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Important secrets

Chapter 7

From: Lisa
Good Morning Lexy <3 I can’t wait to see you at school today! xxx

From: Lisa
Should I meet you by the front doors? <3 xxx

From: Lisa
OMG We should go on a double date! You bring Rian and I’ll bring Heather. She has a crush on him. Shhhh!!!!! Xxx

From: Lisa
I’m on my way to school! Can’t wait to see you <3 xxx

Seriously? It’s been all of twenty minutes and I haven’t replied to ONE of her texts. Is this what heterosexual people have to deal with? I guess it’s just high school girlfriends.
I feel like mulan when she sang that song about how she doesn’t know who she’s seeing in her reflection. I don’t remember how it goes. I’m making Lisa my gay beard. Ugh.
“Alex! Your bus is going to be here soon!” My mom calls from downstairs. I quickly pull on my Foo Fighters T-shirt and run down to catch the stupid, stinky, smelly bus.

“Dude!” A boy Matthew sits down next to me, “There’s going to be a party at Drew’s house this weekend. It’s supposed to be the best of the year.” Matt is a really cool person and in all honesty I wouldn’t mind getting drunk off my ass right now .
“Cool. Do you have to get invited?” I smile at Matt trying to push Lisa out of my head.
“I think he’s inviting people but I don’t think it matters. I’m going anyway.” Matt shrugs
“I’ll probably see you there then.” I chuckle at his excited-ness for this little party thing.
The bus pulls up to the school and my eyes lock on Lisa who stands at the bottom of the stairs with heather. I will never do that double date. I don’t need to watch Rian all over some bitch thanks to me.
I step off the bus and Lisa’s face lights up as she runs over to me past Heather who has the smile like she’s the proud mother of Lisa.
“Lex!” Lisa laughs and holds her arms out for a hug which I return,
“Hey Lisa.” I smile down at her as lovingly as I can.
“I was so excited for school today.” She bites her lip and steps back running her hand up and down my arm.
“I was too.” I lie smoothly. I’m better at this hetero thing than I thought.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Lisa giggles and blushes.
“I know how you feel.” Can’t stop thinking about Rian. I close my eyes for a second to imagine his image.
A pair of lips press up against mine. I respond to them hesitantly. Lisa’s tounge slips through her lips and touches my lips. I pull away and put my hands on her hips pushing her a step back. I try not to be obvious about my distaste for her kisses.
“Come on. Lets go to class.” I smile at her. Lisa reaches out and grabs my hand, I can feel her fingernails digging into me.
Walking down the hall it either feels like everybody is looking at me or going on about that party at Drew’s place.

I step out of my last class period and see Rian down the hall by his locker. I can’t help myself but to go over. I mean, can anybody blame me? You see the perfect guy just down the hall from you you’re not going to just stand there. Okay maybe I would just stand there. But I know this one so.
“Hey Rian!” I call capturing his attention quickly.
“Sup Lex?” Rian grins at me and holds a arm out which I grab, we share a awkward mix between a hug and a bro-hug,
“Nothing. Did you hear about that party at Drew’s?” I grin at him,
“Yeah, you going?” Rian raises an eyebrow at me.
“I think so.” I smile my best smile for him, “Want me to give you a ride?” Please say yes…
“Yeah sure.” He smiles back at me and closes his locker.
“I’ll text you when I’m coming over then.” I say as we start to walk out to the busses.
“Cool. See you later.” Rian nods just as we’re about to turn different ways.
“Love you.” I blurt out. Oh my fucking god. Rian looks at me wide eyed. “No homo.” I shout and turn quickly almost running to my bus.



YOU GUYS. If you're a writer or want to try writing there is a writing competition going on which I am judging and you should participate.


I smiled when I read this!! :)
JalexUnicorn JalexUnicorn
So u like it? @whatscookinbarakat

JalexUnicorn JalexUnicorn