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9- Beautiful Dreams

Kelsey's P.O.V.
I was running all over my apartment, looking for my shoes while Mark and Becca sat in the living room, waiting for me. Good thing they always scheduled time for "unexpected events" so that way we won't be late. I finally find them, my favorite black converse, I put them on and decided to just tie them up when I get in the car to save some time. Mark turns on the radio and me and Becca start singing along to the latest songs we barely know, my cousin laughs at how ridiculous we look but we don't care, we're having fun.

We take an exit towards downtown, "Ahem" I clear my throat just to get his attention, "the movie theater is the next exit..." He takes a moment to answer, "who said anything about a movie?" He winks at Becca and she smiles at me, I hate surprises!

I have no idea where we are, I don't usually go in the city so much, I like to stick around my quiet-er area with just a few shops, restaurants and a bunch of houses. "Here we are!" Mark screams, were parked behind some building with ugly brick walls, I go to walk to the front but he grabs me by my arm and pulls me towards a door near us, a big man opens the door for us, and Mark shows him something, wait, were those...? Oh my god were going front row to a concert! I couldn't believe it, but forget getting my mind off things, I was going to see All Time Low perform! I was really happy and quite set on enjoying the moment, after all, these tickets must have cost a little fortune. "I remembered hearing you talk about these guys a while back so when I saw they were playing I hurried to get front row, I hope you like it!" Becca had to be the closest I had to a girl-friend, as in a friend who's a girl, nothing weird going on here... I gave her a huge hug and started jumping up and down, even after meeting the guys and all in person I couldn't help but feeling all hyper at the idea of seeing them again, and on stage!


"Good evening Chicago!" God Alex looked hot, "Are you ready to sign along?!" The whole crowd screamed, I obviously did too. He didn't notice me and I was thankful for that, I liked disappearing in the crowd, I felt like I was at last a piece of something bigger, like I really fit in somewhere for once. They started signing "The Irony Of Choking On A Life Saver" and me and Becca sang along like our lives depended on it, this was the best thing ever, I could never thank her and my cousin enough. We kept jumping up and down in time with the music and signing along to a few songs before Becca signaled me she had to go to the ladies room, I didn't want to miss a single moment of the show so I decided to stay with Mark, I even caught him signing along himself, he was having a lot of fun even if he didn't really know the band much. Between two songs Mark gave me a nudge, "so you like it?!" He laughed a bit, it was pretty clear that I was the happiest girl in the world right now, I jumped into his arms, hugging him, "Thanks, best cousin ever!!!" "Haha, I know, I'm the best at everything" he said using a superior tone before we both laughed at that comment, Becca arrived just then so I let go of Mark and he grabbed her around the waist, I loved how cute they were together.

I looked up and saw Jack staring at me, he seemed angry. Did Alex tell him about the text? Oh course he did, argh, hopefully he'll understand, I mean, he's supposed to be my best friend right?!
After they had sung all the songs from their most recent album they left the stage "Goodnight Chicago! We love you guys!!" Everyone started making their way outside so we decided to stay back a little, it was no use trying to get out, the road would be blocked with traffic, which is why I decided not to live so close to the city in the first place. While we were waiting I saw Jack come back on stage to grab some stuff, he saw I was still there and came walking towards me, why did he look so mad?

Jack's P.O.V.
About in the middle of our set between songs Alex walked over right next to me and whispered something in my ear before pointing towards the crowd, looked in the direction he was showing me and saw her, Kelsey, in the arms of some guy. Alex looked like he just wanted to run back to the hotel but of course he couldn't, he was needed here. " don't look at her dude, pretend you didn't see, I'll give her a piece of my mind next time I talk to her."

We kept playing song after song, trying to concentrate all our energy on giving a good show, when it was over we walked straight out when I remembered something, damn I forgot my keys next to the mic. I ran back to get them and saw Kelsey was still there, now I was going to confront her, better get it over with and clear a few things up. I walked right towards her and when she saw the look on my face her smile melted away, it made me feel bad but thinking about what she'd done to Alex made me feel even worse.
"Hey Jack!" She greeted me, I took two more steps and was standing right in front of her. "Kelsey, what the fuck is going on with THAT guy?!" I said, pointing to the dude she was hugging before. "What the hell, and of all places to go on a date you had to come here and flash it in Alex's face?! I didn't think you were that kind of girl!" She started bawling and some girl put her arm around her, I wanted to pull her into a hug so bad right then, but I was still mad, or at least I wanted to be, I couldn't stand seeing her like this. "Look man, I'm Becca, her cousin Mark's wife! And you have no right to be rude to my friend like this, if you want to hurt anyone then pick on someone your own size! " She held up her hand with a wedding band on it and pointed to the guy called Mark, the one Kels had been hugging earlier. Oh shit, this was a huge misunderstanding. Becca placed herself between me and Kelsey, I took a step back,getting the message one hundred percent. "I'm so sorry Kels! It's just... When Alex saw you hugging him... And with the text you sent him yesterday, he just assumed..." "What?! He saw that?! It's so not like that, omg he must think I'm such a slut!" And with that she started crying again, I opened my arms other, " Im sorry, please, forgive me?" She snuggled against my chest, holding her hands over her face, Mark looked impatient so I suggested he could leave right away and me and the guys would drive her home, Alex needed to hear what had really happened, this whole mess just had to be cleared up.

"No, I-I don't think I can do it, I'm tired, I'm ugly, I just want to go home, please explain to Alex what happened and tell him to text me ASAP." I sighted at her words, " okay then, goodnight Kels, I'll be texting you as we'll, we need to go shopping sometime real soon, I could use some new stuff. Goodnight Kels, love ya! Again, I'm sorry for what happened, I'll fix it though, don't worry."

Mark drove in silence until we reached my apartment, "thanks so much guys! That show was the most beautiful thing evvvvver!!!" "No problem Hun, you know we love you like a sister, we should hang put again sometime, hopefully with a little less drama but still, we love being with you! Goodnight Kelsey!" "Goodnight guys! See ya soon!"

I walked into my dark empty home, I felt so sad, so alone. I can't believe I screwed everything up again, why did I even send that stupid text message yesterday? I wanted to be with him so badly, I missed him, the real him.

*be-op, be-op* A new message alert lit up my phone, I should change that sound thing, it's so annoying! I open the message and start reading, it's pretty long...
-Alex: Hey Kelsey, I'm sorry I assumed the worst if you it's just I'm so used to having this sort if thing happen to me... and after what you wrote me yesterday I thought you were just trying to push me out of your life... I really care about you so much, if you just want to be friends that's okay, anything as long as I can keep being around you... Please Kelsey, forgive me...?

I texted him back right away,

-Kelsey: Alex, I completely forgive you, it was just a misunderstanding, I don't know what happened last night, it was just too much too fast and I panicked, I really like you Alex but lets just take things slow alright?
-Jack: Kels! Oh my god if you could see him right now, he's jumping around like a five year old, what dyou tell him?!
-Kelsey: hey Jack! I love you and all but I'll tell you all about whats going on in my head when we go shopping... tomorrow? :)
-Jack: Yay! I can't wait! Alex freaked out and doesn't know how to answer your last text so don't wait for that, I don't think it's gonna happen. Meet me here at eleven in the morning, we'll have lunch before hitting the mall. Goodnight! x and "goodnight xx" from Alex ;)
-Kelsey: Okie Dokie! See ya! x

tomorrow should be nice, I'm glad I got that text, I don't know what I would have done tonight if he hadn't spoken to me, I couldn't wait to see him again, oh Alex, what are you doing to me? I went to sleep, dreaming of how it would feel to have Alex walk around holding my hand and holding my waist and all those cute couple stuff, I went to sleep with the most beautiful of images going through my mind.


Hope this is good :/
thanks to everyone who's reading my story, please tell me if there's anything you see I could make better in the future, :)

so umm, Enjoy... ?


FOUND IT GOD I HATE MY PHONE it turned off the awesomeness and I just recently found it again I'm happy

This story...so good. *dies of cuteness*

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110

okay cuteness level just went through the roof
just saying

Valkyrie Valkyrie

HOLY SHIT! I just came across this story and it's beautiful!; - ; I laughed so hard when Kelsy pushed Jack in the fountain xD. So far I'm loving this Story! Keep it up!! <3

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110

Im working on it at the moment as I'm waiting at the airport :P
thanks for reading !!! :D

GhostWriter GhostWriter