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Chapter Eighteen: For Baltimore

Right now, I think that you think that I'm
Half drunk, searching for something of
Substance, casually dropping a line, designed
To keep you next to me
I can't awkwardly craft in advance
I know, that you wouldn't fall for that
You say "Shut up and take my hand"
And we carry on

"Jack, mmm, w-wake the fuck up...WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Jack heard screeching through slurs as he shot awake. His eyes took a moment,but they soon adjusted to the man in front of Jack.

"D-Dad, what's going on?" He asked, completely oblivious to that fact he had school.

Mmm, you're fucking-fucking alarm d-didnt shuuuuut up. You have school, dumbass. S-school is for learniinngg, you're meant to learn, Jack." His dad slurred, his voice high at some parts, he ended up falling slightly on Jack's bed, which made Jack flinch. Jack knew that if he didn't get up now, he'll get a mouthful of drunk words and sloppy punches that'll still hurt like a bitch. He wiggled himself away from his dad, stumbling lazily to the bathroom. He opened the bathroom door, moving straight to the mirror. Only Alex and his parents have seen his face, and he feels like too many people know. What if Aldemar comes back? He'll surely thrash all his friends to pieces, Jack being the one who gets blamed; prison even. He sighed at his appearance. He had a nose that was way too big to suit the rest of his features. He thought his eyes were the worst colour in the universe: brown and yucky. His lips were always dry from not drinking much. His collar bones were sticking out, making him look lanky. He had no fat on his belly, most of it because he doesn't eat much. Jack hadn't eaten anything for a two days. He ruffled his hair- the only thing he's proud of- and walked over to the door. He peeked out the door, seeing if his dad had finally left his room. When his eyes had confirmed that no drunken-state was in his room, he let out a breath, returning to his room. He quickly got changed, picking: A Jimmy Eat World t-shirt, skinny black jeans and his normal hoodie. He then straightened his hair, keeping an eye on the time. After spending ten minutes straightening his hair, he decided to hurry up getting out the house. He quickly gathered his stuff for school-his bag- and plopped his shoes on before quickly heading downstairs.

"A-and where do you think

you're going?" Jack heard footsteps coming behind him as he stood right in front of the door. He gulped. Should I run? He quickly opened the front door, successfully getting himself out the door before his dad could swing at him. He turned his head around, looking at his dad in disgust and slamming the door on his face. He then quickly walked down to the bus-stop, feeling really good about what he did, but at the same time, he felt regret.


"Hey, Jack." Alex smiled as Jack finally arrived at the bus-stop. Jack smiled down to the ground, happy that Alex was here to keep him somewhat company. He hates company from other people; he hates being around people, but Alex is an exception.

"Hey." Jack replied shortly, standing at the pole like he normally did. Alex grinned from ear to ear, happily hearing Jack's voice twinkle his earbuds. He seriously loved Jack's noise. It has this sort of rapsy tone to it sometimes. Well, rapsy when he's at the bus-stop in the mornings. Doesn't everyone get rapsy voices in the morning? Some.

"Wanna sit next to me again?" Alex kindly asked, taking a little step forward towards Jack. Jack's smile raised up, he nodded slowly.


As soon as Jack had said them words, the bus decides to roll up the street. Both Alex and Jack took a step forward, Alex waving his hand out to signal the bus until it stopped. They flashed their bus passes, making their way to the middle of the bus where Alex could perfectly see two free seats. The only problem is...yep, Max was right behind them with Jason. Alex frowned, Jason doesn't normally get a bus.

"I'm so sorry." Alex whispered into Jack's ear, walking forward and sitting in front of Jason and Max.

"Jesus Christ." Alex heard one of them sigh behind him. He rolled his eyes ignoring them and pulled Jack, who was stood there, sensing something's wrong, on to the seat beside him. Jack knew Jason and Max were there. He could see their arms and hands on the seats. He began playing with his bag, silently hoping no trouble would start.

"He what! Oh fuck, I'm going to fucking kill him. You wait until we get off this fucking bus!" Yelling from Max could be heard behind both boys, the whole bus actually. Alex's heart quickened. Jason didn't tell him, did he? Fuck, I'm gonna die. Alex was getting paranoid, as well as panicked. He began playing with his sleeves- am old habit of his- and biting down on his lip-also an old habit. He sank lower in his seat, rolling his head to the window. Jack could sense already that something was up with Alex. Jack rolled his head to the side to see Alex seeming interested in the window. He wasn't interested though, it was an escape. He needed to get away from his panic and paranoia.

"He's going to get a fucking beat in." Max whispered, clear enough for Jack and Alex to hear, though. Alex gulped.

As the bus stopped, Jack got up. However, Alex was not getting up. Alex didn't want to get up. He knew Max was talking about him. Jack furrowed when he noticed Alex wasn't beside him. He looked behind him, seeing Alex look straight at him. Jack ducked his head again, walking over to the fearful Alex. He leaned over to Alex.

"Alex, what's wrong?" He asked carefully, praying no one was on the bus. Alex felt tears pickle the back of his caramel eyes.

"I-I know they were talking about me Ja-"

"Hurry up! Now, boys!" The evil bus driver yelled, cutting Alex off. Alex blinked at Jack, wishing Jack would stay with him.

"Come on, Alex. It's okay, they won't do anything." Jack smiled, reaching his hand out for Alex. Alex looked at it, his body beginning to shake. He grabbed Jack's hand, letting him lead the way off the bus. If Alex said he didn't feel a painful sting run up and down his arm, he would be telling the biggest lie of the year. Jack dropped Alex's hand as they got off the bus, feeling a blush come on to his face.

"Thank you, Jack."


;-; I felt like I really needed to update. I'm sorry. Here ya goooo. Dun dun dun Max and Jason.



I loved this story! I was so worried for Jack oh gosh. One question: Is Aldemar gone?

You smell bad. (I'm so hardcore when it comes to insults) xD <3 I love you though <3

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110


ooooh, feisty. A+ for you, my dear.

JalexInMyButt JalexInMyButt


oh Damn, sorry. Aldemar died because Jack had did what his father had done... Like, Jack had basically died for a moment, so Aldemar died and never came back when Jack did. I don't know if that makes sense. Maybe I should've included that.

JalexInMyButt JalexInMyButt