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Me Without You

Band City

“It’s muddy and I’m wet.” I grizzled to Tay as we wandered through the fields at Reading. She giggled and nudged my shoulder as we squelched through the mud. Both bands had already played their sets for today so were free to do whatever the hell we wanted without any time constraints. “Of course it had to rain. Fucking England.” I shouted the last part causing multiple festival goers to turn and stare. Tay froze when she noticed a couple of girls trying to see under our hoods and jackets and grabbed my hand.
“Our disguises have been compromised. Abort mission!” We took off through the mud puddles laughing our way to the parking lot where the buses were parked. “Help!” Tay yelled as we got closer. “They’re onto us!” Security looked entirely dazed by the situation until flipped back our hoods and flashed our laminates at them. Multiple bands and artists laughed as us as we made the most dramatic demand for entrance to the We Are The In Crowd bus.
“Let us in!” Tay cried, much to the amusement of Cameron who stood laughing on the other side of the door. The rain was getting heavier and now my hair was getting wet.
“Cameron open the fucking door!” I whined, smiling when Rob pulled Cameron out of the way to unlock the door.
“You idiot. What are you going to do when our lead vocalist is sick?” Rob clipped Cameron over the back of the head and Tay and I both chuckled as we stripped out of our wet jackets and threw our gumboots at the floor.
“I am done with this country and its mud.” I groaned, plopping next to Jordan on the couch, shaking out my hair so the rain sprayed all over him.
“Jasey!” Jordan practically squealed as the moisture made contact with his skin.
“That is for not letting us in.” I smiled proudly and high-fived Tay.
“That was Cameron!” I shrugged explaining that he hadn’t made an effort to help us. He stood up grumbling and made his way over to the bunks, reaching in to one and then throwing a towel at both Tay and I. I threw Jordan a thankful smile as I started to rub my hair dry. Rob made us coffee to warm back up after we realised that the rain had managed to seep through our not-so-waterproof jackets. Tay let me borrow some of her spare clothes and I silently thanked god that we were the same size. The sonic chimes went off in my pocket and I pulled out my phone to find an entertaining message from my other half.

From: Jack x

We could hear you and Tay screaming from the opposite end of the lot. You’re idiots.

I quickly walked to the bus door and opened it, shouting at the top of my lungs.
“YEAH AND YOU BETTER KNOW IT SLUT!” I heard Alex yell back and couldn’t help but double over laughing.
“YOUR ASS IS MINE, GASKARTH.” I screamed after I had regained my breath.
“YOU FUCKING WISH. YOU’RE MINE.” A few bands were now hiding from the rain under the mass of tents we had used to create a ‘band city’ earlier this morning. “GET YOUR ASS BACK TO THE BUS, JASEY-RAE.” I scowled at Jack’s playful orders and screamed back that I would never give in and sat down cross-legged in the opening of the bus. Soon enough three men came charging through band city. I stirred the cup of water I had in my hand behind my back, ready to attack if either Jack, Vinny or Alex got too close. Sure enough Jack barely hesitated as he rushed towards me, arms out and an evil grin on his face. I pouted until he got close enough and then slammed the water into his face before boosting it to the next open bus and locking myself in side.
“Uh, Jasey?” Jack and Justin were sitting x-box controllers in hand staring at me.
“Hide me.” I squealed as I heard Jack outside. The boys started asking questions but I already dove into one of the bunk which judging by the photo of Copeland, was Kellin’s. I lay dead still as I heard Jack start talking with the two lads. Jack was laughing and swearing black and blue he hadn’t seen me. My nose tickled. No. Not now. Oh, shit. I could feel a sneeze coming and I needed to hold it until my hunters were off the bus. No I- ACHOO. I could practically hear Jack’s face burst into a smile as he rushed down to the bunks and whipped the curtain open. In a flash I was hitched kicking and screaming over Jack’s shoulder to the ‘courtyard’ outside where Vinny and Alex were waiting with large water bottles. I protested that I’d only just got dry but the boys held me still and slowly tipped the water down my shirt anyway. I glared at Jordan who was now standing with a couple of the boys from Bring Me The Horizon. I walked calmly towards him with my arms out once Jack had let me go, my arms open, inviting me for a hug. Jordan backed behind Oli, using him as a human shield and dodged my every attempt to grab him. So instead I did the next logical thing. I disappeared behind one of the buses closest to the barbeques and hooked the hosepipe up, pressing my thumb against the opening to create pressure and jumped out from behind the bus, soaking everyone in my path to Jordan. It was safe to say no one who wasn’t directly involved with the water war soon was and the carpark was soon full scaled war. It was each man for himself now. We had started with allies but betrayal after betrayal led to no one being trusted.

I couldn’t stop sneezing. I lay cuddled in every blanket I could steal from the bus, Jack’s Ravens jersey and a pair of two sizes too big track pants.
“I feel like hell.” I groaned to Zack who lay on the bunk opposite scrolling through his phone.
“That’s your fault.” He laughed. “You were the one who initiated warfare.” I shrugged at his point and took another sip on my tea. Jack appeared with donuts and slid in next to me, climbing under the mountain of blankets so he could have the satisfaction of running his freezing cold fingers over my ballooning stomach.
“Fuck you!” I screamed at him, nearly spilling my tea.
“Watch your blood pressure sweetie.” He smiled innocently, stealing a kiss. And there it was. The beginning. I was becoming noticeable now and it would begin. The pregnancy jokes were starting.
“I’m going to kill you.” I growled and Jack simply smiled, cuddling his head onto my shoulder, focusing his eyes on the movie I had randomly chosen on Netflix. It was crap. I gave Zack a warning look who quickly turned his attention back to his screen. Yeah, damn right.
“You love me.” Jack laughed as he snuggled down.


I wanted to do something kinda fun after all the draaaammmmmmaaaaaaa so here you go!
I hope you guys are enjoying the story, please let me know what you think.
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I love you all! x


Prequel first please <3 :)

LastFlightHome LastFlightHome

Ahh okay I get it :)

I really hope I didn't sound mean. If I didn't like your story I wouldn't have bothered. I just thought it was good enough for me to point out.

Hey :) I kind of wanted that to be the point. Jasey seems so perfect and everyone seems to like her so much that her downfall is how possessive she becomes over everyone. How they're her boys and no one else's unless she totally approves of them. I read a lot of fanfiction where the female is 'perfect' in a way and I wanted to try push that in a different way where her perfection and popularity is her downfall. For example, how she can't choose between Alex or Jack but still expects both of them to hang around for her and not move on, which ultimately all comes from her insecurity but we haven't got there yet ;) I'm starting to focus more on that side of the story now as its coming toward the end but I thought I should just put that out there and I'm really do apologise if it's unclear! The story did begin with a lack of character put into Jasey which I'm trying to slowly fix up through both the chapters coming up and the prequel.
Thanks for your comment!

Evie Evie

I really don't mean to sound bitchy or mean but why does everyone like Jasey so much? What has she done? She seems kind of perfect, which seems kind of unrealistic. I haven't finished the story yet but does she have any flaws? Also why are they all her boys? Is no other female allowed to be a part of their lives but Jasey? This story is well written and there are certain parts of it that I really like, its just that those things don't really make sense. I really hope I didn't hurt your feelings or anything like that, because I am in no means a perfect writer, but I hope its like constructive criticism.

Lets face it, there's never enough drama :)

Evie Evie