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If This Is What He Wants

I wasn't in the best mood today.
Rian was leaving for his flight to California in the morning, and I was really gonna miss him. He and I have been friends since middle school; he's always been there for me through it all. We’re best bros, and it’s really gonna suck and be lonely-some without him. When he moved with his parents to their new home in Maryland, I kept in contact with him all the time. It was only for a year and a half, and that sucked big time. Now, he'll be all the way across the country, living it up with Cass.
Don't get me wrong, I’m happy for my best friend, but I hate that I have to lose him again after only a few months of being reunited.
This fucking sucks.
Right now, I was helping him pack his last two boxes of stuff. He wasn't packing much with him; mainly just clothes and miscellaneous items. But man, the dude’s got a lot of that.
“Alright, I've just gotta seal this last box up, and we’ll be done!” Rian announced, as I moved a sort of heavy box to the corner with the rest of the boxes.
“Dammit, Rian. You've got a lot of fucking music in here.” I let out a harsh sigh as I dropped the box to the ground.
“Ha yeah, sorry. Hey, you know Cass is gonna let me get a drum set!”
I raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief.
“Really? She really wants you banging her ears off??”
“Yeah, it's a sexual act.” Rian chuckled, causing me to laugh with him.
I was really gonna miss joking around with my best friend.
As I remembered the fact that he would be leaving, I started to frown again.
“Hey, what's the matter, dude?” Rian had a worried look on his face, and placed his hand on my shoulder in concern.
“I dunno…I’m just gonna miss you, Man.” I sighed in response.
Rian sighed as well, and pulled me into a hug.
“I'm gonna miss you too, dude. What do ya say we go out and get some beers to celebrate?” He beamed, as he pulled out of the hug.
One last beer with Rian, until God knows when. Sigh.
“Sure, sounds good!” I smiled, walking over to the couch to pick up my jacket.

We were soon at a bar, reminiscing and sharing laughs. He started telling me about Cass, and how he proposed to her at her favorite fancy restaurant. Then, he told me about how they're thinking of getting married on a beach or something, and how Cass has been searching online for bridal shops already.
“I honestly don't care what she wears, I just know she'll look perfect when she walks down that aisle.” Rian’s face was gleaming with joy, as he spoke about his future wife.
I admire the pure love that he has for Cass. It makes me wonder what it would be like to have someone look at me in that way. To have them be so smitten for me, that they'd get all starry-eyed whenever they even heard my name.
“You're zoning out. What's up?” Rian asked, giving me a knowing look.
“I'm never gonna have that.” I shrugged.
“Have what?” He cocked his head to the side in confusion.
That. That's probably never gonna happen for me.”
“Well, no..unless your husband wants to wear a wedding dress..”
“No, Rian..I'm being serious.”
“So…you're saying that you envy me?” Rian smirked.
“Well…in a way, I guess. I envy what you guys have, you know? You guys are perfect for each other.” I sighed.
“Hey, you'll get there one day. I mean come on, Alex. You're a handsome young man, you'll find somebody!”
“Okay, thanks Dad.” I joked, causing Rian to laugh.
“But seriously, Alex. You've been here for what, three months now? You're telling me you haven't found anybody yet? Anyone who catches your eye?”
I thought back to meeting Jack, two days ago. He definitely caught my eye, for sure.
I began biting my lip, trying to contain my smile from the thought of that cute, goofy guy from the coffee shop.
“Hey…you're getting all blushy! I must be right!” Rian smirked and raised his eyebrows.
“Well…there is this one guy..” I chuckled nervously, looking down at my beer.
“I knew it! Spill.” Rian grinned, turning to give me his full attention.
“Well…I went to this little coffee shop a few days ago, and…there was this guy working there. He was super hot, Rian. We flirted for a bit, and he gave me his phone number!”
“He did??”
“Yeah, Rian! He wrote it on the cup! Is that the cutest thing ever, or what??” I beamed, with a huge grin plastered on my face.
“Whoa, calm your boobs, Alexa.” Rian laughed, causing me to only blush and smile even harder.
“It seems like this guy really likes you, maybe you two could hit it off.” He smirked, as he took a swig of his beer.
“I dunno..maybe.. I'm just scared, ya know? What if it doesn't work out? What if we don't become a Rian and Cass??” I looked at him with worry.
“Well you never know unless you actually try it out. Give the guy a chance, Lex. I think you two just might work.” Rian gave me a reassuring pat on the back, before holding his bottle back up to his lips.
Maybe Rian’s right.
Maybe I should give him a chance.
Maybe I'll actually call him!
I want to try this out with Jack.
Hopefully, it'll work out.


Sorry, it's just a filler. A really suckish one.
But Jalex incoming thooo.

Sorry I haven't updated in a week; I was trying to pre-write more chapters for this, and update There's A Ghost In This Room at the same time. Also, writer's block is a bitch. But I'm gonna start updating this more often, though.

Also, I freakin love you guys. Please leave me comments for motivation <333

Thanks! :)

Title cred: Stay Together For The Kids- Blink-182


This was great booboo

Daydreamers Daydreamers

Yay birthday smut! <3

ashleywinter ashleywinter

@Alex Gascarth
Missed you tooo boooo cx

JacksWife678 JacksWife678

I missed you boo

Daydreamers Daydreamers

woooo! cx

Haha oh my gosh cx And luckyy! I want one!

@Alex Gascarth

JacksWife678 JacksWife678