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Jack Barakat Imagines

Soundwave Festival

Jack’s POV

“This song is called Dear Maria!” Alex screamed into the microphone. We played our last song and the crowd was crazy. By the time we finished, they were chanting “one more song.” I looked at Alex and he looked at me, sweaty and tired. He looked off into the mass of people. “Thanks for having us! Goodnight!”
“Jesus they were crazy tonight!” Zack said as we headed off.
“That’s Soundwave for you,” Rian laughed along.
“Let’s celebrate!” I cheered. “Drinks on me!”
“I’m only going if you promise not to abandon me for some girl,” Alex stared me down.
“When have I ever done that?”
“Whenever we go out.”
“You know you’re the only one for me Alex.” I put my hand on his cheek. “Ya jealous?” I whispered chuckling a bit.
“See, this is why people think you’re gay,” Rian interjected.
We all laughed and I went to our bus to get showered and head off to the bars. “I’ll make you a deal, Alex.” I was still trying to get him to agree to go with me. I hated going alone. “If I get Zack and Rian to go too, you have to come with me. Then if I abandon you, you have some rebounds. Sound good?”
“Fine, Jack, I’ll go. But if you abandon me for a girl again, she better be damn well worth it.”

Your POV

“I’m not going out,” I told Renzyl. She was trying to convince me to go out with her tonight. “I’m tired, I’m cold, and I just want to watch Netflix and eat Chinese food all day. Is that too much to ask?”
“Actually?” she stared at me. “It is. We’re going, you don’t have a choice.”
“But I went out last month!”
“Exactly! Last month! It’s time to get out there and dance your worries away. Or drink them, whichever you do at bars. I don’t know.”
“Every time you bring me out with you, you abandon me for some guy.”
“And it’s bound to happen again. I’m just saying you don’t need to be with me the entire time to have fun! Find someone, live a little.”
“Living is too much work.”
“Indeed it is. Go anyway.”
“Fine.” I sighed. “But you can’t make me enjoy it.”
“But I can make you dress up!” She giggled and took my hand to the bathroom to get me ready for whatever the night was ahead of us.

Jack’s POV

We arrived at the bar and some music was playing overhead. I headed straight for the bar to grab drinks for the guys. I tried to not look at girls since Alex was mad at me for leaving him so often. I ordered our drinks and sat down to wait for the bartender. A girl came up and sat next to me without looking in my direction.
I watched her for awhile until she looked up at me. I smiled and she immediately looked away. What the fuck? I wonder what’s wrong. She was extremely hot. Beautiful down to her toes. The bartender gave me our drinks and I left to deliver them to the guys. I might have to keep an eye on her.
I gave the guys their drinks and Zack downs his before running off into the dance floor. Rian sat there with me and Alex as we waited for our energy to rise.
“See that girl over there?” I pointed to the direction of her. They both nodded. “Does she look sad to you?”
“No why?” Alex asked, taking his drink.
“She seems sad. I need to cheer her up.”
“No Jack, you’re not leaving me so early in the night.”
“But where’s her friend? Usually girls travel in packs so they don’t get hurt. Where’s her protection? What if someone spikes her drink? What if she gets raped on her way home?”
“I’m sure she’s probably in the bathroom.”
“Girls travel in packs to the bathroom too. Come on, Alex, you have a girlfriend, this is chicks 101 here.”
“He’s right,” Rian added.
“Fine,” Alex gave in. “If her friend doesn’t show up in 10 minutes, you can go talk to her.” I smiled in triumph. “But you have to bring her over here.”
“Deal.” I grinned and continued to watch her. Something about the way she held herself made me want to stay right there with her. She was absolutely beautiful, and I never wanted to look away. I didn’t for the whole 10 minutes. Alex timed me.
“Jack, you didn’t even take a sip of your drink,” Alex snapped his fingers in front of my eyes. Do you realize that you have been staring her for 10 minutes straight?”
“I have?”
“Yeah, and it’s obvious that you are already in love and you haven’t even talked to her yet.”
“He’s right,” Rian turned to me. “Go talk to her man. I’ll go dance with Zack, he’s alone out there.”
I looked over to Alex. “Should I go talk to her?” I asked.
“Well, her friend hasn’t returned.”
I grinned. “Thanks!” I jumped out of my seat and ran to her direction. She was on her phone, and as I was walking, she was looking up at my direction and down at her phone, back and forth. When I got to her, I just smiled. She looked up at me, then down at her phone. She put it in her back pocket and stood there.
“Hey,” I stuttered out, trying to be casual.
“Hey,” she whispered back.
“Where’s your friend?”
“How do you know I have a friend?”
“Isn’t it standard woman code to have a friend when you go to bars so you don’t get attacked or whatever?”
“She abandoned me.”
“Wanna come back to my table with my friend?”
She looked past my shoulder. “I don’t think he’s there anymore.” I turned around, and sure enough, she was right. He must’ve realized how much I like this girl.
“Well shit, now we’ve both been abandoned.”
She giggled and I swear to god, if a laugh could kill me, it’d be that one. “I guess so.”
“Wanna get out of here?”
“And go where?”
“I don’t know, anywhere.” I shrugged.
“Sure, I guess.” I walked with her towards the exit. As I was walking I turned around and saw Alex. He gave me a thumbs up and I gave him a half smile. I do not want to fuck this one up.
We walked for a bit in silence. I didn’t know how to relate to this girl. I was trying so hard to be courteous to what she wanted that I didn’t know what to do.
“So I can tell by your American accent that you don’t live here,” she said finally. I sighed in relief. At least she wanted to talk to me.
“You have guessed right,” I chuckled.
“So where are you from.”
“That’s always good.” She sighed. I could tell she was trying. Trying for me? “What’re you doing in Australia?”
“Soundwave festival.”
“You went to it? Was it crazy?”
“I played in it.”
She stopped walking. “You played in it?”
I smiled. “Yep.”
“Which band?”
“All Time Low.”
“Holy fucking shit. Does this mean I’m going to be bombarded with fangirls? Oh my god, holy shit. Jesus Christ.”
“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it, alright?”
“I just realized I don’t even know your name.”
“Oh right. you’re the hot one.”
I laughed and ran my hand through my hair, smiling down at her.
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.” She stuck her hand out for me to shake, and I did. She giggled that fucking killer giggle and continued on. “So Jack,” she started. She turned around to talk to me as she was walking backwards.
“So Y/N.”
“How do you like Australia?”
“It’s nice so far. And if you keep walking like that you’re going to fall.” I grabbed her shoulders so she didn’t run into anyone.
“I know where I’m going.”
“I beg to differ.”
We continued to walk on and stopped by a restaurant. We had dinner, since I hadn’t eaten anything and neither had she and talked the whole time. I didn’t think I’d have this much fun talking to her, but I couldn’t stop listening to her voice. It was smooth and adorable, and I loved every word she ever uttered. She had me mesmerized, and I didn’t want this night to end.
It had to eventually, since the guys were probably getting worried. I told her I had to go back, but offered to walk her to her place. She lived in an apartment and I didn’t feel comfortable leaving her at the door so I walked her up to her door. We got there, and I stood there awkwardly, not wanting to say goodbye.
“So I guess this is goodbye, Jack.”
“I guess so.”
“I have your number, you have mine. We’ll be in touch.”
I nodded, not really knowing what to say.
“See you soon.”
“See you.” I leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed a deep shade of pink and smiled. She closed her door and I turned around to go back to my hotel.
The door opened again. “Jack?” she called.
I turned around to look at her.
“Want to stay the night?”
I grinned and basically ran back to her room and wrapped my arms around her waist as I kissed her. She shut the door, and I decided I’d call Alex in the morning.


AN Sorry it’s so long, I just wanted it to be adorable as hell. This was seriously adorable. Thank you for requesting this. I love adorable things. I wrote this mostly in Jack’s POV I hope that’s okay. And I posted when I said I was going to! Even earlier! Ayyy! The conversation is between you and Renzyl when you see Jack.Her name is Renzyl menthols because it’s an inside joke I made up in my head. Don’t question it.



Jxck-Bxrxkxt Jxck-Bxrxkxt

"Secrets don't make friends" ???
It's like you predicted the new ATL song

I loved this so much!!! And thanks for telling your followers to check me out. You're too kind! Haha. Seriously though, I absolutely adored this! Thank you so much!!! :D

Your imagine is up! Sorry it took so long, I accidentally forgot about it for a little bit, but it's up! Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you like it :)

Jxck-Bxrxkxt Jxck-Bxrxkxt

Well thank you for agreeing to do it! :)