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Better Off This Way


The bus had stopped somewhere for breakfast, and let me just say that it was a great idea. I got out of the van behind Jeremy and looked up at the sign that read “Voodoo Doughnuts.”

“Haven’t been here in a long time,” I murmured to myself. The other busses had stopped as well, we took up a good portion of the street. All of the other bands were already there, but in the back of the long line. I remember this place always being really busy, no wonder I didn’t come that often.

“There you guys are!” Jack laughed and patted a spot on the bench in between him and Zack. “Come sit down Blithe!”

I looked behind me to see if Neil was there but I guess he stayed on the bus. I shrugged and gladly took the spot between the two of them. Zack lay an arm casually around my shoulders and Jack was moving around like an idiot, but that’s completely normal for him, I’ve learned.

“So how’d you sleep?” Zack asked.

“Well I slept in Neil’s bunk so I couldn’t really get any work done.” I shrugged, “But at least I have the rest of the day to work on it.”

“You know that you can always come over to our bus and work, right?” He told me.

“I know but I have no idea how Adam just shuts himself away and edits for hours, I mean, it’s not like the bus is loud or anything but Neil can be so distracting at times, you know?” I shook my head.

“Neil didn’t strike me as the distracting type, but I know what you mean.” He nodded and laughed. Soon Jack was poking and prodding at us so we would get off the bench and move up in the line.

“Ugh, I don’t wanna walk Jack!” I whined.

“Get your lazy ass up Blithe, you can’t act like this so early on in the tour.” He picked me up off of the bench and set me down right in front of him.

“Can I have a piggy back ride instead?” I literally asked anyone, I just didn’t want to stand around for god knows how long waiting to get some goddamn doughnuts.

“Hop on my back.” Zack crouched down and allowed me to climb on top of him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let my arms hang loosely around his shoulders.

“Thanks Zack.” I smiled and looked to see how much longer the line ahead of us was. And it looked like we’d be in this line for a while.


“Got you a doughnut babe,” I walked onto the bus and handed him a small pink box. He opened it up and saw the cock-n-balls doughnut I got as a joke since he didn’t go in to pick out what he wanted.

“Jeez, thanks.” He laughed and took a bite. “What the hell, it’s full of cream!”

“All part of the deal.” I winked and grabbed my bag with my laptop inside of it. “I’m going to spend the afternoon with ATL, so I’m going on their bus for the rest of the ride.”

“Oh,” he looked a little bit hurt, “have fun.”

“Don’t worry babe, I’ll be back later on.” I smiled and walked off of the bus with my doughnut and bag. I went up to their bus and just walked on since I got yelled at when I actually knocked the first time.

“There you are.” Alex laughed with a huge chunk of doughnut in his mouth. They had gotten a giant box so they were going to have enough to maybe last them the rest of the day.

“Yep, I’m here.” I laughed and sat down at their table so I could actually get some work done around here.

“So what are you working on?” Zack asked.

“An article on you guys.” I smiled and took a bite of my doughnut.

“Are you writing about the devilishly handsome and funny lead singer?” Alex was lying down on the couch now.

“Or about the sexy guitarist with a mad bra collection?” Jack chimed in.

“Or the only sane one in the band?” Rian asked.

“No, I think she’s writing about the one with the greatest muscles.” Zack flexed his arms.

“You’re all wrong,” I laughed, “I believe I was writing an article about All Time Low.”

“Oh yeah, I heard about them once.” Alex nodded.

“I heard that their guitarist was like the funniest dude on the planet.” Jack nodded too.

“I think there’s a chance that you might be right.” I laughed and continued typing away. For now it was just the basic things that I’d learned from watching their sets and hanging out with them a bit. Soon I’d get ahold of each one of them for a profile.


“So what do you want to do now?” It was just me and Zack on the bus now, it was after the show and everyone else was out somewhere partying or doing some chick. Apparently, Neil didn’t feel well so he’s in his bunk back on the ADTR bus.

“I dunno,” I shrugged, “you decide. I mean, it is your bus after all.”

“Well I don’t know about you, but I could really go for a beer right now.” He got up and went over to the fridge.

“Can you grab me one too?” I asked.

“Already on it.” He smiled and opened the two cans of beer that he had already gotten out. He handed me one of them and winked. “Don’t get too drunk.”

“I can handle my alcohol quite well thank you very much.” I laughed and took a long drink. It was quiet for a while, quiet long enough so I could finish my first beer.



goodbye.... one of my favorite fictions....

We're all losers here :P (Because of the music video. I'm proud of that too)
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten
I love you too cool cat (haha it works because of your name! I'm so proud of that tbh. Wow I seem like such a loser... k bye)
alltimerhi alltimerhi
I love you.
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten
I love you.
This is not okay.
Don't stop
holy mother of fuck.... idk if i'd be team Neil or team Zack.
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten