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Welcome To My Life

We checked in, checked out, checkmate

“Alex” Jack said stiffly, while Jenna and I greeted each other a lot more enthusiastically.
“Jack” Alex replied.
An awkward silence followed.

“Oh come on, will you just stop being pissed at each other?” I asked them. “Jack, Alex is right, you should stop bullying. Alex, Jack can’t help it he’s a jerk, give him a break.”
Both Alex and Jack looked at me confused.
“You’re actually standing up for him?” Alex asked me, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes. You’d be idiots to let your friendship go to waste over something so stupid. You don’t realize how lucky you are with the friends you have, until you don’t have any” I explained, causing Alex, Jack and Jenna to be quiet.

“Well, that escalated quickly” Jenna attempted to lighten the mood.
“Well, it’s true. It’s no fun always sitting alone during lunch, not having anyone to talk to when you need to…” I shrugged.
“Yes, but no more of that. You have us now!” Jenna exclaimed.
“Speak for yourself. She might be my cousin but that doesn’t make her my friend” Jack groaned.

Jenna rolled her eyes. “Stop being such a whiny bitch.”
I looked at Jenna, raising my eyebrows. Since when did she talk to Jack like that?
“Shut up” Jack growled in return.
“I’m surprised you even want to be friends with him” Jenna told Alex, shaking her head. “I have to go get something from my locker, see you later!”
She quickly disappeared.

“What was that all about?” I asked Jack.
“Nothing” he groaned.
“They’re just bitter” Alex shrugged.
“About…?” I asked him, as I figured Jack wasn’t about to say anything.
“You know, Jack cheating and Jenna being pissed at him and…” Alex started.

“Hold the fuck up. What?” I turned to look at Jack, who was avoiding my gaze. “You and Jenna? You couldn’t have mentioned that to me?”
“Well, this is awkward” Alex muttered.
“I’m not exactly proud of it…” Jack muttered, still not looking at me.
“Proud of what? Cheating or dating her?” I asked him.
“Both” he replied.

“So it’s true?” I asked, still in disbelief.
“Yes” Jack said. “Can we drop it now?”
“No. When did this happen?” I continued firing questions at him.
“Last year” he replied. “And I’m not answering anymore questions about Jenna.”

“Then why do you bully her if you were once in love with her?” I continued nonetheless.
“I wouldn’t go as far as saying I was in love with her. And that’s all I have to say about it” Jack groaned, clearly getting annoyed.
I decided to stop asking him questions. I would interrogate Jenna later. Without saying another word, Jack turned around and headed inside, leaving me and Alex.

“You seriously didn’t know that?” he asked.
“Nope. Jack doesn’t tell me a lot” I replied. “We don’t exactly call each other every night to tell us all about our lives.”
“I get that, but you two are awfully distant for two family members” Alex shrugged.

“Just because he’s family does not mean I have to like him. You can’t choose your family but if I could, I definitely wouldn’t have chosen Jack, my aunt or my uncle. Or my parents for that matter” I sighed.
“What’s wrong with your parents?” Alex asked curiously.
“Don’t get me started” I replied.
“Oh please do, I’d love to hear it” Alex said, sounding genuine.

Why would he care though? He hardly knew me. Even the people who did know me, didn’t care. They probably didn’t care because they knew me. Because they knew how screwed up I was. Even my own parents didn’t give a shit, so why would this random boy who also happens to be best friends with one of my least favorite people at the moment, care? He would probably tell Jack all about what I told him and they’d hold it against me. Nope, I was definitely not about to tell Alex all about my life. I shouldn’t have let the part about my parents slip. Just when I was about to think of a reply to Alex, the school bell rang. Saved by the bell.

“Gotta go to class” I told Alex and I quickly turned around and went inside before he could stop me.

Finding my first classroom was a lot easier already than it had been yesterday. I sat down next to Jenna, who had saved me a seat.
“You dated Jack?” I exclaimed, as soon as I sat down.
Jenna’s face turned red. “H-How do you know that?”
“Alex let it slip” I shrugged. “But did you?”
“Fine, yes I did.” Jenna replied. She didn’t exactly seem eager to talk about it either.

“Then why is he such a jerk to you?” I asked.
“That’s something you should ask him” she replied.
“What happened between you? Alex mentioned something about cheating?”
“Yes, he cheated on me, I found out, got mad and gave him the silence treatment and then he got mad at me and decided it would be fun to shove me against lockers and stuff like that, and that’s where we are now. Can we not talk about it anymore?” Jenna said quickly.
I sighed. It was clearly a touchy subject for both of them. “Fine.” I said, though I was still determined to find out more about this odd couple.


Sorry it took so long! So little time :(

Title credit: All Time Low - Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me


Oh shiiiiiiiiiit

Taylah8481 Taylah8481

aww. poor alex ;-;

neverland_3 neverland_3

Oh Jack come on!!

Taylah8481 Taylah8481

i just read this story and i love it! please update soon♥

neverland_3 neverland_3

Update soon<3

Jagk Jagk