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Time Bomb

Chapter Three

About a month passed since we found out that we were pregnant, we haven’t told anyone so it’ll be a surprise. I was really, really excited to tell everyone at once, we made a plan to have a big cook out at my dad’s house where everyone is going to be there; I hope. We bought me a shirt that says “Now eating for two” because I’m really nervous so that’s how I’m going to tell them. I’m going to wear one of Alex’s zip up hoodies all day and take it off when we’re all gathered in a room. I bought a t-shirt for Kenz that says “Best Freakin God Mother Ever” on it. I’m going to give it to her before we make our announcement,
“Baby girl you ready?” Alex asked leashing Baltimore
I nodded and we walked out to his car, dog and shirt in hand. When we got to my dads house there were already so many cars.
“I’m nervous.” I said
“Just put the jacket on and go one with normal conversations. It’s going to be okay.” He said
I nodded and pulled his jacket on zipping it up all of the way, it went down to about my knees when I stood up.
“Lets go.” I smiled
We got out and instantly smelled the burgers and hot dogs on the grill, it was comforting which was surprising because my sense of smell is dead on and certain smells make me sick. Alex walked into the backyard and I into the house to hide the present for Kenz, I put it in my room and walked out to meet up with my hubby.
“Hey there!” Jimmy yelled pulling me into a hug
“Hey Jim Jim.” I smiled
He kissed the top of my head and smiled down at me
“What?” I asked
“I’m clean.” He said
“That’s fantastic!” I yelled jumping into his arms he smiled and spun me around.
“It’s all thanks to you.” He said
“Well you know.” I smiled
He smiled and shoved me back, I safely landed in Alex’s arms.
“I’m even more nervous.” I whispered to him
“We’re going to be fine Ry, let’s eat.” He said
I nodded and we walked over to where all the food was sitting, we got our plates and sat down with everyone in the backyard.
“So.” Jimmy said
We all looked at him
“I wanted to send out a huge thanks to Brian and Ryan for helping me get clean. Without Ryan’s bossiness and Brian’s persistence I would have lost my family, then my job, and then probably my life.” Jimmy said
I smiled at him and Brian looked very proud.
The night went on and I kept getting more and more nervous as everyone began to settle into the living room, my hands were shaking so bad that I couldn’t even hold my glass. Alex sat there telling me just to calm down a little bit, but I couldn’t and I didn’t know why. I knew they were all going to be excited and it’s not like I’m a teenager; I’m married for christ’s sake. Babies are supposed to happen with marrage.
“I’m going to go outside for a bit.” I said
“Want company?” Alex and Mackenzie asked
They looked at each other
“I need some air, and time to think. Thank you though.” I said
They both nodded and I walked out to the back yard and sat on the swing bench, Baltimore trotted over and jumped up with me.
“I’m nervous buddy.” I said to him
He just kept eye contact with me so I’d know he was listening.
“It used to just be you and me in an apartment. Now we’re going to be getting a house soon and there is a baby on the way. I’m nervous to tell them, I don’t know why. Do you think I’ll be a good mom?” I asked him
He licked my face.
“That’s why I love you.” I said
We sat out there for a little bit and finally went inside, I walked straight upstairs to get the shirt. When I walked downstairs and Alex stood up.
“I got you something Kenz.” I said
Everyone turned and looked at me, I handed her the box and as she opened it I took my jacket off.
“What?” She asked
I smiled as she looked up
“WHAT?!” She squealed
Everyone else was making noise as well
“We’re pregnant. Alex and I are going to be parents.” I smiled
I looked around at everyone smiling faces and my dad was just staring at me.
“You okay daddy?” I asked
“I’m in shock.” He said
“Why?” I asked
“It feels like I just handed you away at the altar.” He said
I smiled and he was still just staring at me.
“Do you have a problem with this?” Mackenzie asked him
He shook his head no but I knew he was lying.
“Why do you have a problem?” I asked
“Let’s not start this right now, maybe later.” He said
I looked around at our friends and family and they were all staring at him.
“They’re going to find out anyways.” I said
“I think you two are too young to be having a baby right now.” He said
“And why do you think that?” I asked
“Because I know what it’s like to have a baby at a young age.” He said
“There is a difference between you and us dad. We’re married and I’m not a drug dealer.” I said placing my hands on my hips
He stood up,
“I know that, I just don’t want you two to be in a tough situation with a child.” He said
“You act like Alex doesn’t get paid as much as he does, and I get paid pretty well too.” I said
“Yeah, Alex gets paid royalties every time someone buys or plays something of his.” Mackenzie said defending me
“I can’t say I disagree with your dad, I think you guys are too young as well.” Brian piped up
“You of all people have no room to speak.” I snapped
“Excuse me?” He asked
Jimmy looked over at me and I just kept my eyes locked on Brian.
“I said, you have no room to talk about me being too young for a baby. You’re the biggest fucking manwhore I know, you have five kids. And that’s five kids that you know about.” I said
He squinted his dark eyes at me
“She’s right.” Jimmy laughed
“Jimmy.” Brian growled
“He’s just stating a simple fact that Ryan is correct.” Mackenzie said
“Stay out of this.” Brian said
“Maybe we should leave.” Alex interjected
“Maybe we should.” I said
He collected my things and we went to walk towards the front door.
“I hope you come to your fucking senses dad.” I said as we walked out leaving Baltimore there for the night.
As we were driving home I huffed, Alex just stayed silent and took my hand in his; rubbing it with his thumb. I sighed as we went through green lights, all of the lights we hit were green; never would I wish for a red light but right now I do. I don’t want to sit in my house, I want to sit in the car with Alex for a few more minutes
“Can we not go home?” I asked
“Where do you want to go?” He asked
“How about the beach?” I asked
“The beach is empty.” He said
“That’s why I want to go there.” I said
He nodded and instead of turning the direction of our apartment he heads for the beach, as we pulled up he turned his headlight out so we would disturb the people living in the beach front houses… I took my shoes off and we walked into the warm sand; it squished in between my toes. We held hands and walked up to the water, it splashed up into my ankles; soaking my yoga pants. I didn’t even care.
“Are you okay?” Alex asked
I turned and looked at him
“I didn’t think my dad would be the one who wasn’t okay with us having a baby. I expected it to be Jimmy or one of the guys.” I said
He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and looked me right in the eye
“Your dad will get used to the feeling, I think he’s just shocked that he’s going to become a grandpa so soon after giving his daughter away.” He said
I nodded and he pulled me close to him, I laid my head on his chest and sighed once again.
“He’ll get over it, I promise.” He said
I nodded
“We’ve got to tell your mom… And the guys.” I said
“We can tell the guys tonight, I mean you’re wearing a shirt that pretty much screams ‘I’m pregnant’ on it.” He smiled
“Okay, I can do that. I know that they’ll be excited.” I said
We agreed to go to Jack’s where all the guys were but we still just stood on the beach and looked at the moons reflecting in the ocean.
“Let’s go.” I said
“Are you calmer?” He asked
“Much.” I said
He smiled and picked me up and carried me to the car.
“I love you.” He said placing a kiss on my nose
“I love you too.” I smiled getting into the car
We drove in silence to Jack’s place, we just walked in after we arrived
“Anyone here?” I asked
“Basement!” I heard three voices yell
We walked downstairs and they were playing video games, there weren’t just three people there were five. Zach was with some girl and Rian was with Cassadee.
“Hey there guys.” Jack said from his lonely spot on the couch
“You’re pregnant!” Cassadee screeched excitedly
“Yes!” I squealed forgetting my shirt said it all
“Yes!” Jack yelled hopping up and jumping around
He jumped over to me and fell to his knees; pressing his ear to my belly.
“I’m predicting a girl.” He said
“What are you the fetus whisperer?” Alex asked
“Yes.” He said
I laughed
“I think it’ll be a boy.” Rian said
“Agreed.” Everyone else said
“Why?” Jack asked
“Because boy0s run in Alex’s family.” Rian said
“There is still a fifty fifty chance of it being a girl.” Jack said, still hugging my tummy
“I guess we’ll find out when the baby is born.” Alex and I said
“Wait!” Jack screamed
“What?” I asked
“What do you mean until she’s born?” Jack asked
“You guys don’t get to find out until it’s born.” Alex said
“Why would you do that to us?” Jack whined from the floor
“To hear you whine.” I said
“You two must hate us.” Jack said
I laughed and helped him off of the floor, he looked as if he were going to cry.
“Don’t cry.” Alex said slapping the back of his head
“Don’t hit.” I said
Jack laughed and invited us to come sit on the couch.
“I’m Lisa McKinnon.” The girl sitting next to Zach said
“Ryan.” I smiled
“Are you Zach’s girlfriend?” Alex asked
She looked over at Zach and stared at him.
“I don’t know, ask him.” She said
“Zachary?” I asked
“I would like her to be, I just haven’t asked yet.” Zach smiled nervously
She smiled behind him and leaned over his back; kissing his cheek.
We all laughed and we settled in and started watching Edward Scissorhands, when the movie ended the other guys left and it was just Alex, Jack and I.
“So my dad is disapproving of the baby.” I said
“Why?” Jack asked
“Thinks we’re too young.” Alex said
“Well that’s bullshit. You two are going to be fantastic parents.” He said
“He apparently doesn’t think so.” I said
“He’ll get over it, you’re his only daughter.” Jack smiled
I nodded and Alex and I decided that it was time to go home, we said our goodbyes and left Jack’s apartment. When we made it into our parking garage I was exhausted and ready to go to bed. We took the elevator up and walked into our apartment only to hear sobbing coming from the living room.
“Mackenzie?” I asked turning on the light
She looked up and me, her mascara running down to her chin, her eyes bloodshot and her hair was a mess.
“What’s wrong?” I asked
“It’s over.” She sobbed.



Okay. :D Just let me know. :)

Nanook Nanook

I am working on one but its still just an idea. I'm hopeful though

Mrs. Gaskarth Mrs. Gaskarth

:D Yay!

Nanook Nanook

I will definitely message you when I start to post another Alex OC

Mrs. Gaskarth Mrs. Gaskarth

Aww, it's over. :'( Wasn't expecting it to end so quickly but I'm glad it ended happily! :)
One thing I noted that seemed off with the last update though:
The wedding was absolutely beautiful but I was so excited for our parents to take the kiddos so I could drink and dance with my best friend at her wedding.
Hopefully by "drink" she meant non-alcoholic, since she's pregnant... but generally when this is said I think the thought is alcoholic. :O
But really cute how they're having their second ones practically together.
Overall, awesome job with this story! I'm so happy you came back to finish it; it's not something I see too often if at all, so that was really cool. :) You did a great job with wrapping it up, and you did more than one update after you came back, which showed you still had a love for this story, which is admirable to see that dedication still there. Usually when authors come back, they'll do one update and that's it. And will just conclude it there.
So yeah, I enjoyed reading Ryan and Alex's story! If you write anymore Alex and OC let me know. I will happily check it out. :)

Nanook Nanook