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Life Being on Tour

Chapter 8

So, I know it seems weird that I fucked a fan.. but like I told Alex before, I didn't knew she was a fan. And damn.. I can't stop thinking about it. I.. I'm kind of horny again..

"Hey Jack, stop thinking about fucking someone.", Alex interrupted me while throwing a pillow at me.
"Ouch! What was that for?"
"Just stop thinking about fucking this girl. It's disgusting."
"No it isn't. I mean.. I don't think about her all day."
"But you do now and it's disgusting. So stop."

"You want to get something to drink?", Alex asked me after a while of silent.
"I don't know, Alex. It's 2am."
"So what? Let's have some fun in here. Party is staring now! Everybody come grab some drink!", he yelled over to other boys in the bus.
Vinny was the first to show up, then Riand and then Zack.
They all took a beer and handed me one.
"No problem."

After we had a few drinks Zack went to sleep, but that didn't stop the rest of us.
"Hey let's play I have never ever.", Vinny suggested.
"Explain us the rules."
"Okay. Someone says I have never ever.. and adds something to it. For example I say 'I have never ever slept with someone who actually was in a relationship.' And if someone did he has to take a sip of his beer."
"That sounds easy. Let's play."
"Okay. I'll begin. I have never ever watched gay porn. Not even a glimpse of it.", Vinny said and looked at everyone.
I took a sip and watched Alex taking a sip of his beer too.
Well that was unexpected.
"So, now it's Alex turn.", Vinny explained.
"I have never ever had a crush on someone's girlfriend.", he said and took a sip.
Well okay, I took one too.
"Now it's my turn?", I asked.
"Good Night guys. This game sucks and I'm tired.", Rian said and walked to the bunk area.
"So. My turn. I have never ever tried to get laid."
Everyone took a sip.
"Well guys... I have to go to sleep. My work starts earlier then yours don't forget that. I'm still your merch guy.", Vinny said, going to his bunk.
"That will be the two of us then.", Alex said slightly drunk.
"You know what? Let's mix drinks."
"Nn.noo Jaack."
"C'mon it'll be fun."
"Oh well, okay."

I've lost track of how much drinks we had and was shocked when I looked at the time. 4 am.
"Fuck, Alex. I.. I think we have to get ssome ssleep.", I slurred drunkenly.
"Oh. Okay. Yy.. You're right. We've had enough.", Alex said giggling.
"D. Definitively.", I said giggling too.
"You knnow what? Llet's go to ssleep."
"Aalex. I said that bbefore."
"Oh, yeah. Yyou're right. Let me. Let me just grab a blanket.", he said standing up from the couch and went to the bunk area.
For some unexplainably reason I followed him.
"Sso. Here it is. Llet's go to sleep."
"Y.you know. I'm too tired to go to my bunk."
"Yeah. Llet's us just sleep here on the floor."
"Grreat idea.", Alex said giggling.

"Wake the fuck up, fuckers!", Vinny yelled at Alex and me.
"Ouch! Don't scream like that.", Alex said, holding a hand to his head.
"It's your fucking problem if you drank too much and not mine. Get the fuck up. It's almost eleven am."
"Oh shit!", I exclaimed, immediately standing up from the ground. Too fast.
I had to sit back down because I was feeling dizzy.
"That was too fast. I feel sick."
"I don't. I just have a headache. I think I'll take an aspirin."
I was feeling sick.
"And I think I'm going to throw up.", I said running out of the bus and to the next bush to throw up.


So. Here's a little update on the story. I know it's short but I like it that way.

Hope you had fun reading it? Let me know I like feedback :)

Rate, or subscribe if you want :) I'm always happy about some new readers ;) ;)



Yeah, It can, but it doesn't necessarily have to ;)

Plora Walora Plora Walora

Yay an update! Jack is ao being a dick lol its the coke though. It ruins friendships and relationships


I finally updated ^^

Plora Walora Plora Walora

I can't wait any longer ; -; jk


;) You'll have to wait

Plora Walora Plora Walora