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How did we end up here??

The day after

i woke and stretched before realizing i was completely naked. I jumped up and immediately grabbed one of zacks shirts and slid it on. i mean, he had seen me naked obviously. it just seemed weird him seeing me naked in daylight. i know i sound crazy but it's just me. he rolled over and laughed me. his hipbones showing and his tattoos basically smiling up at me. he sat up and walked behind me and wrapped his arms behind me and kissed my neck.

"you okay babe? you seem off." i turned around and shook my head no before kissing him. he moved closer to me and i could feel everything. i didnt mind though. i just smiled and left him standing there and i walked into his bathroom. i turned on the shower and took off the shirt leaving my completely bare. he opened the door and i jumped.

"Jesus Zack!! Warning maybe?" he laughed and stepped in shutting the door behind him.

"You're in my house, get used to it." i laughed and he kissed me, our bare bodies basically molding together. i jumped in the shower and was quickly followed by him. i tried to pay zero attentiont to him and just get clean and leave but he really wouldnt let me. he kept pulling me towards him and kissing my body and lips and i wasnt opposed i just didn't really know. i stepped out and he let out a sad groan. he finished up and got out and i was already dressed. he sighed and came up and pulled on my clothes.

"You have to take em off sometime." i laughed knowing he was right but trying not to care.

"calm yourself Merrick. Calm." he started getting ready and i went to the kitchen and sat down at the table with a glass of water. he came in and immediately made a pot of coffee. he offered me some but i declined. he sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

"so today, were going over to my parents house for a family barbeque. if it makes you feel better the rest of the guys from the band will be there too. but its mostly going to be my family." i nodded knowing it had to happen someday.

we left about an hour later and drove to his parents house. it was a small yet beautiful house. the backyard however, was huge. i had never seen this big of a backyard. but that's mostly because in arizona people barely have backyards at all. he led me through the mass amount of people while holding my hand and gaining a lot of stares. i felt my cheeks start to turn red when he stopped and pulled me next to him.

"Mom! Dad! There's someone here i want you to meet." his parents turned around and they looked so happy to see him. Zack looks exactly like his dad but with his moms hair color and eyes. they gave me a hug before stopping to look at me.

"Well, no need to introduce us. She's just as beautiful as you described her!" His mom exclaimed. I smiled as she gave me a hug and his dad did the same.

"Zack?!?!" I heard a girl scream and he turned and around gave her a huge hug. I recognized her immediately, it was his sister. "Oh my god I didn't even know you where back! I thought you were in Arizona?? By the way why were you there anyways??" So he hadn't told her about me. I should be mad but i wasn't. my family didn't even know he was a human being. He smiled and pointed at me and her eyes lit up. "No way. This is your girlfriend?? WOW! Hi, I'm Ashley. You're the lead singer of Over Done aren't you?? I look into every band my brother tours with. And for once I actually liked one of them, and it was your band!" I smiled even bigger. This meant so much especially coming from her.

"Wow thank you! I seriously don't even know what to say. I had no idea people looked into our music like that!" She laughed.

"Girl seriously?? A lead chick singer as pretty as you?? You're going places." I started to blush and she put a hand on my shoulder. "I meant it as a compliment. You got really lucky with this one Zack. Doesn't even realize her beauty or potential. Better keep it that way or she'll leave your sorry butt." She snickered but in a loving way.

"Hey, I think I know what I'm doing thanks a lot." he snickered back. She laughed and walked off. I saw the band in the distance. Rian was with Cassadee and Alex had brought Lisa. Jack was stag as usual but for some reason not even looking at girls. Did he actually know how to control himself? Zack saw me looking at them and led me over to them.

"Amy!!" Jack explained before hugging me and lifting me off the ground. I'm not even that short, I'm 5'6". But all of them make me feel super small. We talked for what felt like forever before Zack and I went in the house to sit down for awhile and just talk.

The rest of the night went by really fast and the next thing I knew we were on our way home and i was dozing off in the car. Zack picked me up and carried me into the house and laid me on his bed. he took off my jeans and his pants and shirt and curled into me.



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