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Isolated Pleasures

> two <

Getting up at 6 AM was already a drag, so the last thing Addison wanted this morning was Ashley going on about some guy she finally got to third base with. She had been trying with the guy for awhile and she made it blatantly obvious she was using him..

Addison began to think this guy was stupid. Ashley would call him up once a week when she was horny, but he would never let her do anything but a simple make out. Ashley was fine with that, because she knew she’d get her way sooner or later, and it looks like she finally did.

Ashley was her best friend, but Addison couldn’t deny that she could be a first-class hoe sometimes.

“Sure, it took a month,” Ashley smirked as they made their way down the halls of the university to their first class, which thankfully they signed up for together, “but I knew he’d come around.”

Addison rolled her eyes. “Guess no one can resist that Ashley charm.”

“You know it, bitch.” Ashley grinned, linking arms with her friend.

Addison had managed to end the conversation about the boy toy as they walked into their American Government class, taking their seats in the back, like they did in high school. But it seemed like all went back to Ashley’s famous jock when he walked into the classroom and sat in the first seat. “Zack!” Ashley called out as she turned in his seat, earning a flirty wave from her. His face flushed red as he smirked at her spinning back around to greet the teacher. Kiss ass.

“You know, Addy, we really need to find someone now that you’re on the market again.” Ashley suggested, pulling out a pen and a new notebook from her book bag. “I mean, you were strung down by Connor for - what? Like three years?”

Addison sunk in her seat. Even the thought of Connor made her weak in the knees. “Ten years, if you count when we became friend at eight years old.”

“Which proves my point more.”

“I think I’ll be fine, Ash.” No, she wouldn’t be, but she could at least pretend that she would. She just wanted Connor back, but that clearly wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, seeing as he was in Florida by now with his new Florida beauty. I wonder what he looks like? Addison pondered. No doubt, she’s better looking than me.

“I think you’re lying to me.”
Addison sighed, ignoring her friend. As she laid her head on her arms, their Government teacher introduced himself as Mr. Richards, earning an immature giggle from Ashley. The whole class settled as Mr. Richards went over what they’d be covering during the quarter, but his lecture was cut short when another student stumbled into the room.

Like the awful people they are, teachers take every opportunity they have to embarrass any late students. Mr. Richard’s beady black eyes landed on the newcomer, a devilish smile growing on his face. “Well, a little late now, are we?” He asked, shaking his head in shame. “What might be your name?”

“Alex Gaskarth.”

Addison’s eyes had been becoming droopy, but they quickly opened as her orbs connected with the boy awkwardly standing at the door. She immediately shifted her eyes away, but soon realized his were still locked on her sleepy form. She felt uncomfortable noticing this, and found herself hiding her head under her arms in fear he was mocking her appearance.

“Take a seat next to Mr. Merrick.” Mr. Richards said, pointing to the seat next to Zack. Alex smiled wide at the boy, letting everyone know these two were already good friends. Ashley quickly nudged Addison’s shoulder.

“Hey did he say Merrick?” Addison looked at her friend, confused.

“So what if he did, people have the same last name sometimes.” The two shrugged it off and looked back to the front of the classroom. Addison took this chance to look at Alex as he approached his desk.

His shaggy brown hair bounced with his step while a baggy black sweater and grey jeans outlined his stocky figure. He was tall, and Addison wondered if he were even taller than Connor. She was surprised at the lack of swag he carried on him. Not that he needed it like every other guy in this town thought they did. Addison couldn't deny his attractiveness.

“Dude, what are you even staring at - “ Ashley stopped her sentence as her eyes followed the direction of her friend’s. “Oh my goodness! Stop drooling, you horny bitch.”

Addison blinked her eyes at her friend, realizing she had been staring at the boy for a little longer than she should have. “I’m the horny bitch? Take a look in the mirror.” She whispered as Mr. Richards continued on with the lecture. “Who is he anyways?”

“Alex? That’s Zack’s best friend. They’re always seen together, and Alex is a little bit more outgoing than Zack is, but I feel like his personality is a lot like Zack’s when you get to know him.” Ashley explained, cocking an eyebrow. “You were staring at him.”

“I was not.”

Ashley ignored her best friend, grinning widely. “This is amazing, dude! You getting over Connor and now totally crushing on Zack’s best friend - this’ll make going on dates with Zack less awkward now that we can double.”

Addison looked at Ashley shocked. “You’re dating Zack?”

“No, not exactly, but he keeps asking me to take him out. The only way I got as far as I did was because I agreed to let him take me to Vic’s Drive-In this Friday.”

“First of all,” Addison said, holding up a finger, “I will not let you use me to help you on a date with a person you’re already playing. And second of all, I don’t have a crush. Why is it not normal to stare at people?”

“Well I bet inside your pants say you’re not just staring.” Ashley giggled.

Addison quickly looked down and crossed her legs, fearing the worst on her first day of college. She quickly realized nothing was wrong, and glared up at her friend as she said “Made ya look!”

“Ms. Burns,” their teacher exclaimed, causing the rest of the class to stare at the two girls. “Maybe you’d like to share the joke you and Ms. Merrick were laughing at?”

Addison's eyes locked with Alex’s as she noticed he was staring at her disapprovingly, while his friend was flirting at Ashley. Addison’s brunette friend shook her head at the teacher, replying. “I fear it might me too inappropriate for a school setting.”

The class chuckled, but Mr. Richards silenced then with a harsh shush. “Just pay attention.”

Addison kept her eyes on Alex’s for a second more before he spun back around in his seat, muttering to herself, “bimbos.”

Hot bimbos.” Zack whispered back, sending a wink at Ashley.

Alex leaned towards him once the teacher’s back was turned. “How many times do I have to tell you that Ashley Burns is just an overly-obnoxious slut?” He asked, make his friend shut up for the time being.

Alex Gaskarth had to be the smartest boy on campus.



Good to know, thanks for clarifying. I'll just stick with reading this one then. :)
Excited to see what all you have in store.

Nanook Nanook

Yes, this is a rewrite of the previous story i have in my stories. It is absolutely NOT necessary for you to read the other story prior to reading this one. I didn't take the other down immediately in the case that other people who read that haven't quite yet seen that I have stopped writing that one.
So, yeah. haha. You don't have to read the other story in order to read this one. Nothing from that story is relevant in this one nor does it have any connection. This is a different dipiction of the other story and of course, an AU. I hope I answered your question! And I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! :)

atlacoustic atlacoustic

So I just stumbled across this and decided to start reading. Upon going to your profile and seeing the other story link, and seeing the comments already on this one, this is a rewrite? And then I realized I actually had your other story bookmarked to read, lol.
So I haven't read that one... is it necessary to read before continuing with this one? Or would you recommend I just stick with this rewrite? Just kind of wondering why it's still up if this is a rewrite, haha.
But yeah, I really like what you have going of this so far, you're a really great writer. :) I can't wait to see what all you have in store for this. :)

Nanook Nanook

Just started reading and already Can't wait to see what happens next!

hopeless1313 hopeless1313

This is great so far. I love that you're re-writing this. :)
