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We've Got Unfinished Business

I Swear This Time I Mean It

So far, Alex’s day has been going according to plan: he managed not to burn the house down while preparing his special lunch, and Rian was out for the day. Time for phase two.

Alex strode in the cafeteria lunch time the next day a little bit later than usual, wanting there to be as many people as possible to distract anyone from noticing his arrival. He tried to appear as normal as possible, moving at a moderate pace, and keeping his eyes away from the table he usually sat in. He walked towards that table in the far corner of the lunch room – the table one Jack Barakat shared with two of his friends.

Why Jack sits at that table, Alex has no clue. He isn’t exactly the most popular boy, but he isn’t pushed around, or hated either – he was simply treading on that thin line between the two. He wasn’t being talked about, nor was he being ignored. It was one of the things that drew Alex to him, really – he found it amazing that it was possible.

His eyes were strained on that one table when he was nearer – his two friends had their backs to him, and Jack’s eyes were trained on the tabletop. He didn’t seem to have gotten any food. Perfect.

“Hey, guys,” he greeted, making them all jump. They were all just looking at him, and he really didn’t blame them; he doesn’t have any special affiliations with any of them – well, other than Jack, but that’s still in progress.

Little Matthew Flyzik was the first one to recover. Alex recognized him from the Mickey-themed everything that were laid out in front of him. Alex somewhat admired this kid, now that he thought about it; he wasn’t scared to like that he likes – even if it’s kind of creepy for someone their age.

“What happened to your table?” He asked coolly. Not to mention he has a mean poker face. Some people liked to dub him as a loser for his weird obsession, and tiny frame, but Alex liked him – he’s a nice, strong kid.

“Matt,” Cassadee Pope tsked. She’s the new girl from Towson High School. She grinned up at Alex, and said, “Sorry, he’s in a foul mood. What’s up?”

Very chill girl – no wonder Rian likes her. “I was wondering if I could sit with you guys. No particular reason.”

Her smile widened. “Yeah, sure. Matt and I have to leave, though, so you’ll just have Jack to keep company.” The younger boy jolted, and Alex guessed that she probably kicked him under the table.

He flicked his skunk-dyed fringe out of his face, and smiled kindly at the older boy, then turned his attention back to the tabletop. Cassadee rolled her eyes at him, and, before Alex could say anything, had Matt and her things pack up in record time. She smiled at Alex and Jack, and told them she’d see them around before leaving, dragging a disgruntled boy along with her.

Alex turned back to Jack, not surprised to see him still looking down at his food. “Do you mind?” He asked again.

“Cass would kill me if she knew I sent you out, so go ahead.” Jack met his gaze, a small smile playing at his lips. Once Alex was seated, and had his food set out, he asked, “What’s going on?”

Alex shrugged. “Nothing, really. School is school. Gym was a bust, but I beat some—“

“You know what I meant, Alex.”

Alex was silent for a moment. He sighed, and removed the other container he brought from the bag – the one that contained what he woke up extra early that morning to prepare. He pushed it silently towards the older boy. “What’s this?”

“Open it.”


“C’mon, it’s nothing bad.” Hopefully. He watched Jack’s facial expressions wearily as he popped the lid. He couldn’t tell what he thought, and it got him worried. Fuck, he messed up.

Jack cracked a smile a moment later, making Alex’s insides bubble up. “A breakfast burrito? Really?”

Alex’s cheeks tinged pink. “You know I can’t cook anything that isn’t breakfast related.”

“And what does it have to do with anything?”

“An icebreaker,” he confessed, and Jack’s smile widened. “C’mon, take a bite – I woke up earlier than usual for that.”

“Don’t complain,” he tsked before taking a bite. He nodded as he chewed, and swallowed before saying, “Not bad.” Alex smiled gratefully at him. “Now will you tell me what’s up?”

Okay, so maybe Jack wasn’t going to take things slow. Alex was hoping for light conversation before getting to this, but if Jack was going to listen now, best not take advantage of that. “Just thought I’d tell you that I’d love for us to be talking again.” That was kind of easy.

Jack nodded, expecting that much. He averted his gaze, and Alex knew he probably would like where this was going. “Yeah… I’m not so sure about that. Don’t you think we’re both just gonna end up… hurt?”

“I won’t allow that this time.”

Jack looked back at him and smiled. “That’s sweet of you, really.” You said the same thing before.

“So…” I know I said it all before, but I was stupid to forget. Please. He didn’t respond for a while, and Alex took it the wrong way. “Jack, c’mon,” Alex tried his best not to sound too exasperated. Jack just smiled apologetically. “Just the talking phase, nothing more.”

“Well, we’re talking now. That’s enough to last… the year?” Alex seemed to be miserable. Jack sighed and ran a hand through his hair, shrugging. “I really don’t know what you’re aiming for, Alex. I-I… I just don’t know.” He got his bag from the floor and swung it over his shoulder. “I… uh… have to go.”

He started walking away, but Alex caught his arm. He tried to jerk it away, but he had it in a vice grip. Jack looked around to see if anyone was watching – no one so far, but it was about time until. “The fuck, dude? Let me go.”

“Jack, please, just give me a chance—“

No, Alex. How many times do I have to say it?” Alex’s eyes were pleading, but Jack had his mind set for now. “I only have a slight idea of what you’re trying to pull here, and I’m pretty sure I don’t like it. So, please, leave me alone. At least give me some time to think about it.” He started to walk away, but Alex refused to let go of him. He glanced down at their linked arms, then looked him straight in the eye. “Alex, please. I’m really sorry, but it’s a no right now, okay? Just… I don’t know.” He tugged his arm free, and gave him another sorry look before walking out, looking over his shoulder multiple times to be sure that he wasn’t following.

A strange part of him wanted to, but he knew he couldn’t handle that. He didn’t want history to repeat itself – it was bad enough the first time. He wanted so bad to tell Alex exactly why he didn’t want him to try, but it wasn’t the right place, and he had his mind set.

Or so he thought.


Credit to Mayday Parade for the chapter title.

Sorry for the update delay!! I got kind of caught up in a whirlwind of schoolwork and family business. What do you guys think?

Thank you to earthtoemily and cokeiero for their comments, and anyone else who has subscribed / rated / voted for this story!! It means a whole lot to me :-)


Asdfghjkl THANK YOU
bleh bleh
Please please update!
bleh bleh
Aww this was so sweet
bleh bleh
Can I just tell you how much I love this fic? It's original :3 and the summary.. Idk I just really like it
bleh bleh
Aww no D: no no no :(
bleh bleh