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Love, lust and left over chicken

I love you (Part 1)

Me and Sasha have been together for almost a month now, and Sasha seems happier than ever. School was going great and everything was perfect.
"Alex!" Mum shouted. Ugh. Why did I have to get up on the weekend? I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Yeah mum?" I asked with a yawn.
"Sit down, Alex, we have some news for you" Dad said. This couldn't be good.
"What is it?" I asked, dragging a chair out from under the table and sitting on it
"Alex," Mum began "we're moving to Baltimore, America." I froze. What about Sasha? I couldn't just leave her here alone. I started crying and couldn't stop.
"W-when?" I asked, letting the tears flow.
"Two months" Dad replied, his voice clear of any emotion. Only two months left with Sasha? I needed longer. I ran upstairs into my bedroom and locked the door. I can't just leave and forget about Sasha, that would be impossible.

3 hours of endless cying later and I was ready to tell Sasha the news. I was dreading this.

I ran out of the house and straight to Sasha's, I had to spend as much time as I could with her. I knocked on the door and she opened it straight away and wrapped her arms around my neck. I loved her hugs. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
"Alex, Have you been crying?" She asked, worridely
"Yeah," I sighed "come outside a minute, I need to tell you something."
"Uhh okay" She said as she shut the door "What is it, Alex?" She sat down next to me on the grass, I could see the worry in her eyes. I took a deep breath and began.
"Sasha, this morning, mum and dad gave me some bad news, I've been crying for the past 3 hours and you deserve to know"
"Just spit it out" She said, a single tear rolling down her ckeek.
"Sasha," I said her name slowly "I'm moving to Baltimore in America." She wrapped her arms around me and started sobbing into my chest.
"When?" She sobbed.
"Two months" I replied.

We sat like that for 5 more minutes before she finally spoke.
"Alex, after you go we probably wont ever see each other ever again, so I just you to know that I'll always love you. But I'll want you to move on, just please, don't ever forget me." She spoke the words as if they were some sort of omen. Which they were.
"I wont ever forget you, Sasha, I couldn't possibly. And after I go, I want you to be happy and date other people, then one day, I'll come back and be your boyfriend or bestriend or you could hate me, anything that makes you happy. Don't ever forget that, and please, don't ever forget me." I said, causing even more tears to spill.
"Oh Alex, I culdn't possibly hate you. I'll try to be happy, but only if you promise to do the same. Now stop crying, I want our last 2 months together to be happy, let's go get some ice cream." She said, forcing a smile. I nodded and got up, we made our way to the ice cream shop in silence. I just wanted this to all be one big night mare.


c: no problem! :D <33
Awh thankyou c:
AllTimeSloth AllTimeSloth
this was really great! short but great! :D
I probably wont be updating until monday, I'm in Maidenhead for the weekend visiting my little brother, and chapter 10 is a long one
AllTimeSloth AllTimeSloth
Hurry up and update. I want Alex and Sasha to reunite in happy bliss!