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Hidden Treasure - Comments

Great job with the update! :) Oooh... this was tense one though. :O
As Newyork_xo said, I'm glad Jack realized how much Alex goes through, although, after Alex broke the news... it makes me wonder if he truly understands. Sure, he's gotten a taste of it, but clearly he doesn't understand the stress enough to know that one week, regardless or whether or not Alex met Lily, is hardly enough of a break. Although, Alex is lucky with his job being a bit more lenient with that; I guess in the real world, anyone would be extremely lucky to have a week, let alone more.
But still, with their work, Jack should be a bit more understanding, but again, he just doesn't really get it I don't think only being exposed to what Alex has dealt with for a short time. It kind of pissed me off too, though, how he got angry, because Alex didn't even want to deal with contact at all, yet he compensated with Jack on the cell phone deal. And told him about where he was going. I mean, c'mon, Alex didn't even initially want to do that.
But, yeah, hopefully this doesn't ruin too much of Alex's time away. It ruined this one night, but hopefully not more.
Interested in what's next! :)

Nanook Nanook

Oh boy. This chapter gave me a lot of feelings.
1. I'm glad Jack really showed his appreciation for what's Alex goes through.
2. I'm glad Alex decided to extend his stay.
3. Jack was kind of a hypocrite for not understanding why Alex wouldn't want to come back so soon.
4. Alex must be in real deep with his feelings toward Lily to lash out at Jack like that.
5. Damn Jack for getting in Alex's head and making him cancel on Lily.
6. I'm glad Alex was honest in his reason for bailing and I'm glad Lily understood.
7. I hope Lily surprise visits Alex to try and cheer him up.

And I think my list ends at 7. :-D

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

.... Meanwhile, I'm over here, breaking my wrist attempting to roller skate. XD
The comparison is uncanny. XD (That didn't happen to me recently, a few years ago, but still... made me think of it)
How in the hell Alex nailed that right away, truly a miracle, I couldn't have done it. XD
Great job with the update, though! Haha. It was really sweet, and cute how she taught him. :)
He huffed as he laid back down, then pushed himself up as fast as he good without falling over.
When you see it... :P
Sorry for the delay in commenting girl, but loved the chapter, and can't wait for more! :D

Nanook Nanook

I love how by just being friendly, Lily's able to help Alex really relax and keep his mind off all his craziness back home. Even if they just stayed friends, he'd consider his trip a success thanks to her. Although, there's no denying that budding romance. I hope neither of them do anything stupid to mess it up though! Can't wait for more.

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

I find it funny, Alex is off in Hawaii, trying to find himself... when literally that's what Zack's doing right now. Minus the fact that he actually lives there. XD But it's the whole experience, complete with a love interest, except she looks like Moana... XD Sorry, idk how actively you follow them on their socials, but it's true! XD
Anyway, great job with the update! This was very lighthearted and I needed it after just reading an intense update to another story, so thank you. XD
Yay, he's staying another week! I'm glad because it does seem like he needs more time, plus, we need more time for this relationship to develop with him and Lily. ;)
Kai, hmm... wonder if he's an ex, or maybe just a protective older brother type? Interested in hearing more about him.
Great job with the update! :D Can't wait for more! :)

Nanook Nanook

Right? After writing that part about his mental state being more important than the band I thought to myself, "Now if you could take Lily's advise, that'd be awesome" haha. But that's pretty ironic that you work with the resort fictional alex is staying at XD I'm pretty sure we could all use a spontaneous trip to Hawaii at this point! Thanks for reading!

PurpleOctober PurpleOctober

Yesssss! I knew he would extend his stay. And based on his reaction whenever he gets a phone call, it's necessary he does. I loved Lily's little speech to him about his job never being more important than him as a person, which is something I fully relate to at this time with my current job. Too bad I can't just drop everything and fly to Hawaii. Ironically, I work in the travel industry and work with the hotel you wrote him staying at, haha. Buttttttt I digress. I love this story. I'm interested to see what's Kai's deal and why he's so protective of Lily. Is he her ex? Is he not so secretly in love with her? Just overprotective by nature? I guess I'll find out soon!

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

Great job with the update! Apologies for it taking me a minute to comment; it's been nearly a week since you posted. :O Things are just a bit hectic for me at the moment.
I really liked the chapter; as Newyork_xo pointed out, I'm also glad that Jack is kind of getting an understanding of what Alex has been through. Maybe when Alex finally goes back, things will ease up a little. Or maybe after all of this, Alex will finally get the courage to speak up and say that he's had enough or that things should balance out for him a bit more than they have been.
“Ooo,” Jack teased. “Even on vacation you still find time to lay down the pipe.”
lol, just found this line funny. XD Classic Jack.
A few things wording wise that confused me:
Her laugh was one of the most enjoyable things he’d heard before.
Is a word missing with this sentence? Reading it aloud, it sounded off to me. XD Maybe it's just me. Maybe just get rid of the 'before' at the end. Or say "he'd ever heard" instead without the "before." As is, it just made it sound like he's heard her laugh before this trip, which, obviously doesn't make sense. XD
“He turned his cup around a few times on the table top before asking, “Did you want to move here?”
lol, the first quote confused me until I realized it was narration, not dialogue. XD
Alex paid volunteered to pay for their meals – not without protest – and he left a nice tip for Meilani for making her wait so long.
And here, I think it was just a case of rewriting the sentence and not deleting the one word; don't think "paid" needs to be in there. XD
But other than those few things being slightly off, thought it all flowed nicely, and I like that Lily hasn't heard of the band. Makes us as the readers realize she's interested for the right reasons, and plus, not knowing the band doesn't influence how she feels about him now even after finding out the band aspect. Just shows us her true character. :) I also love how she loves pretty much everything ocean/Hawaii themed, lol.
Can't wait to see what happens at the bonfire! :)

Nanook Nanook

I forgot to add this to my comment on the last chapter, but I loved the "Alex Gaskarth is missing!" tabloid headline. How dramatic! it's good to see that after only 4 days Jack's been able to see what Alex has dealt with to understand him better.

I like how comfortable Alex and Lily got talking with each other that they didn't realize how much time had actually gone by. Seems like sparks are flying all over for those too. I also love that she had never heard of his band. I just hope his cover isn't blown when they go to that bon fire!

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

Punssss, yaasss. XD :D

Nanook Nanook

XD oh god I didn't even realize! Isle do better next time

PurpleOctober PurpleOctober

Hmm... I didn't know islands were so popular in grocery stores!
Alex pushed his shopping cart to the end of the isle before turning left, going over his mental grocery list.
He reached his isle and picked up a loaf of sliced bread,
Lily waved and turned on her heel before disappearing down one of the isles.
I mean, I've heard of aisles being in them, but not actual island isles.
I need to go to Hawaii. XD
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. LMAO. And the fact that it happened three times. XD
But great job with the update! :D I feel like my comments are getting more and more charismatic with your stories. XD
Lily is so bold, I love it. And then Alex was so confused. XD I actually wasn't expecting her to be like that either. But I guess she kind of has to be to get things moving along. Can't be too shy if she only has a week with him being there.
Interested in seeing what happens next! :)

Nanook Nanook

Haha right?! I feel so accomplished updating both XD

PurpleOctober PurpleOctober

Two updates today?! It's like Christmas, lol.

I love how ballsy Lily was just basically demanding her and Alex hang out that night. I certainly am looking forward to how the encounter goes!

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

Ooh... liked the different perspective this chapter showed, third person Lily POV. And you added a new character! :D
Things are bound to get interesting. :)
But do I really want to keep falling for tourists that are just going to leave a few days later.”
Question... sentence. Question... sentence? XD I like keeping things alert. XD Just questioning punctuation. I could see how it would be a sentence, for the emphasis aspect. But idk.
But anyway, back to the chapter... showing an insight to Lily's past... has me thinking she may be hesitant with anything happening with her and Alex, due to what she's been through before... and then the phone thing, she's exactly the type of person he needs, but will he be once she figures out who he is? Hmm...
Great job with the update, though. Can't wait for more! :D

Nanook Nanook

Hmm.... That's an interesting insight on Lily. Now I'm interested to see if whatever relationship her and Alex have if it will only take place in the span of the week he's on vacation or if it will last longer. Maybe he'll even stay longer for her!

Also, I like Hana. That last line made me chuckle.

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

We can only hope <3 :)

PurpleOctober PurpleOctober

Ughhh.... the struggle of waiting... XD Fineeeeee.
And lol, that's what I was thinking, just a specific way of looking at it. I see dinner and supper as interchangeable, though, for the last meal of the day, lol, so that's why I was lost because it's almost like looking at it as two suppers in one day? lol. But no big deal; just a regional thing.

Nanook Nanook

I'm going to try to get the fillers for this one out before the next update for my other story. It shouldn't take long though!
And, the dinner thing XD I had to explain something similar to this to someone a while back. I'm severely southern and in my family we have breakfast, dinner, and supper. So I kind of forgot to change it to lunch XD sorry!

PurpleOctober PurpleOctober

Hmmm... I won't hate you for writing fillers for this story... as long as you update your other one ASAP? :DD
Deal? Deal. XD
Great job with the update, though! It was cute. :D
Alex tried to protest, but as the waitress was bringing him his dinner, Lily was hard to overpower as she asked for a chocolate milkshake.
Eating dinner when he went to lunch... eating a dinner-like meal? lol, I guess saying "dinner" may just be the term though. XD I can see it. Just found it a bit odd. XD
Alex is very smitten already, I love it. Makes me wonder what all can happen in a week. :O
Looking forward to more!

Nanook Nanook