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Jack Barakat Imagines

Meeting the Guys

Your POV

Jack was taking me to meet his friends. We had been going out for a while now, not too long, but I guess it was time to meet the bandmates. I honestly don’t know how well that’s going to work, but one can dream, right?

It must mean he’s serious about me if wanted me to meet his three best friends? I consider this a higher honour than meeting his parents. I just hope they like me.

“Relax babe,” Jack smiled at me from the driver’s seat. I know I look like I’m going to explode, but that’s because I am. His friends are literally so important to him and if they don’t like me then what am I going to do? I can’t be the next Yoko Ono.

“I can’t,” I mumbled. “What if they hate me?”

“They’re not gonna hate you. What’s there to hate? I love everything about you.”

My heart quickened in speed as his words digested. I tried my best to remain calm. Jack can be pretty smooth sometimes, and I don’t know how to take it a lot of the time. “I don’t know, maybe because I’m just not cut out to be with you.” I stared out the window, refusing to look at him. If gazed up into his brown eyes, he was definitely going to win.

“Y/N, you know that’s not true.” He used his stern voice with me, making it clear he wasn’t backing down anytime soon. I could tell he was trying to catch my gaze but I refused.

“I’m nervous, Jack.”

“That’s understandable, but I’m here, and you’ll be fine, okay?”

I nodded, not wanting to say anything and we pulled up at Alex’s house. We were all gathering around to watch a pre season show of the Ravens. I wasn’t really into football, but Jack loved it, and I wanted to be supportive of him.

Jack assured me I wouldn’t be the only girl there. Cass wasn’t going to be there cause she was on tour, but Lisa was and Zack’s girlfriend was as well. I was nervous and excited and terrified all at once. With the mixture of these feelings, I declared them as “nervifited.”

Jack didn’t knock on the door of Alex’s house, and instead just walked in. I think he’s way past knocking or ringing the door bell. I on the other hand, was not. So I stood in the doorway as Jack waltzed in Alex’s house.

“Honey, I’m home,” he called out to the household. The only one that came was one of Alex’s dogs and himself. He greeted Jack with a quick hug and when he pulled back, he noticed me.

He nodded toward me while asking Jack, “Who’s this?”

“That’s my girlfriend, Y/N,” Jack replied grinning.

Alex groaned, and I immediately thought about turning back. “Jack, you can’t just bring random strangers in my house and claim that they’re your girlfriend.”

“I’m not, she’s literally my girlfriend.” Jack’s smile fell a little, but he managed it. I did not keep my smile at all, because this wasn’t going anywhere near well.

It kind of hurt knowing that Jack would usually pick up anyone and take them to meet his friends claiming they’re his girlfriend. Especially since he made me wait before introducing me to them. I was different, but how? In what way?

Alex kept the frown on his face, sizing me up. I knew that he knew I was younger than he was. I was 21. Jack was 26. That’s not that big of an age difference is it? “Well don’t just stand there, you’re letting all the cold air out.”

I came inside and closed the door, slipping off my sandals. I took a look at Jack, but he was already gone, eager to talk to his friends. Leaving me stranded in the middle of Alex’s entry way. I probably looked like a scared hamster.

Alex left too, so I set on my quest to find everyone. It wasn’t too hard considering I was meant to follow the sounds of laughter. When I made my way to them, everyone’s gaze fell upon me and the talking stopped.

I coughed awkwardly. “Um, hello, I’m-”

“This is Y/N,” Jack interrupted. “My girlfriend.”

Most of them just waved and turned their attention back to what they were doing. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the hall, not knowing what to do. I heard Rian, the one with the nice teeth, ask Jack how old I was. That’s kind of rude. He probably assumed I couldn’t hear him, but I could, so I took offence. I was going to have to express my discomfort later, this was a very tense situation I was thrown into.

I looked around for a place I could sit. There was nothing that wasn’t next to someone I didn’t feel comfortable with. I knew the spot right next to Lisa was where Alex was supposed to go, but I didn’t want to sit next to someone who hated me, and honestly, that’s how it seemed. I went to go find Jack.

Jack was in the kitchen getting out the drinks. “Oh, hey, Y/N,” he greeted me with a smile. He put the mixture on the counter to pull me in for a quick kiss. “Want a mimosa?”

“No thanks,” I smiled at him, but it was fake. I felt really awkwardly out of place, and I was beginning to question if Jack really did tell them about me.

“Oh, come on, it’ll help you loosen up a little?”

“I’m good, Jack.”

He nodded and started making drinks for everyone else. I sat by him and just watched, not really knowing what to do with myself.

“You can go in and sit with everybody,” Jack suggested.

I shook my head. “No, they don’t like me.”

“Sure they do, they just don’t know you.”

“No, I think Alex hates me.”

“Alex doesn’t hate you, he just thinks you’re some girl I picked off the street.”

“So do you do that often?” I started to change the subject, not really wanting to talk about me.

“Do what?” He cocked his head to the side in confusion, and I couldn’t help but feel a smile threatening to show on my face.

“Pick up random girls?”

“Oh!” He started to pour the mixture in the glasses. “No, not really. It was one time, and I was kind of drunk. Alex wanted me to have a date, but I couldn’t find one so I took a stripper with me, and I don’t think he’s ever forgiven me.” Jack started to laugh, and I let out a small chuckle.

“I think it’s something else.”

“Like what?”

“I think he hates me because I’m too young.”

“You’re not too young, you’re 21, that’s three years past 18. You’re an adult.”

“I think Alex feels differently.”

“Well he can suck my dick, cuz you’re absolutely fine.” He put the drinks in his hands, trying to fit all of them on his hands. I took a couple to help, and followed Jack out the door of the kitchen to the living room. Just as I was about to go out, I was a couple seconds behind Jack, considering I had to hold the door and the drinks. I collided into someone and all the glasses I was holding shattered to the floor. I looked up to see who I encountered, and it was Lisa. I instantly knew I was dead.

Alex’s girlfriend was shaking off the drink I spilled on her and her mouth was wide with shock.

I immediately started breaking out in apologies and attempted to clean up the glass so no one would hurt themselves. Both Alex and Jack came in the kitchen and Lisa had left for the bathroom. “What the fuck happened?” Jack asked me. By this time, tears were welling up in my eyes, and I was having trouble controlling how I felt anymore.

“I r-ran into Lisa on a-accident and then I-I spilled the glasses to the fl-floor,” I stammered, desperately trying to clean up my mess.

“It’s okay, Y/N, we can clean it up.” Jack gave me a smile, and I looked at him gratefully, too messed up to smile at the moment.

“Just try to watch where you’re going next time,” Alex muttered bending down to clean up his mess.

“Dude, what the fuck is your problem?” Jack snapped, stopping the cleaning altogether. I continued my mission, nervous that Alex would hate me more if I listened on their conversation.

“Just follow me.” Alex got up and walked out of the room. Jack started to follow him, but he turned back around to face me.

“Y/N, throw away what you have and wait for me either in here or out there, okay?”

I nodded, and Jack followed Alex into god knows where. I decided I’d sit on the stool in the kitchen, too nervous to face out there. If Alex and Lisa already hated me, there was no doubt Rian, Zack, and Zack’s girlfriend would too. I took out my phone and browsed through as I waited for my boyfriend to return.

Jack’s POV

Alex brought me in one of the spare rooms and when he turned around to face me, his eyes were squinty with rage. If I wasn’t mad at him, I’d laugh at the expression he was making.

“You want to know what my problem is?” he seethed, staring at me.

“That’d be quite helpful, yeah.” I tried my best not to be sarcastic, but it was so goddamn hard.

“That girl you brought over is a child, Jack. She spilled mimosa on Lisa, she acts like she’s four, where the fuck did you even find her?”

“Whoa, hold up.” I put my hands up, and took a step back from him. Where the fuck was this all coming from. He was probably on his man period or something. “First off, the mimosa thing was an accident okay? Your girlfriend bumped into her too. And second, she’s just shy. You know she was terrified of coming here because she thought you would hate her? You of all people should understand social anxiety, Alex.”

Alex looked around the room, noticing he had done wrong - I hope - and bit his lip while he stared at the floor. He sighed before he continued to speak. “She’s too young for you Jacky, I’m afraid she’s gonna break your heart.”

I shrugged my shoulders, looking anywhere but his face. “If she breaks my heart, then that’s how it is, I can’t control that. That’s what relationships are all about. Lisa’s broken your heart plenty of times, and I’ve always stuck by you every time you ask me if I thought you should get back with her.”

He didn’t respond for a while, thinking about what I said. He sighed, which probably means he’ll admit defeat. Victory is mine. “Fine, I’ll be civil with her, but I don’t like her all too much.”

“No one’s asking you to like her, I just don’t want you to be too quick to judge.”

Alex nodded and we went back to the couches. “Where have you been?” Zack asked looking up at both of us. It probably looked wrong if you were a third party, both of us out of breath and looking emotional, it probably looked like we just fucked, but this was a usual occurrence, Alex and I going off to a room to talk or yell at each other.

“We were just discussing something,” Alex mumbled, and I nodded.

“By the way, Zack, what do you think of Y/N?” I asked him.

“Who’s that?”

“Y/N, you know. The girl I brought here. I introduced her as my girlfriend?”

“Doesn’t ring any bells. Wait, you have a girlfriend?”

I laughed and rolled my eyes at Zack. He could be so clueless sometimes. He’s probably distracted by his girlfriend. He doesn’t get to see her very often, so he gets pretty invested in her when she’s around. I went back in the kitchen to find Y/N. “You can come out now, Alex promises he doesn’t hate you and that he will be civil.”

“Do the rest of them still hate me?” she asked timidly. Her shyness was overwhelmingly cute, but I remained calm and steady.

“Zack didn’t even know you were here, Lisa’s still in the bathroom so Alex will probably talk to her when she comes out, and I think Rian just wants to watch the game. He mentioned to me how young you looked, but that was about it.”

She nodded and bit her lip. She hopped off the stool she was sitting on and came up to me. “Do you think they’ll accept me?”

“If they give you a chance.” I smiled down at her, and she returned it. I leaned down to where my face was inches apart from hers. “Don’t worry Y/N, they’ll love you.” I kissed her and she wrapped her arms around my neck, responding to my lips. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. “I already do.”


AN Hey okay I don’t know if I told you, but Zack Merrick followed me on Twitter from his clothing acc the @iamamerrickan one, so that’s really cool and I can’t stop thinking about it tbh it’s so fuckin cool. Also I have fallen in love with Twenty One Pilots, and I am not okay. I now have to spend even more money on bands and even though I love having their stuff, I don’t have a job so that sucks. But I’m trying my best to learn their stuff rn so that’s gonna take a lot of work. I’m so ready for these imagines tbh we’re gonna have loads of fun, you guys ready? xx



Jxck-Bxrxkxt Jxck-Bxrxkxt

"Secrets don't make friends" ???
It's like you predicted the new ATL song

I loved this so much!!! And thanks for telling your followers to check me out. You're too kind! Haha. Seriously though, I absolutely adored this! Thank you so much!!! :D

Your imagine is up! Sorry it took so long, I accidentally forgot about it for a little bit, but it's up! Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you like it :)

Jxck-Bxrxkxt Jxck-Bxrxkxt

Well thank you for agreeing to do it! :)