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that's just the way it goes


Jack made his way slowly to Alex. He had come to the conclusion, that yes, he was indeed crying. Jack was unsure if he should talk to him, or just turn around and head in the opposite direction. Instead of either, he sat at the other end of the bench. Alex’s breath hitched in his throat, but he didn’t lift his head. Jack didn’t know if Alex knew it was him or not. Jack quickly glanced over, but Alex was looking at him. His mouth formed a straight line, and his eyes were filled with rage.

“Alex, are you alright?” Jack asked, ignoring the look of pure hatred on Alex’s face. Alex clenched and unclenched his fists, not looking away from Jack.

“What’s it to you, fucking idiot? and if you tell anyone about this, I’ll fucking kill you. Understand?” Alex said harshly. Jack nodded, and then went back to the first thing Alex asked him.

“I was only wondering if you were okay, because although you may hate me, you’re still my friend.” Jack remarked, looking down at his feet. He felt the bench move, as Alex stood up.

“We’re not friends, Barakat. Get that out of you’re tiny mind. We’ll never be friends!” Alex yelled, getting in Jacks face. Jack winced, but didn’t look up until Alex began to vacate himself.

“I’m sorry.” Jack said quietly. Alex must’ve heard, because he froze for a minute before disappearing around the corner. It wasn’t too long after, that May pulled up.

Jack stood up from the bench, hauling his backpack onto his shoulder and exiting the school. When he got into the car, he could see Mays happy expression change into one of confusion.

“What happened, Jack?” May asked, reaching over and lightly touching his bruised jaw. Jack winced from the pain.

“Some guy.” Jack said, looking away nervously.

“Alex.” May said, closing her eyes. She drew in a quick breath, and then opened her eyes again. “Jack, you’ve got to do something about this. You can’t let him keep doing this to you.”

“May, there’s nothing I can do about it.” Jack hollered, making May jump. “I’m sorry May, it’s just that this whole situation frustrates me.” Jack apologized, leaning his head against the window. May gently placed her hand on Jacks, and smiled sadly.

“Things will get better, Jack. I promise.” May said, pulling up in front of the house. “I can’t stay for the weekend, like what was planned. I’ve been called into work.” May said, making Jack’s heart sink.

“Oh.” He said, frowning.

“I’m sorry, Jack. Next weekend, okay?” May leaned over the middle console, and hugged Jack tight, kissing his cheek.

“Yeah. Alright. Thanks for the ride, May. Love you.” Jack said, climbing out of the car. He waved to May as she drove off, and then entered the empty house. He was going to be all alone the whole vacation... Again, like always.


okay, sorry if it's terrible. it'll get better, I promise . <3
leave feedback and stuff.

five comments, and I'll post the next chapter . c:


I read all of the chapters in one setting

Roo1230 Roo1230

It's good

Roo1230 Roo1230


AtlLover AtlLover
That. Was. Perfect.
queerbarakat queerbarakat
When i read that was going to have sex, i whispered "oh yes" it was great! Asdfghjkl jalex is so sexy
JagkBarakitten JagkBarakitten