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Be Careful What You Wish For

Chapter 1: A Circle is Cast

The candles’ glow fills the dark room as they all light up at once. The only other thing in the room is a girl. The orange light tints her skin color and makes her face visible. She walks closer to the circle, and a candle in her hand lights up out of nowhere. The girl walks inside and places the candle where she had entered. She opens the circle and begins the spell. Ancient words spill from her mouth almost like dripping water since she has never used this spell before. In fact, she has barely any knowledge of the spell part of who she is.
This girl is a witch. No, she’s not the one that rides a broomstick, has green skin, and wears a pointed hat. Real witches aren’t like that. No, she looks completely normal and acts completely normal besides the fact that she has CSP, chronic skin picking, and sometimes goes back to her trichotillomania ways with her eyelashes. Currently, that has started happening again. So no, she’s not that kind of witch. She’s just an eighteen-year-old girl with troubles that also just happens to have come from a witch family on her mother’s side, giving her powers and knowledge. Yes, she’s completely normal.
As the last words fall off her tongue, her brown hair with red highlights start to lift up. Her emerald eyes with a chesnut center almost seem to glow with power. Then just like that, it all ends. The girl closes the circle, and all of the candles go out. She has no idea if the spell even worked. She used a wishing spell that she found in her mother’s old grimoire. The wish was this. She’s so lonely. She has no one, so she wants someone in her life. She wants someone that will be there. She wants her soulmate with her.
The brunette leaves the room, which turns out to be the attic, and goes back to her own room. The walls are a mint green, and the carpet is a light brown. All of the wood in the room is a darker brown, and there are posters by her bed that has pale blue sheets. The hazel-eyed girl plans on putting up some of nature photography soon, but she doesn’t know when that will be. Hopefully, it will be soon. Nature is the only thing she really likes capturing with a camera, and she is proud of her work. Her mom would be proud of it.
The eighteen-year-old shakes the thought out of her head. She goes over to her laptop on the desk and opens it. She plans on making another cover before bed, but first she wants to see what’s going on in the internet world. Nothing is really happening. She just sees a few funny tweets. Because nothing catches her eyes, she decides that it would be good if she just went ahead and did the cover then. She’s about to click out of the page when she sees that Jack Barakat, her favorite band member, has just tweeted. Since he always tweets funny and crazy things, she decides to go ahead and read it.
“I just met a strange her in my dream. She had on this mask, so I couldn’t see her face. I wonder what that means.”
That’s weird. Normally, he tweets random stuff, but this isn’t really random at all. The strange thing is what he saw. She did just cast that spell... Of course, her soulmate couldn’t be Jack Barakat. He’s far too cute and amazing for someone like her. She’s just a normal witch that probably won’t get anywhere in life. There is just no way that he was dreaming about her, right? There’s just no way.
The brunette clicks off the internet and goes over to grab her bass named Peter Pan. It’s a beautiful green, and it reminds her of the Disney version. She loves Peter Pan, and that’s also why she named her light blue cello, Wendy. It reminds her of the young girl’s nightgown. The hazel-eyed girl picks up Peter and gets her camcorder set up. It’s really good at recording sound, and she found it on sale. Although, she still had to save up her money in order to get it. The last thing that she does is put on her mask. It’s a half-face mask that is gold with a moon on top and music note designs on it.
With everything set up, she starts the music to the song “Six Feet Under the Stars”. The song is easy on bass, and she finds herself not missing a note. Her voice is just as perfect as her fingers. Selene finds no trouble in singing the song. Of course, there aren’t all that many she has real trouble with. Sleeping with Sirens is the only one that she has a hard time singing because her voice is nowhere near as high as Kellin’s.
When the song is over, she turns off the camcorder and puts the video onto her computer to upload. It’s takes a bit of time, but it’s not like she’s in a hurry. Once it finishes, the brunette puts it onto the website that has all of her covers on it. It’s all under a different name. She isn’t confident, so she doesn’t want her real name or face on the internet connected to her singing. It’s not like she’s ugly. It’s just that she has always put herself down because of her CSP.
It doesn’t take long for there to be a few comments. She has been getting more popular lately which is fine by her. The first comment is kind and compliments her singing. The second one tells her that she’s great and should put up another cover. The next one is rude and mentions that she never shows herself because she’s ugly and should go die. That’s hurts her feelings, but she feels better after someone comments on that comment and tells them off. The more people that watch her, the more she gets comments like this, but she tries not to let them get her down. It can be hard, but then she remembers all of the good comments that she gets as well.
The eighteen-year-old turns the computer off and closes it. She doesn’t go directly to bed though. She goes over to her mother’s grimoire and opens it up to a certain spell. It’s a bad dream remover spell. The girl has had so many nightmares. They make her wake up in a sweat with tears in her eyes. When she saw this spell, she knew that she needed to try it. She’s been using it for a week now, and it’s working nicely, well, kind of. This thing is that it’s actually taking all of her dreams away. She wasn’t planning on that, but it is still better than having to deal with those nightmares.
The thought of that spell backfiring makes her question if the new spell will work. Will it cause something else to happen as well? Not every spell has turned out bad, but most have. With no training, it’s hard to be the best at this. It’s not like her human aunt and uncle could help her. In fact, they don’t like that she wants to learn magick. Actually, they think that she’s not using it at all. That’s why she did the spell in the attic. They don’t go up there because her mother’s stuff is up there.
They are part of the reason why she feels alone. They don’t like anything that she likes. She likes nature, gardening, music, and magick. Her uncle likes sports, and her aunt likes sewing. It’s hard to believe that they are related, but she is indeed related to her aunt. The brunette wishes that her aunt would like cooking. At least they could talk about fresh ingredients. Instead, she’s stuck with two people that don’t really pay much attention to her. In fact, the hazel-eyed girl is sure that her aunt hates her because she looks so much like her mom.
The brunette really would give anything to not be alone anymore. Even if this spell doesn’t work out well, she might at least have someone, right? She needs that someone that can put a smile on her face because right now, her mouth is a straight line and sometimes a frown. She’s not happy being ignored, and she doesn’t want her life to be like that. She’s not invisible. She’s not a ghost. Why can’t anyone see her?
The girl sighs after the spell is done and then turns the light off. Her head hits the pillows, and she falls asleep. What she doesn’t know is what is happening in her sleep. Her mind is connecting even more with her soulmate's. The spell started that tiny little line, and now it’s getting thicker. It’s growing in size by the second. Eventually, they will be completely connected. The girl didn’t know that this would happen. She thought it would just make them meet, but this is this only way they can meet. They live in completely different worlds.
She never thought that this one spell will change her life forever along with the life of Jack Barakat.


Here is the new version of my story. I feel like this version is better, and I could do a lot more with it. It's pretty much the same thing. I can just add stuff, and I changed Selene's story.
Hope ya like it!


I actually didn't plan on showing more of a reason of why she is the way she is, but it ended up getting written somehow. lol. I can see her reasoning for stuff, but she is still a bitch about it all. At least the have the summer together. I just love how Rose was taking lead with that. lol.
I'm currently trying to decide on if I'm going to add one scene or not, and then I should be able to plan out the next chapters better. The next one is easy, but I'll need to watch the pacing if the one scene is added. This week I have to write up the first draft of my short story for my writing class, so I'm probably just going to plan out the chapters this week.
And no problem! I actually find it so interesting to go back to my old stuff. I keep all of my old stories and ideas in case I want to reuse them or just look back. Fan fiction is what got me really back into writing as a sophomore, so no matter what, it's always going to have a place in my heart.

QueenDes QueenDes

Finally! I was waiting for them to finally meet and now they have! But Selene's aunt is a total bitch. You're right about her now deserving a name. She can't just keep them apart! Ugh. Thank you so much!!!

I actually haven't heard of that game. I've been playing a lot of FFXIV since around October. The early access is on the 16th, so I've been getting ready for that. I'm pretty good on everything though. I have one more job that I'd like to get to max level, but that's about it.
That Town of Salem sounds very interesting though.
And I hate her aunt too. I actually don't even have names for them tbh. Like, they don't need names. People like them don't deserve them.
I might write up the next chapter sometime tonight. I just need to draw up the next fur pictures for my project. This time it's silly cartoons of the four of them, and I'm very tempted to share them before they get colored. The designs are quite silly.

QueenDes QueenDes

Would that game be Town of Salem? Just a thoughtfull question. And I seriously hate her aunt right now! Doesn't she know how much suffering she is going through?! Ugh.

Glad you like it! I've been busy lately since the expansion to the game I play is coming out soon, but mostly I really need to work on what I'm making for the band. I'm seeing them at the end of July, so I have to make sure that it's printed and ready by then. I might share what I'm working on with my brother when I get more of it done. :)
Just one more hurdle, so soon. The prologue will actually happen, so keep that in mind. lol.

QueenDes QueenDes