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The best kind of coincidence

Got Somewhere to be.

Alex's P.O.V.

Why can't they just accept the fact that I don't want to tell them who I am. It can't be that much of a problem, can it? I just want to go and pick up Baz he probably misses me, but they won't let me go home until I tell them. I laid down and stared at the white celling and walls of the hospital room. As sat watching my stomach rise and fall as I breathed I I heard a knock at the door; great another one. "What?" I called from the bed,
"Urr... It's Mr. Barakat from school, I was err... Worried..." I couldn't help but be suprised that someone was worried about me; I thought no one cared. "Come in" I said loudly. The door slowly opened and in walked my music teacher. His skunk hair was spiked up in exactly the right places and his large nose seemed to suit his face so well. His dark, brown eyes widened a bit when he saw me laying on the bed. "What happened?" He asked quietly as he sat down in the chair next to the bed. "I err.. Fell down the stairs."
"And that gave you a black eye and a load of faded bruises?" He said sceptically, "no worries, I know what Zack and his band of imbeciles did." I couldn't help but laugh at how he described them. A smile spread across my face for the first time for years. "Trust me I know how it feels to be bullied and hated by your parents for being gay. I know all of those bruises didn't come from school bullies."
"How do you know about my dad?" I said quickly "he told me not to tell any one. He's going to kill me... It isn't bad... Happens to everyone....I just deserve it..." I rambled panic slowly rising in my body. My breathing began to speed up and my chest seemed to clench shut. My heart was beating so loudly it blocked out any noise around me. My hands grew sweaty and my limbs started to tremble. A numb sensation rushed from my chest to the end of my fingers. I slammed my eyes shut letting the panic finally overwhelm me.

Jack's P.O.V.

Alex's breathing sped up and he had pure fear etched into his face. The panic in his eyes as the darted from one side of the room to the other reminded me of my sister when I was little. I always felt so helpless then, but now I know what helps. I slowly wrapped my arms around his slim and shaking figure. I gently lifted his upper body so he was leaning on my chest, and I began to sing. I wasn't good at it but I knew the song. I wrote it when I was little and my mother always got me to sing it to May when she was having a panic attack.

The time on the clock reads half past four
I'm wide awake and thinking
With my pillow on the floor
That maybe I'm just wasting my time dreaming
In a harsh reality
I don't wanna wake up just to find out
I've been deceived
I know I'll never die alone because of all of you

Let It Roll
Our time is fleeting
So we take control
From California to my home sweet home
Our days repeating like it's all we know
It's all we know

I gently sang the lyrics into his ears and his body slowly began to stop trembling. I sang the whole song three times before he lifted his head up and looked at me. "Thank you. No ones helpe me out of one of those since... " He said his weak voice cracking. His chocolate brown eyes locked with mine. It was only then that I realised how far they had sank into his skull, how pale his bruised skin was. We sat in silence for a moment until he spoke up "that was a good song, no wonder your a music teacher." I smiled at his remark "no, I'm a music teacher because that's the only thing I have left to care about." He nodded and mumbled something like 'you're not the only one'

"Sebastian!" He called out as if remembering some thing vitally important.
"What?" I asked surprised.
"My dog Sebastian. My asshole of a father almost killed him, he's at the vets and god knows what they'll do if I don't pick him up. I can't pay for the treatments...he'll die..." His face fell and his eyes started to fill up with tears. It was clear how much the thin boy cared about his dog, I couldn't let him lose he only thing he really cared about. That's when I had an idea; "Hey, what if I take him home? I've always wanted a pet; it gets lonely sometimes. A dog would be great" He looked up with an expression of such hope and surprise, "You would do that for me?" He asked wide-eyed in disbelief.
"Yeah. And it's not just the dog that needs a place to stay..." I said looking at Alex's thin body,
"What do you mean"
"Well I'll quote you fathers words to me: 'That gay prick isn't here and if he ever comes back I'll kill him'" did an impression of a grumpy old man speaking with a slur, making fun of Alex's dad. He mouth twitched at the edges as if it almost smiled. "So I'm basically homeless now. Fucking great." He said sarcastically
"No your not. You can come live with me and Sebastian."
"Really? Are you sure? You don't really want me around I'm a waste of space."
"We'll even if you are a waste of space, your an incredibly talented, smart, kind and very handsome waste of space." He blushed and smiled, "so when can you get out of here?" I asked
"As soon as I tell them who I am."
"Why haven't you?"
"Because they'll send me home." He said sadly and tentatively. Looking down at his lap.
"Don't worry Alex you live with me now that miserable place isn't your home anymore." He looked up and his sunken eyes seemed to shine a little more than before. "Ok, you tell them"
"Tell them what?"


Happy Christmas I give you a new chapter!!! Enjoy it.



Candy_Monster Candy_Monster


Alex_thelion99 Alex_thelion99

This is really good so far!