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I Can't Live Without You Now, I Can't Even Live With Myself.

Oh, My Stomach's Tied In Knots

The last weeks Jess and Drew had left of the summer went by pretty fast, although Drew had changed, a lot. The house was slowly becoming more of a home. The nights were drawing in and the sunlight was becoming less blistering. It was the morning of their first day at their new school. Apprehensive was an understatement.

I turn over in my bed, releasing a few groans while stretching, as my mum bawls mine and my brothers names from the bottom of the staircase. After I woke up fully, I checked my Facebook before even removing myself from the cacoon that I call my bed. The same old thing, nothing new, no messages, nothing. I sit up leaning against my headboard with a sigh, my bed hair in my eyes. I couldn't be bothered today, but first impressions still count, don't they?

I miss breakfast and instead jump in the shower, washing my hair, it was getting longer now, which was making me happy. It was only a quick shower though, only about 10 minutes.

I sit infront of my mirror, that was leaning against my bed, I straighten my hair, just to stop it from going all flicky, it annoys me when it goes all fluffly. I find an oversized t-shirt, just grey, nothing too flashy. I throw my guitar off of my wardrobe door onto my bed. I fling open one of the doors. I pick up the first pair of jeans noticable, black they are. They were sat above a small shoebox of photographs. I can feel warm, angry, tears well up in my eyes. No not today, no tears today. I think to myself, I'll look when I get home. I jump around my bedroom floor, trying to pull the jeans around my arse and I throw a plain jacket over my shoulders.

"Jess, you ready?" Drew pops his head around the door, faking a smile at me. He was broken. There wasn't anything I could do about it either. I shoot a confused look at him as he walks in. "I'll walk with you?" He says quietly, looking down, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders up around his neck like he was scared. He probably was.

"Yeah, sure" I respond, smiling back. We used to be really close, but we've slowly been drifting apart recently. It's probably the move, I kid to myself day after day. I throw my phone into my Vans bag, along with my earphones, some pens I find on my bedside table and another hoodie to fill my bag up. I slide my Vans on and pick up my keys.

We say goodbye to mum, she shouts the usual, "Oh have a nice day!" from the kitchen. She starts her new job today, thus why I have to take my keys.

We take a slow walk, our school wasn't too far, I'm thankful, I hate walking, especially when who I'm walking with is being unsociable. Anyway, the school is in sight. It's pretty big and I can feel the butterflies filling my stomach.

"Drew?" I say his name, but it kinda turns into a question. He's starting to make me feel distressed now. "You seem pissed off."

"Hm? No, I just got no sleep lastnight." He says quietly, his voice was distant.

"Okay, well, cheer up, you're starting to scare me." I say quietly. "Anyway, I have to go now, I need to get to my lesson."

"Do you even know where you're going?" he raises an eyebrow at me, slowly smiling.

I shake my head, I can't help but laugh, I missed this, the joking, the laughing. He nods his head, as if to say 'come on'. We walk together to the main entrance, I think we were early.

The receptionist was small and old, she was adorable though. She had her hair up in a little beehive and her big glasses dangling around her neck.

"Excuse us, Miss" Drew asks, leaning over the desk, making her blush slightly, I couldn't help but snigger, I had to turn away, she thought my 17 year old brother was flirting with her.

"May I help you?" she asks, flashing me a glare.

"We've just started here today, we don't have a clue where we're supposed to go." He says, trying to ignore my laugh, he knows if he looks at me he would begin to cry of laughter.

"Oh, alright." she says politely, smiling. "Your names?"

"Uh, Andrew, her name is Jessica." he says, flicking his hair back into position. Yes, definitely back to his old self again, I can speak for myself you know?

After about five minutes of Drew telling her our details, she hands me my timetable, I just fold it up and push it into my pocket. Me and Drew go our separate ways, so I head outside for a smoke. Smoking is bad, I know, it's one of the many things I despise about myself. For fuck sake, I can never find my lighter either.

"You smoke?" I hear a low-ish voice from behind me. I turn around, startled. To my surprise there was a boy stood infront of me with dark brown hair with blonde streaks in it and dark brown eyes.


It's just and introduction I guess, I mean, it's a bit shitty but I'll get more into it in the next chapter, I already have a bit of it written out. I know how unoriginal it is but the rest won't be, I promise.


OKAY alex u cock stoppit
Alex'sHairyArms Alex'sHairyArms
Whoa wait what did I just witness a friend zone right there what no please no dear God please no. What is even? ;_;
christi_ellie christi_ellie
new chapters really small but I felt like updating, sorry
It's going to be good. I hope. I need more drama._.
Wait they're not driving are they? He's not driving right? o_o crap ;_;
christi_ellie christi_ellie