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What's My Age Again?


Today was New Years Eve and instead of spending it with Alex like I originally planned, I had to spend it with my mom and Avery. Avery was throwing a New Years party at his house and my mom was dragging me with her. I was currently trying to talk her out of making me go.

"I don't understand why May can go out with her friends, but I can't." I complained. I was sitting on her bed pouting and she was barely paying me any mind while she did her hair.

"Because May is older than you. She can go out partying with her friends. I'm not ready to let you go out on New Year’s night." She told me.

"But moooom all my other friends’ parents are letting them go out!" I whined.

"Lisa isn't letting Kellin go out tonight." She rebutted.

"That's different. You two think alike so it doesn't count."

"Of course it counts. Now go get ready, we have to leave in an hour."

"I'm not going." I pouted and crossed my arms.

She turned around and raised her eyebrow at me. I knew better than to go against her when I was given that look.

"Fine I'll go, but I won't enjoy myself." I got up and went to my room. I needed to do my hair first since that took the longest. I called Kellin while I did my hair so we could complain to each other.

"Hey Jack." He answered. I could tell by his tone that he was annoyed too.

"I heard that your mom is holding you captive too." I stated and he sighed.

"Yeah it sucks ass. I was supposed to go with Vic to his friend’s party. My mom is making me go to my aunt’s house again."

"At least you're not going to your mom's boyfriend's house." I said.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"I'm thinking about throwing myself down the stairs so I can break my ankle and not have to go." I joked and he laughed.

"Shut up. I'm sure it won't be that bad." He chuckled. "Was Alex bummed out that you weren't going to spend New Year’s with him?"

"Yeah, he said he was looking forward to kissing me during the count down." I mumbled sadly.

"This is so depressing. Ugh I hate being sixteen."

"I know. Maybe they'll let us do more once we turn seventeen."

"I doubt it." He sighed. "I'm going to go take a shower. Call me if you get super bored."

"I will. Bye."


I put my phone down and finished straightening the rest of my hair. I already knew what I was wearing because I was planning on wearing it with Alex tonight. I was supposed to go with him to his friend Tom's house for a New Year’s party. I lied and told him that I didn't want my mom to spend New Years alone so I was going to stay home with her. He was sad that I wouldn't be with him, but he understood.

I put on my black skinny jeans and white V-neck. Then I went down to see if my mom was ready. It was ten pm so the party was just beginning.

"Mom, are you ready?" I asked as I walked in her room.

"Yeah I was just about to get you." She said.

"You look really pretty!" I told her. She was wearing the red, velvet dress she bought yesterday.

"Thanks, Honey. Ready?"

"Yeah let me go grab my jacket." I went to the hall closet and grabbed my black leather jacket. Then I met her at the front door.

We walked out and got in her car. She said Avery didn't live too far away. I never been to his house so I didn't know.

Alex texted me in the middle of our drive.

From Alex:
I miss you :(

From Jack:
I miss you too babe. I wish I could be there with you now

From Alex:
I know. Can we spend tomorrow together so I can give you New Year kisses?

From Jack:
Yeah of course! I want more than kisses from you though ;)

From Alex:
Please don't talk like that, I can't touch myself right now.

From Jack:
Haha I'm sorry! I'll just wait 'til tomorrow.

From Alex:
Good! I'll see you then.

I chuckled and put my phone in my pocket. We were still driving to Avery's house. I sighed and sat back in my seat some more.

"Don't mope, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun." My mom said.

"You will. I won't because I won't know anyone there." I complained.

"Angela, his daughter, will be there."

"I don't know her."

"Well try to talk and get to know her."

"Okay mom." I said just to make her happy. I was socially awkward around people that I didn't know so I was going to have a hard time making conversation with his daughter.

We finally made it to his house and parked. His house was really impressive, it was huge. My mom turned the car off but we didn't get out yet.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here, Jacky. I just wanted to spend time with you and him. Plus I feel like you're not comfortable with me dating yet so I kind of want you to spend some more time getting to know him." My mom told me.

"It's fine, mom." I didn't not want to come because I was uncomfortable with my mom dating him. I just wanted to spend this day with Alex and I was annoyed I couldn't do that.

"Just try to have fun." She pleaded.

"I will." I mumbled.

"Can you at least smile so it seems like you're trying?" She asked. I gave her the fakest smile I could at the moment. She rolled her eyes making me laugh. "Let's go." She sighed.

We got out and walked to the front door. I could hear lots of chatter behind the door. My mom rang the doorbell and seconds later Avery opened the door.

"Hey! There you two are!" He hugged my mom and kissed her on the cheek then he hugged me.

"Hi Avery." I told him with a, fake, smile.

"Come in." He moved over and let us through.

The inside of the house was just as impressive as the outside. It looked like a mansion. It also smelled like a doctor's office which was kind of funny.

"Everyone is in the kitchen and living room." He said as he led us that way.

We walked into the living room and saw other people talking and enjoying themselves. It wasn't a large amount of people which made me kind of relax.

Avery introduced us to a few people he worked with and some of his relatives that were there. Everyone was really friendly. I could tell that they were probably all rich too.

"Oh Jack this is my daughter, Angela. Angie, Honey, this is Joyce's son Jack." He introduced us.

"Hi." We both shook hands. She was really pretty and seemed nice.

"Joyce I have someone else you should meet." Avery told my mom as he pulled her in another direction. I was left alone with Angie trying to think of what to say to start a conversation.

"So Jack how old are you?" She asked.

"Twen- I mean sixteen sorry." I shook my head and chuckled. Sometimes I would forget my real age since I lied so much about my age.

"Oh wow you're so young." She laughed.

"I'm only three years younger than you." I chuckled.

"Well yeah but you're still in high school. It just makes you seem a lot younger."

"Yeah I get that. Do you go to school?" I asked.

"Mhm I go to the University of Baltimore." She answered. Literally everyone in this city went to that school.

"Oh cool, my sister goes there."

"Yeah your mom told me, but she's a junior and I'm a freshman." She said.

"Do you like it so far?" I asked.

"Kind of. I wish I could have stayed on campus, but my dad wouldn't let me. He's so overprotective." She rolled her eyes. "Maybe I can talk him into letting me stay next semester."

"Yeah hopefully." I agreed.

"Do you know what college you want to go to yet?" She asked.

"Most likely University of Baltimore too because I don't want to go off too far. Plus they have a good nursing program. My mom wanted me to do pre-med but I am not that smart." I said and we both laughed.

"Same here. My dad said I should try it, but he doesn't understand how much I hate science. I want to do accounting or anything that deals with finances really." She told me.

"You must be really good at math." I said and she nodded.

"Yep I love it!" She exclaimed.

"You're crazy." I joked and we both laughed as my mom walked over.

"Seems like you two are having fun." My mom commented. She was holding a glass filled with wine. She didn't know how to control herself around wine so she was probably going to be semi-drunk by the end of the night.

"Yeah he's really sweet." Angie said and I smiled.

"Thanks so are you." I told her.

"I'll leave you two now." My mom told us and walked away.

"I should have taken her wine glass away." I joked.

"Do you drink?" She asked.

"Sometimes." I laughed.

"Awesome! Come on." She pulled me into their dining room where all the food and drinks were. "You should eat first." She said.

"What?" I asked. She grabbed two cups and filled them with cranberry juice and vodka. "Oh." I said understanding.

I grabbed a plate and loaded it with everything that looked delicious. Angie grabbed a plate too and did the same. We sat down at a table in here instead of going back where everyone else was. I ate some of my food before taking a sip of my drink. Drinking on an empty stomach was never fun.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" She asked, making small talk.

"Nah. Are you seeing anyone?" I asked. I didn't want to give away anything about Alex just in case it got back to my mom.

"Yes. His name is Cameron." She lit up and pulled out her phone to show me a picture. She selected one from her Instagram of them two kissing in front of the mirror.

"Aww." I smiled. They looked good together, but it made me think of Alex and me and how we'll never be able to post pictures like that online for another year and a half.

We sat in there, drinking and talking until it was two minutes away from the count down. Then we joined everyone in the living room. We were watching ABC news so we could see the ball drop in New York City. Seeing it on TV made me think of how Alex was going to be moving there pretty soon. I was depressed all over again. I think the alcohol wasn't helping either.

Everyone else seemed tipsy and drunk too so they didn't notice we had been drinking a little. Especially not my mom who was on her third glass.

"Alright one more minute to the count down!" Someone announced. I sat down next to Angie on the couch and we waited to get this over with.

The countdown started and we counted all the way to one with everyone else. "Happy New Years!" Everyone exclaimed.

Angie and I hugged each other while everyone else kissed their significant other. We both looked up to see our parents kissing, then we looked at each other and grimaced. This was so weird and gross.
My phone rang luckily forcing me to take my eyes off of them. It was Alex, so I stood up and went to the backyard so he could hear me better.

"Hello." I answered once I stepped outside.

"Happy New Years, Jack!" He exclaimed and I chuckled. He sounded so drunk.

"Happy New Years, Alex." I said.

"Why don't you sound so excited?" He asked.

"Because I want to be there with you." I stated.

"I know, but we're going to spend time together tomorrow remember?"

"You're going to be too hungover to do anything tomorrow." I whined and he laughed.

"Nuh-un. I'll be fine."

"If you say so."

"I won’t! I promise! But I'm going to go eat some more then go pass out. I'll see you tomorrow." He told me.

"Okay. Goodnight."


I hung up and went back inside. Some people had already left and some were cleaning up their trash, about to leave. My mom was sitting on the couch texting on her phone. Avery was walking more people to the door so I went to talk to my mom while she was alone.

"Are you ready to leave, mom?" I asked.

"Um well how would you feel about stay the night here?" She asked and I stared at her. That wasn't part of the plan, but she was too drunk to drive and I did drink too. It was probably going to be impossible to get an Über for tonight.

"Sure that fine." I said and she smiled.

"Oh thanks for not fighting me." She chuckled drunkenly. "Avery said you can have the guest room upstairs by Angie's room."

"Un-huh and where are you going to be sleeping?" I asked and she blushed.

"Um well I was probably going to sleep in Avery's room." She said.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What we're just going to sleep, nothing else." She stammered.

"Well why can't you sleep in a guest room too since you're just going to sleep?"

"Um well because I um-" she couldn't think of a lie.

"Mhmm that's what I thought." I laughed and she rolled her eyes at me.

Avery came back after seeing out the last of the guest. "Jack you don't mind staying the night here do you?" He asked politely.

"No I don't. My mom said I can sleep in the guest room upstairs and she'll take the one down stairs." I told him and my mom hit my arm.

"Okay, that's fair." He chuckled. "Angie can you show Jack his room?"

"Yeah, Dad. Come on." She led me upstairs. There was a bar and pull table when we first walked upstairs. I looked around admiring the rest of the house.

"Here we are." Angie said as she opened the door.

I stepped in and went to sit on the bed. "Thank you." I told her.

"You're welcome. My room is next door if you need anything."

"Okay. Thanks." I said and she nodded and closed the door behind her.

I stripped down into my boxers and tee-shirt. Then I laid down in the comfy bed and fell asleep.


This was kind of a filler chapter necessary for the next chapter!


Haha we'll see what happens in the sequel!! Thanks for reading the story!!

Jalex95 Jalex95

Aww thank you!! I can't remember the name of the famous guy who said that either lmao, but u can't wait for you all to read the sequel!!

Jalex95 Jalex95

all i look forward to on the days that you update is reading your stories :)
I'm so excited to read more, and I HOPE JALEX WILL BE TOGETHER AGAIN

ComeOneComeAll ComeOneComeAll

I can't even tell you how good this story came out. Your story line is so strong and your character development was awesome. You were right to hold off the bit about the sequel. Always keep them wanting more. I forget who said that but he was famous and right so we will just go with it. I can't wait to read the sequel. I think Alex's love for Jack will overcome everything. You can't tell your heart what it wants.

Carebear Carebear

Yes hopefully he'll tell Alex about Aubrey in the sequel! I cant wait for you all to read it!!

Jalex95 Jalex95