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My Friends Are Everything

We Both Feel Too Much

On a cold December morning, Jenna was awakened when Mandy jumped on her bed.

“Come on pumpkin, we have to go shopping for tonight!” she grinned.

“What’s tonight?” Jenna groggily asked as she sat up.

“Remember Alex is having a party tonight. Its like his last chance to party as a single man since the wedding’s in a week or some shit,” Mandy shrugged.

“I’m not going,” Jenna shrugged.

“Not you too,” Mandy groaned.

“I don’t want to be anywhere near Alex,” Jenna muttered.

“And Nina doesn’t want to be anywhere near Jack. Come on, we need an intervention!” Mandy announced as she pulled on Jenna’s wrist.

“But I’m tired!” Jenna whined as she let Mandy lead her into Nina’s room.

“Can’t I sleep Mandy?” Nina whined.

“No, I need to talk to you two!” Mandy declared as she sat in front of Jenna and Nina.

“Now I know you two are upset about Jack and Alex and believe me, I want to fuck both of them up. Y’all can’t be sulking about them though. You two should be having fun. Jenna you have Spencer; you don’t need Alex. Nina you can easily replace Jack. Ya’ll two have been depressing for like three months now and its starting to piss me off. I know Spencer isn’t too happy about it either Jenna,” she explained.

“I’m trying my best to get over Alex! I really am Mandy, but I’m not ready to face him yet,” Jenna huffed.

“And I need to lay low in case Jack decides to press charges against me for wrecking his car,” Nina muttered.

“I so wish I could’ve been there to see that,” Jenna laughed.

“Okay, just avoid Jack and Alex! Just come out and have fun please. Jenna you can bring Spencer! Nina just sleep with a random guy there and make Jack jealous. Just please come tonight,” Mandy begged.

Nina and Jenna shared a glance.

“Fine, but we need to look fucking sexy,” Nina grumbled and got up.

“I’m in,” Jenna sighed.

“Great! Get dressed; we’re going to the mall!” Mandy smiled.

“I’m calling Spencer to see if he wants to go to the mall with us!” Jenna announced as she walked back into her room.

About half an hour later, the girls walked out of the house and climbed in Spencer’s truck.

“Hey you,” Spencer smiled and leaned over to kiss Jenna.

“Hey,” Jenna smiled.

“So what are you girls getting at the mall?” Spencer asked as drove off.

“New dresses,” Mandy replied.

“Its winter,” Spencer laughed.

“We have to look sexy for the party tonight,” Nina shrugged.

He nodded. The remainder of the car ride was silent. As soon as Spencer parked, the girls jumped out; eager to go shopping.

“Oh shit; I’m scared,” Spencer laughed as they drug him into the mall.

“Why?” Jenna laughed.

“I’m with three girls who love shopping,” he laughed.

“You know my birthday is next month and I have no money for a dress,” Nina grinned at him.

“And its almost Christmas!” Mandy sang.

“And I’m your girlfriend!” Jenna smiled.

“I can already feel my wallet getting lighter,” he mumbled.

“Thank you!” they squealed and hugged the life out of him.

“I bet you looked like a fucking pimp!” Mandy laughed as they continued walking.

“I am a pimp!” Spencer laughed as she slung an arm over Jenna and Nina’s shoulders.

“Alright pimp, buy me a damn dress!” Nina yelled and walked into Victoria’s Secret.

“So whose party are you going to tonight?” he asked as they followed Nina into the store.

“You’re going too,” Jenna smiled up at him.

“Okay whose party are we going to?” he smiled.

“Alex’s,” she muttered as she looked through a rack of dresses.

“Come again?” he asked.

“Alex’s,” she muttered a little louder.

“Oh hell no! I’m not going!” he spat.

“Come on Spencer, please! Just for a little while?” she pleaded.

“No Jenna, I can’t stand his guts and I don’t want to be around him. I really don’t want you to be around him but I can’t control that. I don’t want to go!” he groaned.

“Please? We don’t even have to talk to Alex. The girls really want me to go and I don’t want to go by myself,” she whined.

“No, Jenna. I’m not going,” he said sternly.

“Fine, I guess you won’t get to see me in my new dress. I was hoping you’d go because Nina said we all have to look really sexy. Oh well though,” she shrugged.

“Wait, what?” he asked.

“Nina wants us to show everyone up, so she’s making us get super sexy dresses. I wanted someone to notice. Maybe Alex will,” she pondered.

“Okay fine, I’ll go,” he groaned.

“Yay! Thank you!” she smiled as she kissed his cheek.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m picking out your dress though,” he smirked.


Around eight that night, Jenna and Nina were adding finishing touches to their outfits.

“Are we high maintenance?” Jenna asked as she slipped into her heels.

“Little bit,” Nina laughed as she added eyeliner to her eyes.

A honk outside signaled that Spencer was waiting for them.

“Ready?” Jenna sighed.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Nina sighed and grabbed her clutch.

They made their way downstairs and outside, locking up behind them. They got in Spencer’s truck and he gawked at her.

“God damn I’m so glad I picked that dress,” he breathed out.

“Don’t pop a boner Spenc; you haven’t even gotten her out of it yet,” Nina smirked at from the backseat.

“Aren’t you lovely tonight?” Spencer laughed.

“Love you too,” she smiled.

“I am so not excited about this,” Jenna groaned as they neared Alex’s house.

“You and me both,” Spencer muttered as he parked outside the house.

They all reluctantly got out and made their way inside. There were already tons of people there. Everyone was already drinking or they were already drunk like Rian.

“There you guys are,” Mandy smiled as she hugged them.

“I thought you guys weren’t going to show,” she smiled.

“We were thinking about it,” Nina muttered.

“Well you’re here now, lets have fun!” Mandy smiled.

“Easier said than done,” Jenna muttered.

They all walked into the living room and saw Jack sitting on the couch next to his girlfriend. He seemed solemn and spaced out while his girlfriend talked his ear off. He caught sight of them and smiled lightly.

“Hey guys,” he smiled.

“Hey Jack,” Spencer smiled.

“Ladies,” Jack nodded.

Jenna smiled lightly while Nina avoided his gaze.

“Jack, aren’t you going to introduce us?” his girlfriend smiled lightly.

“Oh yeah, um Dani that’s Jenna, Spencer…and Nina. Guys this is Danielle,” he introduced.

“Please call me Danielle, I hate Dani,” she laughed lightly.

“Well hi, its nice to meet you,” Jenna smiled lightly.

“You too, I’ve heard a lot about you guys. Are you the same Nina that smashed his car?” Danielle asked Nina.

“Yup,” Nina smiled proudly.

“Why did you do it?” Danielle asked.

“Well, Dani, your boyfriend deserved it,” Nina smirked and walked away.

Jenna and Spencer followed her.

“Please call me Danielle, I hate Dani,” they heard Nina mock.

“She’s a nice girl,” Spencer laughed.

“She’s fucking snobby,” Nina sneered as she opened Alex’s cabinet.

She pulled out a bottle of tequila and four shot glasses.

“Get drunk with me!” she smiled as she poured the shots.

The four of them sat on the stools at the counter and started their drinking binge.

“Where’s Zack at?” Jenna asked.

“I saw him earlier with Sophie. I think they’re together,” Mandy muttered before downing another shot.

“When the hell did that happen?” Nina asked.

“Who knows? I wonder if she misses us,” Jenna pondered.

“She does,” Mandy answered.

“How do you know?” Nina asked.

“Hello! We’ve been best friends with her for like ever. She needs to fucking grow a pair and apologize to Jenna,” Mandy muttered as she downed another shot.

“Maybe you should slow down Mandy,” Spencer laughed.

“You slow down!” she whined.

“Well it looks like the fun party’s in here,” a familiar voice laughed.

The girls’ eyes widened and they turned to see one of their old friends, and Alex’s and Sophie’s cousin, standing at the door.

“Sara!” Jenna yelled.

The three ran over to her and almost tackled her in hugs.

“Oh my God we missed you!” Jenna smiled.

“You look fucking hot!” Nina yelled.

“You never come to see us anymore!” Mandy pouted.

“Sorry guys, I’ve been working,” Sara laughed.

“I never knew being a pastry chef would be so busy,” Mandy laughed.

“Has she been drinking?” Sara laughed.

“We all have; come join us,” Nina smiled and pulled on her wrist.

“Oh Sara this is Spencer, Spencer that’s Sara,” Jenna introduced.

Spencer turned to Sara and his eyes widened at the sight of her.

“Uh, hey nice to meet you,” Spencer smiled and held out his hand.

“You too,” Sara smiled, taking his hand.

“So what’s been up baby doll?” Nina smiled as she passed a shot to Sara.

“Nothing much, I’ve just been working a lot. I’m taking a break though,” she shrugged.

“Well that’s good. You deserve it,” Jenna smiled.

“So are you single?” Mandy asked.

“Yeah, I just got out of relationship recently,” she muttered.

“What happened?” Jenna asked.

“He said I worked too much and I didn’t pay attention to him enough. He was a total crybaby,” she scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

“Aw I’m sorry honey,” Nina frowned as she hugged her lightly.

“Please, I’ve been over it,” Sara laughed after she downed her shot.

“God damn I have to pee,” Jenna hissed as she got off her stool.

She rushed upstairs and into the bathroom. After using the bathroom, she washed her hands and walked out. As she was headed for the steps, somebody grabbed her arm and pulled her into a bedroom. As she attempted to scream, a hand clamped over her mouth. The door closed and she was lightly pushed into a wall. She looked up and menacingly glared at her captor.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You scared the shit out of me!” she yelled at Alex as she pushed his hand away.

“I needed to talk to you!” he hissed.

“Well you didn’t have to fucking scare me. Now what the hell do you want?” she snapped.

“I wanted to apologize for that night at the club,” he muttered.

“It took you three months to apologize?” she hissed.

“Well you’ve been avoiding me all the time!” he barked.

“Why shouldn’t I be avoiding you? You’ve been making passes at me while my boyfriend is in the room!” she barked.

“Only because I realized how much I care about you and how much I want to be with you! Jenna, I can’t even begin to describe my feelings for you,” he muttered.

“No! Don’t start this again Alex. Why can’t you let me be happy with Spencer?” she seethed.

“Because I know you’re not happy with him! I can see it Jenna; you want out, but you don’t want to be alone so that’s why you haven’t ended things,” he told her

“How did you know?” she whispered.

“I know you better than you think. If you ended things with him; you wouldn’t be alone. I’d be right there with you everyday,” he muttered.

“God Alex just stop it! I can’t fucking take this anymore! You’re getting married in a week! I’m trying to be happy with Spencer but it is so damn hard when I can’t shake these feelings for you. And now you decide to give up on your fiancé and go after me! It is too much to take in. I can’t fucking handle it!” she cried, not bothering to stop the tears going down her cheeks.

“Oh my God please don’t cry,” he pleaded.

She turned her back to him and quietly cried into her hands.

“I’m sorry Jenna, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he muttered as he turned her around.

He tightly hugged her and let her cry on his shoulder.

“I just couldn’t hide my feelings any longer,” he muttered.

“Alex you’re supposed to be happy with your fiancé,” she sighed, wiping her tears.

“But I don’t love her Jenna; I never did. Its always been you,” he muttered, kissing her forehead.

“I can’t do this Alex,” she muttered as she pulled away from him.

“Jenna please,” Alex pleaded and reached for her hand.

“Just don’t,” she muttered as she walked out.

She walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find Spencer and Sara talking and laughing. Spencer caught sight of Jenna and jumped up, walked over to her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Can we just go please?” she sniffled.


Around two in the morning, Jenna was awakened by her cell-phone ringing. Spencer lifted his head and glared at the phone. He groaned and collapsed on his back; trying to get back to sleep. Jenna groaned and grabbed her phone. She sighed when as Alex’s name flashed on the screen.

“Who is it?” Spencer grumbled.

“I’ll just take it in the living room,” she muttered and stood up.

She walked out of the bedroom and sat on the couch. She sighed before answering the phone.

J- …Hello?

A-Hey, uh, its me.

J-What do you want Alex?

A-I just wanted to see if you were okay.

J-I’m okay now. Is there anything else?

A-Can we just please talk about this Jenna?

J-There’s nothing to say Alex. This isn’t right; you’re getting married in a week and I’m with Spencer.

A-But we can change that all Jenna. Just tell me what you want.

J-You really want to know what I want?

A-Yeah, I really do.

J-I want you to be happy with your fiancé and forget about us. I’m trying to be happy with Spencer and you should be happy with Sabrina.

A-But Jenna…

J-Goodbye Alex.

She hung up and wiped away the few tears that were going down her cheeks. She sighed and walked back into the bedroom.

“Who was that?” Spencer asked as he sat up.

She shook her head and crawled across the bed. She straddled his hips and wrapped her arms around his neck. She lightly kissed him and guiltily wished that she was kissing Alex.

“I love you,” she whispered, even though it wasn’t entirely true.

Spencer smiled and pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

“I love you too,” he smiled.

And for now, this was good enough for her.


I just started reading this and I absolutely love it. But Alex can't marry Sabrina! Him and Jenna just have to get together already!! ):
Jp_ayee Jp_ayee
ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCKCKCKCKKC YOU BITCH!!!! (im realy upset right now)
HE CANT MARRY HER omg im gonna die! please update soon i love this
Shootupsunshine Shootupsunshine
I like this a lot!! You should come back c: