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Oh Love


Ashley POV:

"Oh my fucking god, was that ALEX GASKARTH calling you?!" Emily almost screamed. "Shh." I put my hand over her mouth. "Sorry." she said when I let go again. "C'mon let's go to a place more quiet and I'll tell you everything." I took her hand and we walked to the left side of the building. There was nobody but us and we sat down next to the wall. I turned to her and started my story. "When I was still living in Baltimore, I went to the same Elementary School as Alex did. He was 2 years older than me, but soon enough we became friends. Guess we just had no other friends." I smiled a little. When I was a kid, I had always been very shy and I didn't make friends that easy. Luckily that had changed over the years. "We spent a lot of time together and as we grew older, we also spent lots of time together outside of school. We became like the bestfriends ever." "So what happened?" she asked eagerly. "My dad got a job here in New York. So, we had to move. And you know what happens when you don't see each other anymore. You lose contact. We never saw each other again. Untill now, today." I sighed. "Wow." I smiled at her. "And to answer your earlier question. Yes, that was Alex Gaskarth calling." She was starting to freak out again. "Emily. Please, calm down." she nodded. "He asked us to join him and the rest of the band backstage. He wanted to catch up with me and that stuff, you know." "Ashley Sparks, are you telling me now I get to meet JACK?!" I laughed. "I think he'll be there, too." She stood up immediately and grabbed my hand. "THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!"

We went to the back of the building and there was a huge group of fans yelling, trying to catch a glimpse of the boys and get their attention. "Okay, so we have to try to get past all these fans to the security." Emily nodded. "Oh, and Emily." "Yes?" "I know this is really exciting for you but please, act a little normal?" "I'll try." she sounded really nervous. We pushed a little and eventually succeeded to reach the security. "We were invited backstage. My name is Ashley Sparks." I was kind of nervous too. "Yeah, that's right. Go ahead." he said while letting me pass. "I'm with her. Emily Benson." The man nodded and let also Emily pass. I had no idea where to go now. There were a lot of doors. Instead of trying all the doors I decided to text Alex.

To: Alex Gaskarth
From: Ashley Sparks

Hey, were are you. We're past security.

I pressed "Send" and a couple of seconds later a door opened. "Ashley!" Alex ran through the hall and pulled me into a hug. "Hey Alex." I smiled and held him tight. This felt so good, just like old times.


I'm so generous today, 3 chapters!


This is so cute awwwwwww
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Thank you, that really means a lot to me!
PaintingFlowers PaintingFlowers
AHHH I NEED UPDATES ASAP SISTA! I love this story aw :3
Oooooh emily and jack pov that would be a nice change of pace :)
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Oooooh emily and jack pov that would be a nice change of pace :)
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