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Long Live Us [BLOCKED]



Today was a crappy day for me. Alina has been home for a week, and now Alex and I have to leave Mir behind with four infants, two of which are newborns, to tour. I felt so bad for having to leave my family. I could tell Alex felt bad too. He and I went out for a couple beers and some lunch at a local pub to escape the panic at home to reflect on how much both of our lives have changed.
"This is going to be a hard tour man," Alex said before he took a sip of his beer.
"Yeah you're a new dad and you've been widowed. I'm a new dad again with twins that were born three weeks ago on my birthday. I feel guilty for dumping the parenting duty on Mir. She's going to have a rough time with it this time," I added in.
"I mean I know for a fact that Mir had her mom in the bedroom downstairs by the playroom that she lives in to help out with keeping the house cleaned and taking care of Mina, but she's going to helping with my kids too and I feel like I should see if I could take my twins to Baltimore to stay with my parents while we tour," Alex was taking this pretty hard.
"Mir wouldn't allow it. She'd kick you square in your ass if you suggested that in front of her. She doesn't mind taking care of her god kids. This kind of thing is why Lisa wanted us to be involved with your kids. To help if she can't be there to help. I bet Lisa would do it if it were Mir that died during child birth," I was tired of him getting depressed when he did things that reminded him Lisa was gone.
"Maybe your right. Maybe I'm over thinking this entire thing. If my twins stay there, then maybe when Alex and Alina get older, they'll have Tom and Jasey as playmates," Alex finally agreed to keep his twins at the house with Mir and my mother-in-law.
We got back from lunch and I found Mir bandaging Mina's knee. I was a little concerned but it looked like a little boo-boo.
"What happened to your knee Mina-boo," I asked my nearly preschooler.
"I got a boo-boo on my tricycle, Daddy," she answered.
"She tired to turn and it was too sharp and she scrapped her knee on the driveway. But she didn't cry," Mir added in on the story.
"That's my tough princess," I cheered as I scooped Mina up into the air before I set her back down on the ground.
"Daddy, do you and Uncle Alex really have to leave tonight," she asked the question I was waiting for her to ask me all week, but I didn't want to hear it at the same time.
"I don't want to you behind, but I have to go do my job. If I don't do my job, we could lose everything I worked hard for baby. But you and your brother and sister and Mommy will always be on my mind in my heart. I'll have all your pictures from you growing up and all the drawings you've made in my bunk so I can always have you with me. Plus I have a really nice picture you when you were still in Mommy's belly like Alex and Alina were. Mommy still has your CD right," I looked at my daughter, knowing how much I'll miss her while I'm on the road.
"Yeah and I still listen to it too," she replied.
"I want you to do my a favor and you have to have Mommy a second copy of it for Alex and Alina so you don't have to share the nursery with two noisy babies, okay," I told her.
"I'll make sure to have it done before you leave tonight," Mir answered my request.
We've been on the road for two night already. Both Alex and I were miserable. I was unable to sleep due to the quiet that was killing me. I guess Alex couldn't sleep either since I found him on his mac, looking at the stars on it.
"Couldn't sleep in the quiet," Alex asked, he must have heard me walking to the front lounge of the bus.
"I miss the middle of the night cries and the early wake ups from Mina. It's so weird being on the road, even though were touring both of the pregnancies that happened in the last year and a half," I replied as I grabbed a water from the fridge.
"I miss my crazy twins. I miss having to seperate them so Tom would stop pulling on Jasey's hair. I miss cradling them both in my arms as I laid down for a nap with them," Alex reminisced on his fatherhood memories.
"I miss watching movies and cartoons with Mina, coloring with her in her coloring books, feeding little Alex and just holding tiny little Alina in my arms. I miss the days that I'd nap most of the afternoon with Mina back when she fit on my chest and that I hope that I can do the Alina and Alex when I get home," I gushed over my three little troopers.
"Man what happened to us? We used to talk about dicks and boobs, and now we're talking about feeding fussy babies and changing diapers," Alex was so blown by how much both of our lives have changed.
"We grew up, became dads. I mean I miss being my old self, but I can't be that around Mina. I struggle to do the old routine when we're on stage and far from home now. We've grown up at last Alex. Both of our dads can be proud that we've become great fathers," I raised my bottle and Alex raised his mug of tea.
"To fatherhood," Alex toasted.
"To fatherhood," I tapped my bottle to his mug before taking a nice sip of water.


So that was a fun and cute chapter of Alex and Jack bonding. I do too much of Jack and Mirela together chapters and I've yet to have a good bonding between Alex and Jack. I might do another one later, depending on how this one went by you guys.



Tonight We Lie Awake

Tonight We Lie Awake

NC-17 Romance Drama Fantasy

Jack/OC He's a new werewolf, She's from an old hunter clan. Forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest


Completed ✓
9.6 9 Votes


@ToxicxDancefloor ah okay... that sucks, I wonder why it was removed it was a good thing to have :/
bleh bleh
It might have been removed, but I had a drop down menu when I made this story and I had the option to pick which story this was a sequel to. The option disappeared after I did this and I couldn't link my two Alex/OC stroies Terrified to Speak and Your Lost Boy.
How do you mark things as prequels/sequels?!
bleh bleh
You will be in love with what I'm planning my dear. Lots of fun and plenty of Mina cuteness to come.
Ack! Shes a wolf AND more babies! Yes! Getting even better and better! ;D
ofclumsywords ofclumsywords