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Terrible Things


He looked unsure of my reaction.
"I... I didn't want to have to do it while you were pregnant or nothing so, I, um, I pre-prepared." I laughed and hugged him in order to wipe the worry from his face. I could tell he was panicking about my reaction to the nursery, but, in all honesty, I thought it was cute. I walked inside and picked up a teddy bear from the rocking chair and hugged it to my chest, smiling at Alex.
"Aw baby, can I have it!" Alex shook his head and took the stuffed toy off me before placing back on the chair.
"No. That is utterly reserved for my first child." His face sobered a bit and his tone went quiet. "It was Toms." I smiled and hugged him, hoping he wouldn't delve into a panic attack due to the memory of his brother. "Carrie, do you even want kids?" The comment was so out of the blue I did a double take.
"Wait, what?"
"It just occurred to me that I never even asked you if you wanted kids, I just assumed. And than I threw you into this elaborate room and..." I cut him off by kissing him.
"Of course I want kids." I led Alex back out of the room and gestured for him to continue his tour. "How else are we going to fill this house?" Miri had finally jumped her way up all the stairs and was running about our feet again. I giggled and picked up the squirming puppy who started to lick my face. "Ew!"

@CarrieFuentes and I received our first ultra-bubbly child today! Meet Miri :)

"You know there's going to be a total fan war over the way you worded that caption, right?" I mused as I watched Alex instagram a photo of Miri and I over his shoulder. "Especially since you can see the nursery in the background?"
"Oh gossip!" Alex laughed. "I love gossip!" sure enough, as Alex led me into the master bedroom we watched thousands of comments roll in on the possibility that I was pregnant. There were comments on I being pregnant was the only reason Alex would ever marry me and the two of us exchanged cheeky smiles before we launched into our phones, replying to hundreds of comment on both instagram and twitter and filming a short keek on Alex's account.

"Hey guys!" We both smiled.
"So guess what?" Alex put a hand on my stomach and laughed.
"I'm not pregnant. Calm down!"
"Not in the slightest bit."
"At all." Miri jumped into the shot and sniffed the camera. "That's the closest thing I have to a kid right now." We both waved to the camera and Alex cut the recording. "That first bits gonna send them mad. You really like teasing your fans, don't you?" We decided to make a night of it, sitting on our new king bed with our excitable puppy, answering and talking to fans on our twitters. We ignored the hate that came through, usually about how one of us could do better than the other, or a small fan war would erupt between the Hustlers and Chloe's Smile's fan base. I leaned my head on Alex's shoulder and fell asleep there, Miri on my knee.

We had the entire week of, both of us for a change, where we could lounge at home and just enjoy each other's company. Usually, I would have a week off while Alex was working or vice versa and one of us would end up following the other band around, hardly getting time with each other. Both getting time off together was rare and a perk of being on the same tour. I had woken up early and decided to walk Miri before returning to make my sleeping fiance breakfast. I struggled to get the puppy to sit still long enough for me to clip her lead on and pulled on my leather jacket before heading out into the warm morning sun. God, I loved summer. It had been a bad idea to wear sweats, but it hadn't got warm enough yet for it to become uncomfortable and my singlet evened it out. I had been walking for about ten minutes before I was yelled at across the street.
"Carrie! Carrie, wait!" I stopped ans smiled at the two girls running over while Miri sniffed at the plants. "OH my god, hi!"
"Hi there." I smiled at the flustered girls and gave them each a hug. "How are you guys?"
"We're awesome! Can we see your ring!?" I held out my hand for the girls to coo over and laughed with them about the pregnancy rumors. "No, I'm definitely not pregnant. Alex just found it funny." Both of the girls held out a sharpie for me to sign a book and I gladly did. We chatted a little about tour, I wasn't rushed, so I didn't mind spending some time talking to the fans. "Hey, would you two like to get coffee? I'm headed to starbucks and it'd be nice to talk with someone?" Both girls squealed at each other before nodding erratically and flanking me as I carried on walking. "So, how old are you guys."
"I'm 17 and Emily's 15." Ashley, the older one said.
"You know, one of my really good friends name is Ashley, he's a real good guy."
"As in, Purdy!?" Emily squeaked. I nodded as we walked into the coffee store and Ashley held Miri as I ordered for us all. I was in a great mood. Fantastic fiance, awesome house, brilliant puppy, why not buy fans coffee? "My mom thinks that music can corrupt us too easily and so it's really hard. We have to hide the stuff of yours we have." I looked confusedly at the girls.
"She's a devout christian and she takes it a bit too far. Music corrupts us spiritually." I checked my phone and had no messages form Alex, which means he hadn't woken up yet. I smiled at the girls and told them to follow me once we had picked up our coffee. There was a music shop around the corner from here, and I just loved pissing parents off, especially when they didn't understand the message in half of our music.
"What bands do you guys like?" I asked as we walked into the store, Miri now being held by Emily.
"All Time Low, Of Mice and Men, Chloe's Smile. But Black veil Brides is the worst."
"I so got this, give me a sec." I strode through the racks, picking out a copy of bands latest Cd's. "We got, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, All Time Low, Chloe's Smile, Of Mice and Men, Black Veil Brides, Escape The Fate and Tonight Alive." I held up the pile of CD's and both girls erupted into smiles bigger than the ones they previously had, and I had no idea that was even possible. I threw them down on the counter and handed my card over to the sales rep who stared at me. Her eyes never left mine as she scanned the albums. I grabbed the bag and took a photo outside the store with the girls.

Awesome shop with these two this morning! @EmzKay @AshleyGilmore

"Do you two want to drop by Alex and I's tonight? We're throwing a party with a tonne of our friends and I quite like you." Both girls squealed, yet again and nodded. "I'll come get you, clear it with your mom." I handed my phone for the girls to put their numbers in and as I got it back Alex's face appeared on the screen. "Hey baby."
"Carrie, why are you buying fans coffee and Cd's? Its all over twitter already with people who have seen you. And you even posted an instagram. We're going to get stalkers.Honestly, sometimes I don't think you quite catch on with what comes from being in a successful band." He hung up and I stared at the girls.
"I have to go. I think I'm in trouble." I turned and started back home, afraid of what awaited me.


So, what do you guys think of part two so far?


This story is so good! OMG. I just found it and started reading it yesterday, and haven't stopped. I just caught up with all of the updates you have of it and really love it.
It's a very dark fan fic. Specifically with the first half, honestly one of the darkest I've read actually... like with that curse of everything happening on Sundays? Man... and you just kind of kept it up too. It was just very dark, and sad, but... different. And I really like that about this.
The second half seems to be deviating from that a little bit, but I sensed that coming back with the babies thing. I mean, not that I want anything to happen, but I almost feel you had something bad happening planned with the pregnancy. Perhaps not, perhaps that was just to raise some of the tone as opposed to keeping it happy go lucky, who knows. But I found it interesting how you did that.
I'm glad that Alex and Carrie finally got together, with the first part of this I was just screaming GET TOGETHER until they finally did. lol. And I was happy. :)
I found it a bit odd how they just took in those fans though. On a realistic writing level, the oddity of this story was the curse thing. But adding the fans thing in too, it just... it didn't really fit. Especially considering legalities and all of that. I feel like it was a little too easy that they gained guardianship.
But overall, I have enjoyed Alex and Carrie's love story. I'm sad to see it was never finished, so I'm leaving this comment to let you know if you ever do choose to finish it, I will be here to read, for sure. I'd love to see how it all ends for these two. Even if it's just a final chapter wrap up or something; I understand what it's like losing inspiration.
But yeah, sorry if this comment sounded harsh at all, but just wanted to leave my honest thoughts. I think you're a truly great writer, though, and hope you have at least kept up with it in your free time. :)

Nanook Nanook
The pleasure is mine :-)
Barrakitty_Sel Barrakitty_Sel

Haha thank you so much! x
Love it
Barrakitty_Sel Barrakitty_Sel
Barrakitty_Sel Barrakitty_Sel