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No Pads… No Helmets… Just Memories!

You're Not Worth The Fight

Title Credit: Paramore:
Well I could be angry, But you're not worth the fight, And besides I'm moving on

Never once had I though the trash of cymbals or the echo of a mic would sound so nauseating to me. But I could no longer bare the piercing noises of the boy's band practice. The intolerable wrench in my gut in knowing Alex was there, in my basement with my brother and our friends probably smiling and laughing like nothing was wrong while I sat above. Nothing more but a story of what sounded to be paper thin sat between us, he below probably living it up while I sat tearing my hair out and wallowing in my own pit of confusion.

Alexander William Gaskarth was single handedly the most confusing individual I had ever laid my eyes on. The things he did with no warning at all just made you want to smack the eyebrows of his pretty little face.

How could a face like that keep such secrets, and tell vast lies. I was dumbfounded as id ever been. I couldn’t come to rhyme or reason with what or even why he did what he did. The whole situation made my head pound in such a manner I could have sworn the entire frontal lobe of my brain was one strum away from liquefying and falling out my nose.

He was by far the first and only individual who had managed to wiggle himself under my skin and into my brain in such a way I couldn’t even begin to explain.

I wasn’t sure what was worse. Alex not speaking to me at all, or doing more than that and still making as much sense as a toddler who got into the whiskey cabinet.

In lamest term, he made less sense then Jack on New Year’s.

Or the 4th of July...

Or on a birthday....

Or any party really...

Hell, catch him on a Tuesday night and Jack would probably be drunk off his ass and still make more sense than the situation in its entirety.

But one thing that nagged me more than anything else was that no matter what I did, I could not pin point what caused this snow ball of confusion. All I knew for sure was that whoever sent that text is the one who pushed the snowball from the top of the hill and started it all. No matter how many times I back tracked his and my actions, I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. I would think about how all we truly discussed before he stormed off was our friends, and our kiss. The thought drilling a hole into the back of my mind that maybe if I just told them we kissed he would have been less tempted to leave.

But then raises the issue of, why would it matter if they knew, why did Alex care so much? Was it that he wanted them to know? It clearly wasn’t that he wanted to prevent the keeping of secrets that much was sure.

So if he didn't want to tell them to keep a clean conscience, then why? I could diminish any and all thoughts that Alex wanted something more from it, that much was pure. Alex was a sweet kid who was woeful, smooth and charming, but innocent and devoted were two things that never found their way onto the long list if things Alexander Gaskarth was; he wasn’t the relationship type to say the least. But something was telling me that he also was smart enough to know he couldn’t just pull one over on me; I didn't run with those wolves to say.

The whole thing was racking my brain and I couldn’t think straight. Nothing I did made sense and the blaring sounds from the half ass amps the floors below were only increasing the throb of my head.

"GOD I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I grunted getting to my feet and flinging the door open. I tried with my best failed efforts to muffle my ears as I spilled down the steps and threw the front door open. "God why can’t they practice somewhere I’m not!" I grumbled plopping down on the front steps of the porch, not even making it to the porch swing. At least I knew with the boys inside I was safer out there. I sat in silence re-kindling old thoughts as I carelessly chipped at my gray polish that coated my nails. No matter how many times I thought about everything that happened, nothing grew clear, the only thing that grew was the throbbing of my brain, the migraine I just could not shake. I groaned one last time before throwing myself onto my back letting my head roll to the cherry wood paneling.

"Rough week?" A voice chuckled, a familiar smile running through the air as the words met my ears.

"Rough month" I scoffed throwing folded arms over my forehead to cradle the ache and shield my eyes. The familiar voice laughed again as the top step creaked from the added weight.

"Suburban town killing you to?" The voice laughed.

"Marc I hate to break it to you, but this town is hardly suburban." I laughed sitting up only to burry my head in my hands.

"Compared to some parts in Boston, this town ain't that half bad!" He laughed with a shrug. I rolled my eyes with a sigh before leaning to rest my aching head on his shoulder.

"Then maybe I’m just not cut out for this town." I laughed.

"Well I don't know if I’d say that!" He laughed as I lifted my head to glare at his tan features in confusion.

"Why so?" I laughed.

"I don't know, you got moxie kid!" Marc shrugged with a smile only deepening my frown. It wasn’t till he looked over and saw my state of confusion that his face dropped before laughing again. "You guys don't say that here, do ya?" He laughed as I shook my head cocking a brow, "maybe it’s a New England thing, it’s like 'you’ve got guts kid' I don't know!"

"You’re so weird!" I rolled with a laugh as he got to his feet.

"Come on!" He said extending a hand out to me with a smile. "Let’s go I’m sick of looking at you sulk, were going for ice cream!" He elaborated when I made no movements.

"In November?" I questioned.

"Yes mam" he laughed bowing lightly with his hand still extended, "I know an elaborate ice cream shop with a prime selection of flavors!" He laughed with a mixed accent, "it’s what one might call, wicked pissah!"

"Okay cool ya jets" I laughed taking his hand. "I’ll go but no more references to the strange language you call dialect!"

"Our sayings are wicked pissah!" He laughed as we started down the street causing me to smack an arm across his chest.

"I’m so done with you!" I smiled a real smile for the first time all week. Maybe things weren’t as bad as they felt with a little distance.


honestly.. i thought of this chapter purely because i couldnt sleep last night and when i tried to write, trying to think of this chapter gave me a migraine and NOW YOU HAVE IT!

and i had to fight the urge to have Jasey not go all Drake & Josh and run to the basement yelling "HEADACHES YOU GIVE ME HEADACHES!"

and also i didnt have the ending in there... like the very last bit, my cousin from Texas read it and was like i have no idea what that means so i figured id pick fun at his accent..
and i can do that cause im from Boston and i say those things.. you cant. dont laugh. im kidding :)

ALSO THIS CHAPTER WILL BRING THE STORY TO 10,000 VIEWS AND TO ME THATS NUTS! you guys are crazy cause clearly that's all you guys and the people who vote and subscribe and comment on the story it honestly means so much and i cant thank you guys enough just for reading my shitty little tail!


also for people who have no clue what to picture when i talk about both Jasey/Rian and Alex's front porches, i snagged these!





Daydreamers Daydreamers


Okay so I'm SarahBethBarakat but I lost this account since google changed it's log-in and I can't get in now...
so if y'all could do me a huge solid and readTHISand comment and help me out that would be super dupepr awesome and amazing <3 and I'm SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE HUGE AND ANNOYING INCONVENIENCE THIS IS!

Sarah-Barakat Sarah-Barakat

@Jagk Skellington

Okay so I'm SarahBethBarakat but I lost this account since google changed it's log-in and I can't get in now...
so if y'all could do me a huge solid and readTHISand comment and help me out that would be super dupepr awesome and amazing <3 and I'm SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE HUGE AND ANNOYING INCONVENIENCE THIS IS!

Sarah-Barakat Sarah-Barakat

@Jagk Skellington

Okay so I'm SarahBethBarakat but I lost this account since google changed it's log-in and I can't get in now...
so if y'all could do me a huge solid and readTHISand comment and help me out that would be super dupepr awesome and amazing <3 and I'm SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE HUGE AND ANNOYING INCONVENIENCE THIS IS!

Sarah-Barakat Sarah-Barakat

@Jagk Skellington

Okay so I'm SarahBethBarakat but I lost this account since google changed it's log-in and I can't get in now...
so if y'all could do me a huge solid and readTHISand comment and help me out that would be super dupepr awesome and amazing <3 and I'm SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE HUGE AND ANNOYING INCONVENIENCE THIS IS!

Sarah-Barakat Sarah-Barakat