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Remembering Tuesday


“Harmyyyyyy” I text Harmony.

“Yes baby?” she replies.

“Will you come hang out with me? Pwease. C;”

“Mehhhh. Fineeee. C;; I’ll be there in an hour.”

“Yaaaaay. Thank you Harmy. I looooove you.”

“Yeah yeah. I love you to. ;)”

“Haha. You better “


“Babbby!” Harmony says, jumping onto my beg and hugging me.

“Ello.” I laugh and hug her back.

“How are you feeling baby?”

“Im doing better. How about you?”

“Great.” She smiles

“I saw your boyfriend naked yesterday” I laugh.


“Hahahha, yeah. I was skyping Jack yesterday and Alex walked into the room naked. Then he climbed on Jack and you know.” I say cracking up.

“Oh my goodness,” she laughs, “ I’m scared that Jack is going to replace me soon.”

“Right? I don’t know, I find it adorable.”

“Of course you do, you silly fangirl.” She giggles.

“How is everything with you and Alex anyways?”

Her eyes suddenly filled with emptiness, as she looked down. Something was terribly wrong, I really hope I don’t have to kick his ass. He better have not hurt her.

“I really miss him. You know? I see pictures of him everywhere, happy as can be, and I just.. he doesn’t seem that happy with me. At all. I love him, but it’s so hard to see that. I just want to be with him all of the time, but I don’t think it matters to him. I don’t know.. I’m probably just paranoid.” She says, tears gushing out of her eyes.

In that moment, I breathed, looked at her, and pulled her into my arms.

“I know how you feel babe. I feel the same way with Jack. It’s hard, but it get’s better. It will always get better. He will be home in no time, and you’ll be able to see that he loves you and wants to be with you more then any other person alive. You’re perfect for each other. This whole thing is actually perfect. I’m perfect for Jack, and he is for me. Jack’s perfect for Alex, and Alex is for him. Alex is perfect for you. And you’re for him. And you’re perfect for me, as I am for you. Baby, don’t cry. Everything is going to be okay. It’s all going to work out. I promise. Okay?”

“Okay.. Kys. I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you to Harm Harm.”

In that moment, we were best friends again. Connected. Ever since high school, and forever further, it shall be Harmony and I. Unstoppable. Nothing would come between us. She was mine, and I was here. I love her so much, for everything. Everything that we’ve been through together. All the laughs, the tears, the ups, the downs. We were perfect. And we found our two perfect pieces to finish our puzzle. We fit together just right, and nothing shall every break us.


“Anyways, how does he look down there?” Harmony laughs, after we cuddle on the bed for a while.

“You haven’t seen yet?” I asked, astonished.

“Nope. Not yet.” She bites her lip.

“Well it’s a secret then.”

“Kylie Marie Crader, tell me right the instant.”

“Fineee. “ I laugh, “He pretty good. You’ll be happy.”

“Oh God,” she laughs.

“Do you ever wonder how far Alex and Jack have gotten with each other? I’ve seen them kiss before, but do you think they’ve gone any further?”

“Probably.” She laughs.

“Would it be absolutely terrible if I say that I hope they have?”

“No, because you’ll always be that little fangirl at heart.” She smiles.

I will be. Forever. I might know the guys, they may be my best friends/boyfriend. But I will ALWAYS be a little fangirl for them. Every time they smile, or laugh, I can’t help but smile. They are perfect. All of them, in their own way. I love them. They saved my life and I can thank them for so much it’s unbelievable.


“Jack, I love you.” I text him.

“I love you too Kylie Marie.”

There’s no way life could get any better at the point.


Hey guys!
I'm sorry I haven't posted in 2 weeks. I'm a jerk, and you probably hate me. But I'm sorrayyyyy. I've had a lot going on, and I'm super sick. I have to get an x-ray of my brain tomorrow, wish me luck?
I promise to update soon.
(And sorry for the shit chapter. I can't think straight.)

I love you all so much!
Don't forget to subscribe/rate/comment.

~Emilee <3


Ugh. I love it. I love that song. Dose emotions doe.

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110

Ik. Me too cx


oh jeez I so want to be Kylie right now XD but POOR VIC D':

luckiness luckiness



Thanks guise c:

Golly dees too chaptrs r adoruble xD <3

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110