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Sick Little Games

The sequel

The sequel to this story has been up now for just under two weeks so I'm guessing most of you guys have read it but just in case you haven't:

He Has No Idea

Thanks for continuing to read this story and it would mean a lot to me if you continued the story by reading the sequel because I think it's some of the best material I've ever written.
Thanks again,
Em x



I can't believe that people are still reading this. Over 38k views is insane and I just...wow. Thank you. Plus, it's still on the popular page and that means a lot to me.

jackbarasass jackbarasass

@Ayyy lmao
Awww, thank you so much, you literally have no idea how much your comment means to me :)
The sequel is up and in the running too so, yeah.
Honestly, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when people, such as yourself, make such lovely comments towards me and my work so thank you, again,
Thank you, I cannot stress how much that means to me. x

jackbarasass jackbarasass

I'm literally numb this fanfiction was amazing. Thank. You. So. Much. For. Making. This. You are. Incredably. Talented(this is your first fic, i found that out in one of the last chapters and i was genuinely shocked as i thought u had written loads of them before as this is amazing). Im so so so so so glad ive read this. Thank you. Thank you so much.

suck.my.fuck suck.my.fuck

Aww I really can't wait for the sequel! This story was nothing less than amazing!! :)

GhostWriter GhostWriter

They're so cute. Oh my gosh. Cannot wait for the sequel! :))

SimplyUndead SimplyUndead