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Photographs and Floorboards

Broken Floorboards

“Hey!” I grin up at her,
“Hold on a sec I’ll be right down.” Andy calls just as she turns and disappears behind the door. I stand looking at the people sitting on the stairs awkwardly. The oldest woman stares back at me and says something in german to her daughter making her daughter laugh and her husband smile.
“You are Andy’s Boyfriend?” The man says clearly having a bit of trouble with his English.
“Nien!” Andy shouts along with something else in German just as she re-appears down the stairs with a camera bag slung over her shoulder. I can’t help but laugh as she passes the man and pushes on the back of his head mockingly.
“Sorry. My uncle Frank here seems to think that you and I have been seeing each other for a while.” She shakes her head the smile not breaking, “Come on.” I smile back at her. I feel a small twist in my stomach thinking about what she said. A good feeling though you know.
“Seeing each other as in romantically?” I let out a small chuckle to keep things light.
“That’s what he thinks.” She shrugs and looks up at me. I stare into her blue eyes,
“Is that what this is?” I mutter softly just so that she can hear. Andy looks down at her feet quickly.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea…” She says keeping her gaze away from me.
“I’m sorry.” I sigh and mentally kick myself. I shouldn’t have said anything. I was stupid for thinking she would feel that way about me. Even want to do anything with me. Fuck.
“Nothing to be sorry for.” She smiles, “Come on. The house is just around this corner.” I follow Andy quietly as she picks up the pace so she walks a few steps in front of me.
“Cool, have you been inside before?” She glances back at me,
“Just the first floor. I’m too afraid to go up to the second or third. It looks like the floor is about to just fall through and I don’t want to be on it when It does.”
“Maybe, I’ll get you to venture up to the second and third floor then.” I grin at her. she laughs and looks back at me up through her eyelashes.
“Maybe you will.” A smart-ass smirk spreads across her face just as we walk up to a very old looking german home with green plants with purple flowers climbing up the side that are just starting to reach the roof and go across it. The front door is centered with windows evenly placed on either side of it. One of the most noticeable features is the tree that has fallen through the far side. The house almost looks like it opened up where the tree is, to make room for it to grow. Which it has, It has leaves of a maroon-ish color.
“Oh.” My mouth is left hanging open just looking up at it.
“It’s beautiful right.” Andy smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder. I pull my eyes off of it to look down at her. Her hair falls over her face sticking to her lips. Her cheeks are a slight rosy color from the brisk morning air, and they only make her blue eyes and thick lashes stand out more.
“So beautiful.” And to be honest. I’m not sure if I’m talking about the house or the girl.
“We should go inside…” Andy licks her lips and blinks breaking our eye contact.
“Yeah, sure.” I nod and look away from her. Andy takes the lead pushing open the front door which creaks loudly making a huge squealing noise.
The inside is just as amazing as the outside the wooden walls rotted with time have a moss growing on them, light comes in from the stained, old cracked windows and ocationally you’ll see a cluster of mushrooms sprouting out from the floor. We walk through the building in what must have been the dining room area a pile of pipes with sharp edges that must have been torn out from the kitchen that is almost completely demolished.
Looking at the pile you can see a few that could even appear to be spears coming out of the ground. A staircase stands in the corner going to the upper levels.
“Can we please try to go up?” I say just loud enough for Andy to hear. It feels like you can’t say anything here to loudly or you’ll disrupt the calm nature. Andy looks at me doubtfully.
“You first.”


UNtil I get to working on it, you should check out some of my other fics!

Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten

Thanks so much! I'd love a sequel, I would totally read that! (:

IfIWereATurtle IfIWereATurtle

Hey, I'm sorry! I've been behind on my writing, I'm hoping to pick back up on this and my other stories, because of you I'll make extra effort to finish up the next chapter!

Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten

Oh no! Why did you stop this? I started to read this solely because it takes place in Germany. And it's really good. I wanna know what's going to happen so badly! Please continue (:

it's all good
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten