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Work In Progress

"Honestly I'm here if you need me for anything."

Lily's POV

I watched my mum give Zach instructions before he began to lift the chair she'd pointed at.

"Great work muscles!" Jack sniggered. I turned round to find Alex smiling with him.

"Come on boys, I've got jobs for you too," my mum walked back in to the living room with a box in her arms, which was placed on the coffee table as Alex and Jack stood up.

"Oh man!" Jack moaned.

"You know if you didn't tease Zach you wouldn't be in this situation," I laughed and snuggled into the couch.

Jack jokingly glared. Alex playfully hit his arm, "you know, she's right."

Jack smirked. "You're both starting to sound the same, ya know?" he winked and joined my mum. Alex smiled at me before leaving the room to get orders.

As I was getting comfy a light knock came from the front door. Thinking it was Rian, I rushed to open it. My jaw nearly hit the floor as I looked up at the very tall, skinny guy that smiled down at me.

"Hey, I'm here for Alex. I guess you're Lily."

I stepped outside and slammed the door closed before my mum could see him. She'd be in heaven with all these handsome young men around.

"Yea I'll text him," I mumbled pulling out my phone. "Who are you?" I glanced up to see his bright blue eyes.

"Andy," he grinned.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Alex. "Oh yea I'm Lily."

"I gathered," he replied with a smirk.

"Andy!" I jumped as Alex placed his hand on my shoulder. "Great to see you."

"Yea you too. How are things?"

Alex looked at me and back to Andy, "pretty damn awesome."

Andy studied me too which made me slightly uncomfortable, and smiled. "Looks like it."

What did that mean? I didn't have time to think as Alex cut through my thoughts. "Anyway, Andy's here to record stuff with us. I have to go. Tell Helen, I'm sorry."

I stood there watching Alex head towards his car with Andy following.

"The couch is fine where it is."

Zach's calm voice came from behind. I turned to see him carrying a box. He rushed over to me, leaned closer and begged. "Help me Lily, she's great but please help me."

I giggled and went inside. "Mum! I need to take the guys home."

She came out, followed by Jack scoffing his face with chips. I suddenly realised why Zach said me and not us. Jack was clearly enjoying himself. "Lil, we're off already?"

I nodded. "I'm getting tired. Alex needed to go and Zach's pretty tired too."

"Serves him right for being the muscles," Jack smirked and walked out the door.

"Sorry mum, I'll bring them back."

The next thing I knew she had me in her arms. "I love you."

I stepped out of her embrace and smiled. "Love you too mum."

I got home to the dogs excitedly jumping up at me and licking my hands as I petted them. They followed me to the kitchen.

"Hey again." Andy's deep voice came from the other side.

"Hey," I mumbled. "Where's Alex?"

"He's not here..."

"I can see that," I sat on the barstool next to Andy.

"He just dropped me off before heading to the shop, didn't think you would be back so soon," he grinned.

"Who are you?" I blurted out again.

"Andy Biersack, also known as Andy Black, or Andy Sixx, it's a pleasure to meet the girl whose having Alex's kid."

I sighed. "He told you that?"

Andy shook his head, picked up the sonogram picture and slid it along the counter. "I found out from that."


A loud excited scream suddenly filled the room. "Oh my!"

I shook my head as Sophie slowly walked over to Andy with her mouth open. He leaped off the stool and smiled.

"I would introduce you but I think you already know who he is."

"Uh-umm-wow...are the others here?" she asked under her breath. Wasn't sure who the others were but I wanted to just pull him away to help but the huge smile told me he was enjoying the moment. "No just me, here to see the All Time Low guys."

"Thank you!" her voice seemed to wobble. She swung her arms around his waist, he patted her shoulders. I smirked at Andy's awkward reaction. "Why am I being thanked? It's lovely but why?" he loosened up and tightened his grip around her.

Sophie reluctantly untangled herself and stared up at him. "The band you're in is awesome...and...and...yea I love you."

"Which band is that?" I asked interrupting her fan girl moment.

"Black Veil Brides," Andy replied. "That's why I'm here." He glanced down at Sophie and smiled. "Lovely to meet you."

Sophie took a deep breath, smiled and walked out. "She's different..." Andy mumbled, sitting back down.

I giggled. "She was really excited to meet Alex and the others. However you got the best reaction... she practically drooled all over you, I kind of don't blame her."

Something flashed through his eyes as he chuckled and placed his arm around my shoulder. "It's sweet."

I quickly hopped off the stool to get away. He seemed nice and all but I'd only just met him. "Do you want a drink or something?" I asked making my way to the fridge.

He shook his head. "I'm good. The big blue eyes gave you away."

"What?" I swung round to face him.

"The gorgeous blue eyes told me that you were Lily. Alex has told me so much about you."

I felt stupid as I just stared at him. "Your's are fucking gorgeous too," I blurted out. Heat rushed to my cheeks, I glanced towards the counter to hide my blush. I was actually more embarrassed by swearing rather than the compliment that went with it.

"That's old news." Andy laughed.

I looked up and was just about to reply when Alex shouted, "I'm back!"

I ran out to find him bent down with the dogs. He glanced up and smiled. "Hey babe. I forgot to say that Andy was here."

"I noticed...so did Sophie."

Alex eyes widened, "what did she do?" he smirked.

"Practically drooled over him."

Alex laughed and pulled me into his arms. I was glad he was home. "How are we?" Alex asked. For a second I wondered who the we part was but it flooded back extremely quickly when he placed a hand on my belly. "I'm all right, pretty sure it is too."

Alex smiled and pulled away. "Andy and I are going to practise some stuff, wanna join?"

Andy? I wasn't sure what to think of him yet. "Err no I need to see if Sophie's still alive."

Alex chuckled and walked towards the kitchen. I walked outside and took a deep breath. Taking in the fresh air. I leaned against the wall as Zach walked up the drive way. His eyes lit up. I grinned when he stood next to me. "Are you all right?"

"I think so."

Zach was quiet for a bit and then randomly laughed. "So Helen didn't need that furniture moved?"

"No. She does this, to see if she can trust someone. If they help, they're fantastic, if not, they're not. It often works though, it's weird. Pete was way too lazy to help and he wasn't to be trusted. You guys helped and well you're all to be trusted."

Zach smiled. "That's actually really cute. Maybe Andy's next."


"Helen saw him Lil," Zach chuckled. "Jack and I did our best to distract her but she really wanted to say hello to the tall dark and handsome young lad that stood with her daughter."

I giggled. "Thanks...umm what's he actually like?" I lowered my voice.

Zach faced me. "Great...he made me rethink my sexuality when I first met him," he chuckled.

I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. "Did you see the way he looked at me?"

Zach nodded. "I watched from the front door. Don't worry Lil, when we met he looked at me like that too," he smirked. "Honestly I'm here if you need me for anything."

I smiled. Since the day we'd spoken after the nightmare I had, Zach was a bit protective over me, he rushed upstairs to find out if I was ok the night I'd found out that I was pregnant. It was nice to know that he cared. "Thanks Zach."

He threw his arms around me and said, "I've got to go see Gemma. I was walking passed and saw you leave the house, looking a bit annoyed or something." I hugged him back.

"I appreciate you checking on me," I said as we pulled away from each other. He smiled, then made his way down the drive way giving me a wave.


I've had this chapter on hold for a few days, I added Andy from Black Veil Brides. Don't know what I'm going to do with his character yet. Let me know what you think. I've been listening to their's and Andy's music recently and he felt good in the story.


I'm glad that you enjoyed this. I might think about another story as this one has been fun to write. Yes, poor Alex, it wasn't meant to end like that but with all the changes and other characters being added it just went in that direction. I know I've said this a lot already but thank you for your comments, I really appreciated getting them. :)


Aww, sad to see this end. Even more sad to see how it ends. Poor Alex! :-(

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

Well, that's a damn shame. :(

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo

I know! I was pretty evil actually...oops... Hope you won't throw your laptop/phone at the wall afterwards in anger haha. The chapter is done, it will be up later. Thank you for all the comments.


Uh oh

Newyork_xo Newyork_xo