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Just Two Kids Stupid And Fearless

Oh my god I'm such a terrible mess

"Both of your parents are on their way, and so is Taylor. Can you please tell me the details of why you tried to kill yourself?", Alex said, tried to connect with me after hanging up with Taylor.
"I did not try to kill myself! I didn't mean to end up here, I just wanted to get my feelings out.", I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.
"Don't you get that you're scaring the shit out of me, sweetie?", Alex held his hand on my shoulder.
"I said I would be alive when you got back, and I am. So what's the deal?", I argued. I knew it was a stupid question, and that he would freak out because I didn't want to take it seriously.
"But if I wouldn't have gotten there in time, you wouldn't been here now. I almost lost you, and that's the last thing I want to do. I have never cared so much about anyone, as I do about you. I love so fucking much that it hurts, in a good way. To be honest, I have never felt like this for anyone before, not even Lisa and we were together since high school, even though it was on and off.
I want to spend my life with you. I know we're really young, but I think you are the right for me. Because, no one understands me like you do, and come along so good with the boys, and have the same immature humor as we do. I know it's really weird, and I sound so geeky, but I think I fell for you at the first sight at the bridge.
So if I had lost you today, I would spend the rest of my life alone with some cats, and crying over you.", he stopped, and I started to tear up for his beautiful words. I felt bad about what I had almost done, and threw my arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!", I cried in his shoulder, and he hugged me back. "I didn't want to die, I swear. I just wanted to disappear for a while, just be away, but still come back."
"Shh, it's okey. You're here now, right? But please promise me you won't do it again.", he said and I nodded.
"I promise.", I said, and I let go of Alex and saw my mom run into to the room with dad in her heels. Alex moved, and she hugged me tight, and kissed my head. Wow, she kissed me for the first time in mounts?
"Darling, what was going through your mind? I was sure about that you weren't suicidal anymore. Don't you ever dare to leave us with another broken heart!", she said and looked me in the eyes.
"I'm not suicidal mom, it was an accident. I didn't mean to end up here, and I would never leave.", I said and dad hugged me after mom.
"You couldn't have self harmed by accident honey, it must've been a reason.", dad was a bit calmer than mom, but he was worried too.
"Wait for Taylor. She can explain better than me.", I said to all three, and it didn't take many seconds until she came sprinting through the doors. My eyes went black when I saw Bryan, Josh and Liz behind her. They looked scared, but Taylor's face showed she was terrified.
"Oh my gosh Wends, are you okey?", she hugged me.
"Yeah.", I answered short, glaring at the three fuckers behind her.
"What hap-", Bryan started, but I cut him off.
"How can you even show up here? Where the fuck have you been? Hiding from having my stamp too, because it seemed like you didn't want me around when people saw us. But you know, that's what best friends do. They stand up for each other when they need it, no matter what. So can you please leave?", without saying anything back, they walked out and Alex looked at me with big eyes.
"Wendy, you owe us an explanation.", dad said and I bit my lip.

I cried so much during the time when I, or mostly Taylor, explained what I've been through in school lately. My phone was handed from person to person, reading my texts about that I should kill myself, and I was ugly, and fat. And I could admit it, I've lost weight lately, even though I didn't think that was possible, but I could get skinnier. All four left me for a while, too talk about this without me. Would they be sending me somewhere? A therapist, rehab? I wasn't sick, or anything, I was just hurt. Well, I wasn't going back to that school for the rest of my life.
I took up my phone, and the texts were still incoming. I deleted every single one, without reading them, because that would break me even more. It was a lot of them, so it took me a while.
I logged into twitter, and happily, my dear haters haven't found me there yet, but some of ATL's fans had. Somehow, they had found out that I was in the hospital, and they were really nice. "Stay strong @wendymark", mostly of them said. I smiled, and kept reading on my feed. Alex tweeted about Baltimore, and so did the other guys. Jack's was a bit specific, "Why be less, when you can B-more?", and a picture over the city. I giggled a little when I saw it, and wrote a tweet by myself. "Missed my lads so much! Longing to see Zack and Rian now, and thank you all for the support! Xx", I wasn't good at smart tweeting, but something was something.

Mom opened my door, and I put my phone away as she walked towards me. Taylor, Alex, Jack and dad came after her.
"I don't understand how that man can call himself a principle! He don't even fucking see how his students treat each other. It's not acceptable! You, me, and dad are going to that damn school right after you get out tomorrow. Alex to if he want, he was a part of the bullying right?", she was furious, but still sad. I haven't heard her swear my whole life, just maybe one or two times, so she must go crazy on my principle.
"Well, mostly of the things they said to me was about Alex, but they just wanted something that could break me.", I said, defending Alex. Jack squeezed through everyone, and hugged me. I knew he had been outside all the time, but it was first now he came in.
"Those motherfuckers.", he whispered, and kissed my hair. I tried to smile at him, "Yeah.". Why did we even whisper? It's not like they didn't hear us.
"I want to follow, if it is okey for you.", Alex said, took my hand again, and sat down on the chair next to me.
"Of course it is, but we're not doing it while the other kids are there right?", I asked hopefully.
"Darling I'm sorry, but it is the only time we could get free at the same time.", my mom said. I sighed and looked at Alex again.
"Then I don't think it's such a good idea that you follow.", I said. I was terrified for all of the pupils, and even more if Alex was with me. It's not that they would just let me be, no no, they would be worse.
"You have nothing to be afraid of, I promise. We'll probably arrive when they're in class. If they don't, then I won't let them touch you.", he smiled at me, but it was nothing I could reply with.
"I'm serious, you have no idea what they are capable of. They are not scared of you, they know that they're powerful and own me now. This can bring me down with just one sentence, or less.", I said and held his hand harder. "But you're right, it's a bigger chance we arrive when they have class, so yeah."
"And we won't send you anywhere, we want you home in the house, seeing a therapist 8 times in two weeks. Then you can maybe go on the tour, with the therapist with you, and keep talking 30 minutes two times in a week. Then, depending on how you feel, you can stay with Alex if you come home at least 3 times a week and talk to us.
Me and dad loves you, and from now we want more sight in your life. And how we gonna do with school, we haven't decided yet, but we can make sure you don't need to go to that school again. If you want to, we can find another local high school, or maybe, we are not sure yet, you can get home schooled for the rest of your high school period.", mom said, and I got chocked over that I could follow on the tour for a while, and be with Alex.
"That sounds good for me.", I said and nodded. A therapist wasn't exactly what I wanted, or needed, but they would force me anyway to talk to someone professional. That they wanted me home wasn't a surprise, that was something I expected, I actually said that I would be home and not alone, and look how that turned out. And school, I had no clue about how I wanted that, start in a new with no friends, or home school so I got more free time with Taylor, and the boys, and no chance of being bullied again. I'd probably choose home school, but my parents wasn't sure yet, so I had to wait with my decision too.


So this was a long chapter. What do ya think?


So, I just read what you have of this story and its prequel, and I really like what you have of both. At first, it was a little rough getting into it; it seemed kind of rushed at first, especially with all of the drama of how they got together and then broke up in like a day when they first met, but I have to say, after the time passed and they got back together again, this story just really started getting good. Some of the grammar is a bit off, but as you continued the story I noticed your improvement and that's awesome; that means you have definitely progressed as you have continued writing this.
I'm sad it was never finished, though. One thing I found a bit odd was that you continued with this installment after giving the first one an epilogue, due to the fact that means we already know the ending for Wendy and Alex, but... I kind of like how you did that. I don't believe I've seen an author do that before, kind of go back and fill in the time in-between in the sequel.
And this story is seriously so cute. Alex and Wendy's love is seriously so genuine; again, while it was a bit rushed at first, as I got into the second half of the first installment and this sequel it was just, wow, I just love their relationship. It's been a while since I've seen such a connection between the two characters and I seriously enjoyed it.
And I also liked the fact that as I got to the end of what you have so far, that you made it realistic. Alex understands she's not ready for a baby and is ready to sacrifice that. This is actually the first time I've seen this in a story, where it's being both considered and followed through with, along with the fact that both characters are for the most part peaceful with the decision. Hell I'm even peaceful with the decision, which really surprises me, because every other story where this has happened, I haven't been. And that's really weird for me, so kudos for pulling that off and making it convincing, and not making it so heartbreaking. I mean it is still a heartbreaking thing, but it's more understood that it's the best decision. Although the two characters being fine with it probably is what makes me as a reader somewhat okay with it. I'm happy you took that route as opposed to creating severe conflict, which is what I typically see with this idea. It was a nice change.
And, wow, this is a long comment. To sum up, I think you're a great writer and I really hope you're still writing on your own time, at least. I'm sad this wasn't finished, but I wanted to leave a comment letting you know my thoughts and just how much I've genuinely liked what I've read so far. Seriously, great job. If you ever choose to continue someday, I will be here to read. This story is too good to let go. I think these two characters should have more of a conclusion in this installment. But I guess overall I should be happy, considering with the last installment, we know that they end up together. So at least that's been told.
But still, if you continue, I'm willing to read. :)

Nanook Nanook

Im so happy your back ^^

Creep Creep
Aww sweety, I love you too<33
Elzzo Elzzo
Don't be sorry, do what's best for you <3 But please don't do anything you will regret later... I LOVE YOU !!!!!
Creep Creep
Don't be sorry, do what's best for you <3 But please don't do anything you will regret later... I LOVE YOU !!!!!
Creep Creep