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Tonight We Lie Awake



Jack has been gone for three days and was across the country now. I was on the homefront, caring for a fussy baby. Jack and I were facetiming through my ipad and his iphone since he was in transit between venues today.
"Jack she hasn't stopped crying for two days now. I'm barely sleeping. I swear if you draw blood from me it's a mixture of monster, red bull, and coffee that'll come out," I whine as I bounced around the nursery with Mina screaming in my arms.
"Is she hungry? Or maybe she needs to be changed? Is she feverish? Or maybe she has a gas bubble stuck," Jack was yelling into his phone so I could hear him over Mina.
"I've tried everythin Jack. I don't know what to do. I don't want her crying," I was falling apart. Being a part from Jack was hard, taking care of Mina alone and not knowing what to do was even harder.
"Mir I think she wants to go out into the back yard and feel the sunlight and grass," my mom suggested, "Hello Jack how's the tour?"
"It's going good Mama Lupei. I miss being with Mir and Mina though. Are you sure that's what she wants," I asked her.
"I want to try and see if that's the case. The last two days, Mir and I have kept her indoors. Maybe she misses her daddy's wolf. Would you be willing to turn for her," Mir's mom was good with babies. I mean she did raise my wife and all so she's an expert.
"I'll do anything for my princess Elizabeta," I answered. I meant every word too.
"Mom I'll take Mina. Can you get Jack for me," I grabbed Mina's lounge pillow and blanket so she could lay in the grass and not get too uncomfortable.
"It's so nice outside. No wonder she was fussy. I'm fussy and jealous of the weather you guys have," Jack commented.
"Funny I'm jealous of the fact you are on your way to the east coast," I stuck my tongue out at hima dn he returned it.
The following morning, I wake up to a fussy cry from Mina and a facetime call from Jack. He was scary good with knowing when to call me.
"Nice timing. Mina just woke up too for her breakfast," I greeted him as I let out a huge yawn. I went into the nursery, carrying my ipad and scooped up the fussy Mina in a football carry and took her downstair to her swing my mom got her as an early shower gift. I put Jack on the island counter as I grabbed a premade formula bottle and heated it up for Mina.
"How did you sleep last night," he asked while I fed Mina her warm bottle.
"Better than I have in months. Taking her outside was a great idea," I gushed. I was so happy to get some well deserved sleep.
"I'm glad you slept well. Now you just have three months of husband withdrawal to endure and then I'll be home for a few weeks before we head out to Aussie country and Europe," he had to lay it on me that he'd be away for a total of about six months, "I'm going to miss not being there for when she starts to crawl or eat some gerber food for the first time. I'll miss her first tooth and first doctor's visit."
"You chose to be a rockstar Jack. I chose to be the stay at home mommy. I'll make sure to have you facetiming so you won't miss a beat. I also got a flip camera the other day so I can record everything she and I do together," I told him as I started burping Mina.

Jack had to go after an hour for soundcheck and to get his stuff into the dressing room. I took the time to dress myself and Mina for the baby shower today. I wore a pastel teal button up shirt, skinny khakis, and my new pair of pastel teal converse the match my shirt. I put in a pair of matching stud earrings and went to dress Mina in a onesie I got her to show Jack later. It was white and said "I ♥ my daddy" on it. I put on a pair of lace hemmed socks on her feet and I went downstairs. My mom had let Lisa in and the two were in the basment with Bonnie prepping for the shower. I saw a projecter set up to my mac and a camera was on a tripod by where I was going to sit with Mina.
"Hey Lisa," I greeted her.
"Mir Bear hey sweetie. Oh hello Mina my pretty goddaughter," she gushed and then she beamed at her onesie, "Jack will love it Mir."
"I know he will," I bragged, "What's with the projector and webcam?"
"Jack is going to facetime during the shower so he can see what you guys are getting for Mina. Alex is hooking up the same set up at their venue right now," that's when the mac went off with the call, 'Speak of the boys."
"Hello ladies," the guys greeted together.
"Hey boys. How's the tour," Lisa asked.
"Good considering our PA is on mommy duty," Alex replied.
"Don't worry when Mina is okay to travel, we'll be taking mommy duty on tour," I reassured them before I decided to be sassy, "Have you guys forgotten how to do anything since I'm no there to do it?"
"No Matt is stressing out though. He's doing two jobs at once," Rian joked, Matt punhced him in the arm.
"Jack what do you think of Mina's onesie," I positioned Mina so Jack could read it. He started to wear a cheeky grin.
"Daddy loves you too Mina-boo," he cooed, resulting in a giggle from little Mina. Everyone sighed in awe.
That evening after the baby shower, I was in Mina's room folding the now clean otufits I got from everyone and placing her new toys into the storage box that we got. I had Mina sleeping with her mobile spinning and Jack's guitar CD playing softly to keep her at peace. Jack and I were facetiming on the ipad again.
"Thank god for the mobile and night light of the moon and stars. Mina's sleeping and happy," Jack sighed in relief.
"I know. I'm going to enjoy getting sleep now," I agreed.
"I'm sorely missing being able to hold you babe," he sighed.
"I miss it too. But we'll catch up on cuddle time when you guys come play in LA in two weeks," I told him.
"I'm so excited to be coming to see you and hold Mina again. I kept all the ultrsound pictures and the pictures of her coming home in my bunk. See," he switched to hi sback camera on his phone and I saw the pictures taped to the ceiling of his bunk.
"I'm going to bed now Jack. I love you so much," I said as I took him across the hall so I could lay down in our bed.
"I love you too Mir. Sleep good. Give Mina a kiss in the morning for me," he kissed his camera to kiss me.
"Goodnight Jack," I did the same before I hung up the call, allowing myself to drift into blissful sleep.


I love the onesie. Onesies are so funny and they are cute. Mina is a fussy baby. She is very attached to her daddy. I loved her little giggle too. When Jack comes to LA next chapter, he'll take over and be with his little girl for the day so Mir can have a day off. Thank you to my loving public. Need I say more. Stay Gold.

Mir and Mina's Baby Shower outfits: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=71918251



Long Live Us [BLOCKED]

Long Live Us [BLOCKED]

NC-17 Romance Drama Fantasy

Sequel to Tonight We Lie Awake


10.0 7 Votes


I had to end. I'm actually working on chapter one for the next part of Mir and Jack's story.
Nooo! Its done! I'm sad! But you better start the next story soon please!!! <3 Seriously koved this story!
ofclumsywords ofclumsywords
Yay she can already run with the pack <3
Oh my gosh! Mina helped find Alex! That was probably my favorite part of the chapter! Shes already so smart! Love her to death! I need mooore! Lol
ofclumsywords ofclumsywords
Eep! Now theres a sequel too!? I'm dying over here! Seriously! I love this idea! I've always loved the concept of wolves and such and tried to write a original fic on it but it was horrible! But these stories are so rare and they're my favorite! And this is one of the really well written ones that you sadly don't find all the time! And Mina as a toddler sounds adorable! I'm literally all smiles and happiness today because of this! ;D
ofclumsywords ofclumsywords