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"I don't do band members!"

We have an emergency

A long working day neared it's end as the last bands played their sets and the fans slowly left the venue to go home.
I was really tired having had so little sleep the night before but I wanted to just relax and hang out with people to stop my mind from constant worrying.
Also I had a promise to hold.
I went round to the old RV that was home to the youngest band on Warped and knocked at their door.
I heard some shuffling on the other side and a sleepy and ruffled Annika looks at me rubbing her eyes.
"You're already sleeping? I wanted to pick you up for a girls night out." I smile brightly at her.

"Who's this?" I hear Lucy's tired voice from inside. "It's, Gi, she wants to have a girls night with us." Annika shouts to the back of the bus. I can hear her groan. Annika turns round to me again. "Look Gi, that's really nice but we're like so tired today..." Her voice trails off.
I fake disappointment and make puppy eyes. "Oh, okay, uhm- sorry, I was just thinking maybe we could drop by the OMAM bus but don't worry, it's not that important."

Lucy dashes to the door holding up one finger. "Give us five minutes." She pulls Annika in and slams the door shut.

I grin and walk little circles in front of the vehicle while waiting. About ten minutes later two not so tired young ladies step out of the RV looking gorgeous but a little nervous. I throw one arm around each of their shoulders and grin down at them. "Let's break some hearts tonight." I joke and drag them along.

When we near the Of Mice and Men bus I have to laugh at the scene that unfolds in front of us. The band and their crew are chilling outside on fold out chairs and tables enjoying a quiet beer apart from Alan and Austin who sit on a full size couch. How they managed to get this monster in their truck nobody knows but it looked really comfy.

I can feel the two girls steps growing more hesitant the closer we get. I'm about to tell them there is no need to be shy when Alan notices us and jumps up coming over with a big grin on his face.
"Hi, my favourite site manager, what can I do for you?" He greets me leaving his hands in the pockets of his jeans tilting his head and looking at us from under his ginger bangs.
"Hello Mr Ashby, my two lovely friends and I are looking for a nice company to end this workday with a couple of beers." I gesture at the girls and they start giggling while they are shamelessly checking out Alan. He notices of course and his brows shoot up.

"Well, I think you have come to the right place then" he grins and turns holding out his arm. "Welcome to our humble abode, ladies."
We make our round and I greet the guys and introduce the girls, making sure to mention to Phil that Lucy is playing lead guitar and to Austin that Annika is doing unclean vocals, which leaves both of them starting a convo with their favourite band member.

I take a beer from the cooler and collapse onto the couch besides Alan. "Looks like your stuck with me then. Sorry, not sorry." I joke and take my first sip after clinking my bottle to his.

"As if I would care hanging out with babies." He replies nodding towards the two girls.

"Hey if I recall correctly you're one year younger than me that makes you the baby here." I tease.

"Yeah but I'm an awesome babe!" He grins and takes out his phone to take a selfie with the two of us. I can't help the feeling he just wants to check his looks on the screen and I start to giggle.

Actually we really hit it off because Alan doesn't try to be funny but he has an incredible bluntness and says whatever pops into his head which is hilarious.
I put my legs over his lap and snuggle up to him while we talk and laugh about everything and nothing and drink our second beer when I see Tony walking past.

I shoot him a smile but he looks away and keeps walking. "Tony" I call out to him. No reaction. Hey! What's wrong with him? I scramble up and hand Alan my bottle. "Sorry mate, it was so cool hanging out with you, we have to do that again but I think I have to go now."
I clap my hands to get the girls attention "Girls! Your bus call is midnight. Don't forget that!"
I totally made that up to try to communicate I don't want them to stay out too long but they only roll their eyes at me. Anyway I turn to run after Tony before I will loose him in the darkness.

I run up to him. " Hey Tony." He doesn't stop. I have to speed walk beside him because he takes really long strides.
Enough! I walk past him and turn around to stand in his way. He stops but averts his eyes.

"Tony, what's wrong?" Now I'm getting really worried.
He huffs but looks at me, it's not a nice look though. "you really don't get it, do you?" He sounds annoyed. I motion for him to go on.
"You sneak out of my bunk before I wake up, then we don't see or hear from you the whole day. I- we are worried sick about you and then I see you socialising with your 'friends' as if you haven't got a care in the world."

I realise how this must look for him, so I try and explain.

"Tony, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you but I did this because, I feel bad for how much you guys have done for me. I know how stressful touring is, without having to look after a stupid little girl that gets herself into trouble all the time. I just don't want to take up all your time and space." I look at him pleading and grab a hold of his arm to get him to listen to me. He takes my hand in his and is about to say something when we are interrupted by someone shouting.

" HEY, SITE MANAGER!" The voice is unmistakable.

I cover my eyes with my free hand. "by the love of god, please not now!!" I mumble and turn around.
A very drunken Alex stumbles towards us, steadied by his only slightly less drunken best friend.
"Hey site manager we have an emergency" he slurs. " it's in my pants, can you take care of that? " he snorts and giggles uncontrollably nearly toppling over.
I hold out my hand to keep him from falling.
"Alex, go home, you're drunk." I scold. Making a mental note to talk to him when he's sobered up, the amount of alcohol he takes in recently is stupid and hazardous. " Jack, you make sure to take him to his bunk safely." I snap.

Said man's face falls as he makes big round eyes at me. "Are you still mad at me, Bestie?"
"No, Jack but now is not the time." I reply, my patience wearing thin as I shove the two in the direction of their bus. They stagger on mumbling and giggling to themselves.

I turn back to Tony with a sigh, the moment has passed and he stays rooted to the spot looking at me sadly, saying nothing.

I raise my hands in defeat. "I know it seems I make the wrong choices all the time but believe me, I don't want to. I don't even know why and I'm sorry I am such a fuck up and that you guys constantly have to look after me." I nearly loose it.

"Gi, I WANT to look after you, does that mean nothing to you?" His voice is barely a whisper.

My head snaps up. "Oh god no! Tony! It means everything to me." I just stumble into his arms holding his waist tight, my face buried in his chest.
We stay like that for a while when Tony finally asks. "Will you stay in my bunk tonight?"

" I wanted to give you a good nights rest and go to my own bus." I mumble into his shirt.

He sighs."don't you know I never slept better with you by my side?"


Two updates in one day!!! I think I deserve a comment for that!!! Please? *makes puppy eyes*


I Completely Agree With You On Your Comments. I Also Thought It Was Still Over All A Good Story.

BreaClift. BreaClift.

I'm excited to read them, I've started with the first installment for the Easy stories. :)
And no problem, I know what it's like to not receive feedback so I try my best to leave it with each story I read. :)

Nanook Nanook

Well I admit this is not really my best story, I personally like the two Easy stories, can't wait for your opinion! Thank you so much for taking the time and giving your feedback. I have started writing on here after a two year break and I'm really struggling, so this is great help. :))

T-what T-what

Hmmm... so I said I would check out your other stories so I'm making it my mission! :)
I just finished this one and hmm... not really sure how I feel about it. XD Greatly written, just sad with how it ended... like, her breaking contact with everyone. But it makes sense with the title I guess.
But it was an interesting read nonetheless. I was bummed she didn't end up with Alex, and then he just decided to permanently break contact with her, but that's how it goes I guess. She really had a bad day for the end there. But I'm glad things were maybe looking up with the new guy.
Overall, great job with this, it was awesomely written and I have to appreciate that. Something to maybe consider is an epilogue of sorts just to show how she ultimately ends up and if she does in fact manage to avoid band members altogether. But just a thought. :)
Onto the next story (saving your most recent for last, I will get there). :)

Nanook Nanook

i was kinds disappointed but it still looks perfect *-* I hope Gi has a good life with Louis :3

alltimeleafeon alltimeleafeon