the door to them.
“Thank you Mrs Dawson” the girls shouted before running off.
“You’re going to love them, Eve. They’re amazing” Dakota smiled, holding Eve’s hand down the stairs.
“Hey guys” Rian said smiling as they entered. Eve entered, smile on her face as she took in the new environment. It was your average basement that had been cleared out. Mic stands were set up, along with guitar amps and a drum kit.
“This place is cool. It’s really-“ Eve stopped abruptly as she turned to the guys.
“What is he doing here” she asked, pointing at Alex.
“More like what are you doing here?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“You guys need to stop being so childish” said Jack, the familiar lanky guy, with the really bad dye job. Dakota, Cass, Rian, Jack and the other anonymous band member were all now gathered at the door, beginning to file out.
“Until you guys work things out, you’re not coming out” Rian smiled, leaving the basement. Eve rushed towards the door to open it, however came up short as the door was locked.
“Oh come on guys” Eve banged on the door.
“Nope” Dakota shouted in the distance. Eve groaned in frustration, as she slid down the door and sat on the floor.
“You can’t avoid this talk forever” Alex was now sitting on the floor facing her, still keeping his distance.
“You left me” Eve said quietly, her head hung low. All of the emotions came flooding back to her. How he left her, saying he would keep in contact. How she cried most nights because her best friend was gone and would not speak to her. She was upset and angry. A dangerous mix of emotions.
“I’m sorry” Alex simply stated.
“I’m so sorry. I have no excuse to offer you. I’m pathetic, I know. It’s just with the new school and Lisa-“
“Lisa?” Eve’s head shot up. Alex winced, knowing of Eve’s jealousy towards Lisa. Eve was always jealous of any girlfriend Alex had. Not in a love sort of way, but Eve always felt that she would be left alone with no friends. That Alex would spend all his time with his girlfriend, and never have time for her.
“Don’t tell me you forgot about me because you were too busy with her?” Eve was beyond angry at this point.
“No no! It’s not like that! Lisa and I broke up” Eve regretted getting angry now.
“Oh. I’m sorry, Alex”
“No don’t be. It was a mutual agreement. We both agreed that we simply weren’t meant to be. Now enough of that, I want my best friend back! Please Eve, I’m so sorry for everything, but I’m back now and I promise I’m not going anywhere” Eve stood, and slowly walked over to Alex as he stood up. She couldn’t deny that after all these years, she was happy to see him. They had both grown since then. They weren’t young anymore. They had both matured. The past needed to be pushed away and forgotten now. Eve had gotten her best friend back. She finally collapsed into his chest, breathing in his familiar scent that used to comfort her. A silent tear rolled down her cheek as he wrapped his arms around her.
“I missed you so much, Alex”


Ah, so sorry for the wait guys. Hope you enjoy this chapter! - Amy :)


Haha, that's okay. No rush. :)

Nanook Nanook

I'll do my best to not make it another 5 months before I update lol

Daydreamers Daydreamers

Yay, an update! :D
Haha, I always find it funny with the disclaimers in the author's note. XD A lot of people make sure to do that. So no worries girl, you're not the first person to do this particular aspect in your story and feel differently. :P
It was sweet how Alex knew to get out of there and stood by Eve's side. <3
And aww... the star-crossed love. :'( I hope they realize things soon, I imagine it'll be so cute when they finally get together. :D Because they're so cute now, so... yeah. :)
Great job with the update! Hope to see more soon. :)

Nanook Nanook

lol, was thrown for a bit of a loop when I saw that this was updated. XD But glad to see you're back! I am still here reading if this continues. :)
Hmm... Alex just needs to work up the nerve to ask Eve to be his. That probably won't happen for a while though, sigh. :/
Interested in seeing what happens next!

Nanook Nanook

Oh gotcha, it's great that you do that when you can. :)

Nanook Nanook