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Hold On Till May


Grooves Lodge. A place of rehabilitation for the mentally ill, the people who struggle with inner demons. It was a place to overcome difficulties in a safe, happy environment with helpful staff, ready to jump on the opportunity to provide care.

For a place of rehabilitation, it was depressing as hell.

Jack sat in the waiting room, filling out the paperwork that people kept throwing at him. He would never get to his treatment if they kept giving him all of these papers. His pen made sloppy circles around the yes or no option on the stupid surveys.

Have you ever been involved in illegal drug activity?


Have you ever consumed alcohol even though you’re underage?


Do you have frequent thoughts of death, suicide, or what it would be like if you were gone?


If this was a test, Jack would be failing it.

After confessing all of his sins to the page, he flipped over the rules of the program, eyes quickly scanning over them.
Any contact outside of the program is strictly forbidden. All participants of the program must remove themselves from outside contact. No exchange of phone numbers, emails or other social media.

Jack scoffed. As if he would want to hang out with a bunch of crazies in his free time.

Due to the intimate nature of the group, participants of the program might begin to harbor romantic feelings for one other. Romantic relationships within the group are strictly forbidden. Anyone found in such a relationship will be asked to leave the group.

He couldn’t even fathom falling in love at a mental hospital.

Cigarettes and lighters are not to be brought to group. Any such items will be confiscated at the beginning of the day.


Jack was suddenly convinced that he needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

“Jack,” a blond woman called as she stepped into the waiting room. “Are you ready to meet the group?”


Why am I starting another story? Because I can.




alltimeleafeon alltimeleafeon

This is really good!

Jagk-Barakat Jagk-Barakat