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Me Without You

Family. (Day 54) Part 2

“What’s dad?” Joyce sang as she entered the room and my eyes locked with May’s. We were screwed. There was no way of keeping this secret now.
“Mom, come here.” Jack whispered, motioning for his mother to sit. Joyce frowned and asked if anything was wrong as she took a seat next to May. “Jasey and I have something to tell you.” Joyce nodded and Jack waited until Bassam and Joe came guffawing into the room.
“Why so quiet?” Joe asked as he plopped himself on one of the bean bags.
“Jack has something to say.” Joyce phrased it more as a question than as a statement, cueing Jack to reveal out little secret. Jack repositioned himself on the love seat, correcting his posture and grabbing my hand between his.
“Mom, Dad… Joe.” He began. “Jasey and I have another secret to share with you beside our relationship.” Joyce glanced at May who was brimming with excitement and then raised an eyebrow at me. I felt my cheeks flush red and I turned my attention to s stammering Jack. “We discovered recently that Jasey… well, Jasey… Jasey… Jay is…”
“We get it. It’s about Jasey.” Joe mocked his brother’s nerves as Bassam threw a well-aimed cushion at his head. Jack scowled at his brother and cleared his throat.
“Jasey and I… we… we only found out yesterday. Jasey…”
“I’m pregnant.” I cut in, saving Jack from his panic. He would have never got that out. Joyce squealed with excitement and Joe clapped for his brother, congratulating him on finally getting in my pants (little did he know).
“You got her pregnant.” Bassam stated and everyone collectively sank back in their chairs. “Jack Bassam Barakat. You got Jasey pregnant and I see no ring on her finger.” Jack looked at his feet and ran a rand through his hair. We all knew this was going to happen. “I told you from day 1 that I don’t care how forward the world is, if you ever bring a girl home pregnant there is to be a ring on her finger. Explain to me why there is none on Jasey’s.” Joyce tried to address her husband but he raised a hand, cutting her off. “Well, boy?” I could practically hear Jack’s brain humming as he thought of the words.
“I’ve only found out yesterday, Dad.” Jack sighed. “And I go back on tour in two days. I have another week of tour until I’m finished. Plus, did it ever occur to you that Jasey may not want to get married? A lot of girls don’t want to walk down the aisle pregnant.” May and I both snorted at the memory of Catherine Hangars wedding in my sophomore year. She was a freshman who had got herself pregnant to a senior and his father forced him to marry her. She was the size of a whale by the time the wedding came around and the poor girl had tried to fit herself into a dress that would have never agreed with her swollen stomach.
“I do not care.” Bassam stood, towering over his son. “I know Jasey well. She is a part of this family, she always has been. You both love each other and I know she wouldn’t refuse you.” He was right on that one. “I do not care about Alex. He will deal with it. He’s a strong, clever kid. But you will marry her before this baby is born.” May laughed and raised her eyebrows at me. I shrugged, I had no objections to marrying Jack, but I would not be the size of a beach ball when I walked down the aisle. Bassam stalked out of the room, leaving us in a shocked silence. Jack apologised to me and I laughed.
“Why are you apologising? We knew this was going to happen.” Jack leaned his head on my shoulder and I ran my fingers through his blonde streak. He had got rid of it for a while, but he complained last week that it was like dying away a part of his soul and went to the first hairdressers he saw to get it back. Joyce and May were whispering on the couch and I groaned. Nothing good happened when they conspired.
“We can have it by the time you’re 16 weeks.” Joyce stated, causing us to stare at her.
“Pardon me?” I questioned.
“The wedding.” May shrugged. “Dad will not let this go. He will marry you himself while she’s in labour if that’s what it comes down to. So, Jasey will stay here for the rest of the tour. We have twelve weeks until she’s four months pregnant. If we knuckle down, we can so plan a wedding in three months.” Joyce was beaming and I didn’t quite know what to make of it and, judging by his facial expression, neither did Jack. “Three months. Wedding.” Jack grabbed my hand and dragged me from the room, back up the stairs to his room, slamming the door.
“You can’t let them do that.” Jack growled at me as he began pacing his room.
“Do what?” I sighed, sitting down on the edge of his bed.
“Manipulate you. If you don’t want to get married you shouldn’t have to.”
“I don’t think it’s a bad idea.” I whispered in a small voice.
“I mean, it’s our decision, our baby. We can do what we like when we’re… what?” Jack whipped round to stare at me.
“I said I don’t think it’s an entirely terrible idea.” Jack stared at me blankly. Oh no, I thought he was panicking because he didn’t think I wanted to marry him. Oh god, he was panicking because he didn’t want to marry me.
“I love you.” Jacks blank face broke into a grin and he scooped me up, spinning me around and kissing me.
“Wait, I thought you were anti-wedding?” I was utterly confused.
“I thought you were anti-wedding!” Jack laughed back before attacked my face again. I slowly plied him off me once more, needing to sort this out.
“So are we getting married or not?” I giggled as he trailed his hands underneath my shirt and kissed my neck. His touch disappeared and I frowned, turning around to look for my lover.
“Just wait here.” Jack smiled before shutting the door and taking off down the stairs. I sat back on the bed and rubbed my hand along my stomach. I found out I was pregnant yesterday, today I was dealing with to marry, or not to marry. That is the question. I wouldn’t have considered getting married before May brought it up, but now the idea was planted in my head, it didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Jack burst back through the door, a bag of chewy lifesavers in his hand. Oh god, he wasn’t.
“Are the purple ones till your favourite?” Jack laughed as he tore the packet open. I scoffed at the pure idiocy of the question and groaned as Jack took one out and slid onto his knee in front of me.
“Jasey-Rae Victoria Roberts.” He began and I shook my head.
“I have loved you since-“
“The day you snuck through my window on my seventeenth.”
“You are not proposing to me with a gummy lifesaver.”
“When we came back for you and you weren’t home I was crushed.”
“Jack, stop it.” I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly it was.
“Will you do yourself the extreme honour-“
“Let’s face it, I’m damn cool.”
“You are an idiot.”
“Jasey, will you marry me?” Jack had turned totally serious for those four words and I froze up. Oh my god. That actually happened. I was snapped out of my daze when Jack’s serious resolve disappeared. “In three months or god help me because my father will kill me?” I couldn’t help but laugh a yes as he slid the purple candy onto my finger.


Sooo.... EEP. I ship it.
What do you guys think?


Prequel first please <3 :)

LastFlightHome LastFlightHome

Ahh okay I get it :)

I really hope I didn't sound mean. If I didn't like your story I wouldn't have bothered. I just thought it was good enough for me to point out.

Hey :) I kind of wanted that to be the point. Jasey seems so perfect and everyone seems to like her so much that her downfall is how possessive she becomes over everyone. How they're her boys and no one else's unless she totally approves of them. I read a lot of fanfiction where the female is 'perfect' in a way and I wanted to try push that in a different way where her perfection and popularity is her downfall. For example, how she can't choose between Alex or Jack but still expects both of them to hang around for her and not move on, which ultimately all comes from her insecurity but we haven't got there yet ;) I'm starting to focus more on that side of the story now as its coming toward the end but I thought I should just put that out there and I'm really do apologise if it's unclear! The story did begin with a lack of character put into Jasey which I'm trying to slowly fix up through both the chapters coming up and the prequel.
Thanks for your comment!

Evie Evie

I really don't mean to sound bitchy or mean but why does everyone like Jasey so much? What has she done? She seems kind of perfect, which seems kind of unrealistic. I haven't finished the story yet but does she have any flaws? Also why are they all her boys? Is no other female allowed to be a part of their lives but Jasey? This story is well written and there are certain parts of it that I really like, its just that those things don't really make sense. I really hope I didn't hurt your feelings or anything like that, because I am in no means a perfect writer, but I hope its like constructive criticism.

Lets face it, there's never enough drama :)

Evie Evie