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Who likes simple


I watch them from my bunk proud of myself and Jack. We should get like a TV show. For matchmaking...
'Are you a workaholic? Does your job follow you everywhere? No time for dating it looking for love? Call 1-800-12-JALEX- whoa. I used that in my head. I will not embrace the ship that is Jalex.
"Oh my god Fly!" Hanna laughs loudly and swats at Matt who stands behind her.
"Shushhhhh!" He chuckles and grabs her waist pulling her back out of my line of view all I hear is a few giggles and soft whisper. I'm not entirely sure I want to know what's going on over there.
"Dude... They're having sex." Jack looks at me wide eyed from across the isle. He must've just woken up.
"You know she wouldn't." I shake my head skittle bit,
"Matt's an idiot and seems to always wait forever for it too." Jack groans
"SNOOOOORE." Zack shuffles above us. He's always the worst in the mornings thankfully when everybody can sleep through it.
"I'm getting up. Filmin' did shit." Jack grins at me devilishly and pulls his phone out from under his pillow before rolling off the bunk stealthily then starts down the hall holding the phone up already recording. That little pervert. I roll oh of bed much clumsier making a bit if a thump.
"WHAT THE FUCK JACK!" Matt shouts.
"Oh my god..." Hanna groans clearly stressed.
"Dammit Alex!" Jack runs back jumping over me "that could have been an amateur porn that would have been sold to creepy fan girls everywhere at way too high prices!"
"They were having sex!?" Vinny sticks his head out of his bunk far too thrilled,
"No!" Matt shouts he stands at the end of the hall, blocking the way to the front lounge I can't see Hanna.
"Damn, we would have had a party." Zack chuckles groggily from above me.
"Hey, stop pressuring them man." Rian yawns and slides out of his bunk,
"Thank you." Matt sighs,
"You guys I'm almost done with breakfast!" Hanna calls from behind Matt, he turns to look at her disbelieving.
"Yes!" Grieco shouts from his bunk and jumps out heading straight to Matt pushing past him to where the smell off eggs and sausage has started to waft. I didn't even know we had everything for that.
"Fine." Matt sighs and Jack hops out of his bunk followed by Rian and Zack who is very groggy and exhausted looking. I follow Zack to the front lounge where Hanna sets out twelve plates for all of us:
Me, Rian, Zack, Jack, Hanna, Matt, Vinny, Colussy, Grieco, Danny, Evan and Jeff. That's all the bus fits. The majority of us piles in the front lounge to grab the breakfast she made but Grieco, Colussy and Danny remain in bed probably power sleeping to prepare themselves for the first show.


Well, random person. I have terrible time management. So I'M SORRY! I've been terrible at updating! ugh i love you guys though :*


Yay :3 I'm so glad somebody likes it :3 I wasn't modivated for a while. And I just got a really good idea for it :P
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten
Yes .... I fricking love this story, and i miss reading it :D
So i vote yes for a trilogy :D

GemGem_JaseyRae GemGem_JaseyRae
I know :P but it was still kinda funny
So I pretty much just screamed at you. And you laughed. I love you tooo. =.=
TeamNon-Canon TeamNon-Canon
Haha you made me laugh so hard XD