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I'll Keep A Secret If You Keep Me Guessing

Chapter Twenty-Two.

"For fuck sake!" I growled after Jack slammed the door. That's all people are good at: slamming doors on others. I'm in such a pissy mood. I just sat down at the top of the stairs. I slammed my feet on the top stair and brought my fingers through my hair. I tugged lightly on my blonde-y brown hair with frustration. Just when I thought that me and Jack were getting along, he walk out. Just after I thought I saved his butt from all the shit he would get if he was caught with Rian. I was just saving him, because to be honest, I don't want him to be cigarette burnt (Like I did to Rian) I have no idea why though; he's just a stupid, lanky, skunk-haired boy. Truly, that's all he is...well, I think that's it. I could literally feel the anger bubbles popping in my blood, making me breathe deeply through my nose. This was because of Jack. Most things were because of Jack. Like when I can't sleep at night: Jack. When I get angry: Jack. When I happy for once: Jack. Why is he turning his back on me now? To be honest, I don't know why I'm stressing over this. Just something about Jack grabs my attention. It really fucking annoys me by the way he floats into my head like a piece of paper ski diving. Why can't he accept the fact I was basically saving him? Why does he have to be a stupid, shy, cunt?

I punched the carpet floor hard with my fist clenched tightly in full anger. I groaned deeply before getting up and stomping to my room. Once I got in, I slammed the door shut behind me. A white, plain cup on my little table caught my eye. I was defiantly going to take my anger out on that. I stormed my arm to the side of me and swiped the cup clean off the table. I heard it crack against my floor. But as I looked at it, I noticed it didn't break. I sighed angrily before diving head first into my pillow. I breathed heavily into it. I closed my eyes, hoping for my anger to just disappear. I fidgeted on my bed before deciding 'fuck it' and I stripped down to my boxers. My clothes were discarded onto the floor; most probably in different places. I sank down into my mattress and brought the blanket over me. I sighed before muttering random noises. Then I just closed my eyes, letting the rest come easy.

When I woke up it was because Blink-182, Dammit, started playing. I opened my eyes lazily. I was blinded by the sun actually finally coming out. It was very bright in my room, and I remembered I forgot to shut my curtains. But that didn't bother me. It was Blink-182 that was coming out of nowhere. I sat up groaning. As much as I love Blink, I really don't want to be waking up unexpectedly to them. When I've been angry, it makes it worse. I looked around from the sudden loud noise. Eventually I got up searching for the noise. It sounded like it was coming from my little table. As I eyed a black phone, Dammit stopped playing. I frowned and went to look at the phone. Of course I'm not going to read anything...right? Once I picked it up I pressed the unlock button. I've seen these phones before, never knew what they were called. Straight away it asked for a pin code . Who's phone could this even be? Ugh, better leave it here and wait for them to pick it up. And...their keys?! Damn, who ever left these here is obviously a dumbass. I sighed and looked at my alarm clock. It read '6:03' Seriously? This early? Dammit.

Once I had a shower, got dried, got changed, brushed my teeth, and combed and straightened my hair, I went downstairs. It was now 7:00. I groaned and entered my kitchen. Straight away I entered the cupboard of 'crap' food and pulled out some crisps. Cereals are disgusting on mornings. I never knew why I always thought that though. I shook my head and sat at the table all by myself. I opened my cheese and onion crisps and gobbled them all up.

At 7:30 I was sat on the couch watching random stuff like Adventure Time. Adventure Time is like the best programme. Regular Show as well. Let's say I'm a big fan of Cartoon Network. I sighed and got up from the couch as I needed to get my jumper from upstairs. It still looks sunny outside, but I think it's best bringing a jumper in case the weather decides to be a bitch. I stumbled up the stairs and into my bedroom. I had to get to school at 8:00 and I really can't be arsed to walk. I grabbed my phone from inside my jumper pocket and flopped it on my bed. I quickly put my jumper on and grabbed my phone. Instantly, I scrolled down my contacts but stopped when I saw Jack's name. He had given me his number the other day. I frowned down at his name, debating on at least texting him. Things are going to suck if I don't. I sighed and pressed his name, and pressed the message icon. I bit my lip. What should I say? 'A sorry would be nice' I thought. I quickly wrote out a quick text.

To Jack:
I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I really am...'

It wasn't much of an apology~

The intro of Dammit startled me. I nearly jumped back ten foot. I widened my eyes at the phone on the little table playing Dammit and was vibrating for a second. I moved over to the phone, confused. Seriously, who ever phone this is better come and collect it. I picked the black iPhone up and pressed the unlock bottom again. This time it said '1 New Message' Then as I looked at it more I realised it said ' Alex' This was Jack's phone?

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I groaned and picked the keys up.

"These must be Jack's." I sighed and placed Jack's phone and keys into my pocket. I got my phone out again and went down the contacts to see 'Mr Way Taxi Driver' and I clicked it. 'ring ring' I waited un patiently, eyeing my clock. 7:41. I sighed happily when Mr Way answered.

'Alex! Nice to hear from you buddy. Am I picking you up now?' He gleamed happily into the phone. How could someone be so happy in the morning?

'You too, Mr Way. Yes please!' I acted happy down the phone when in reality I'm a moody teenage boy with more anger than any other.

'I'm on my way no.' He chuckled. I think it was a joke? I don't know.

'Thank you' I pleased then hang up. I walked downstairs and turned the TV off before collecting my bag that I already prepared. I sat down on the sofa and looked out the window. Maybe I could use Jack's phone as an excuse to talk and apologise to him? Maybe. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some Taxi money before shoving it in my pocket. I eyed the window and saw the front of Mr Way's taxi. I smiled and opened my front door. I stuck my hands in my pockets before jogging to Mr Way's taxi. I pulled my hands back out from my warm pockets, and opened the door.

"Hey." I smiled, shifting in the backseat. I never sat in the front seat. I don't know why, but it creeps me out.

"Hey, Alex." He smiled back as I handed him the money. He handed me my change and smiled.

"Thank you." He gleamed. I nodded and buckled my seatbelt. My head rolled straight to the window beside me. I watched as Mr Way drove past my house. I kept eyeing every house and shop I could see. I wondered what was happening in each one. Were there families eating breakfast? Maybe parents getting their children ready for school. Maybe some people were still in bed; which would of been me if I didn't have school.

"So how's it doing, Alex?" Mr Way broke me from my sighting. I moved my head to look at his head.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I asked him back. Me and Mr Way have known each other for a couple of years, so the conversations were never awkward. Though, he still refused to tell me his first name. My mum hasn't told me his first name. Maybe she doesn't know.

"I'm doing great!" He chipped. I laughed a little. Seriously, why was he so happy in the morning. How is that even possible.

"What got you in a brilliant mood today?" I laughed, shaking my head. His smile grew bigger, bigger than Cheshire Cat's.

"I er. I got signed to a label in music." He beamed. What? He plays music?!

"That's so fuc- That's so awesome! I never knew you were into music." I said in glee. He shrugged.

"I hope we get big. I would love to be the king of rock." He laughed, taking it as a joke. Rock? He liked rock?

"Or maybe the queen of Punk. Yeah, that sounds better." He chuckled again. Mr Way likes punk and rock? Okay, how did I not know this?

"I never knew you liked rock or punk! That's awesome!" I said, taking interest. Mr Way has a way of calming me down and putting me in a good mood.

"How does the face and the clothes not give it away? I mean, come on!" He scoffed, acting sassy. I laughed and nodded my head. Before I knew it, we stopped at outside school.

"Well, catch you soon, Mr Way." I smiled, while I un buckled my belt.

"You too, Alex." He smiled. I smiled back before shifting myself to get out the taxi. Before I could get out, Mr Way grabbed my arm.

"It's Gerard, Gerard Way." He smiled before signalling me to get out, playfully. I smiled to myself as I exited the Taxi.

Moments later, I was walking into school and making my way to my homeroom. I smiled even more when I saw Jack, but it faded when he didn't return it. I sighed deeply. I looked around the room for chairs. When I looked beside me, I nearly jumped a mile in the air. Lisa was close to my face starring at me. Her eyes looked like they were going to pop out.

"Hey, Alex." She smiled, wrapping her slender fingers around her hair. I frowned and replied.

"Hey." It was short and sharp, but it'll do. Lisa grabbed my hand and lead me to a single chair. I stood there awkwardly.

"Sit." She giggled, pointing to the chair. I sighed and sat down. I gulped as she sat bang on my crouch. I bit my lip awkwardly. I hated when she did this. She would always move her butt around my crotch and expect me not to get a boner. I wrapped my hands around her waist (as much as I hated to) and watched as she talked to her friends. She kept giggling and not keeping still, it made it a whole lot more awkward. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on Jack. To my surprise, he was looking at me, biting his lip a little. I looked at the back of Lisa and made my face look like, 'If she doesn't get off me, I'm going to kill her' Then I looked back to Jack who was chuckling. He smiled a little at me and rolled his eyes.

Five long, drowsy lessons later, me and Lisa were sat in Geography. Today has been quite awkward. Jack wouldn't talk to me. I was just sat next to him, daydreaming about nothing at all. I was didn't pay attention to anything. But now it's coming to the end of the lesson, I think it's about time I actually spoke to Jack. Plus, Lisa fiddling with my jumper reminded me of Jack's phone being in there. I just couldn't wait until ten minutes when the lesson finally ends. I've just been sat here; sat on. Lisa couldn't stop fidgeting on me(as always). Luckily, I've had no problems in the low area. But my eyes kept flickering to Jack; who was sat at the front, nearest to the wall. He looked bored and lonely. I bit my lip as Lisa's voice caught my attention.

"Aleex." She dragged the 'e' out. I frowned.

"Er, yeah?" I said, not really bothered about what she had to say.

"Could you pay attention to me, please?" She rolled her eyes. I scoffed. I had no reason to pay attention to her.

"Why should I? You're not even my girlfriend. You know what? Up. Get up." I snapped, getting irritated. Her eyes widened at the tone in my voice.

"What?" She asked, confused. Was this bitch death or what?

"I said up. Get off me." I growled getting annoyed. She scoffed, getting off me. She sure takes her time. Once she was off me and to the side of me, I gave her a smile and asked her to move with my eyes. She pouted and moved away. I slowly got up from the chair.

"Thank you." I smiled for a second and dropped it once she couldn't see my face. I slowly made my way to the only thing that's been on my mind: Jack. As I looked up at him, he was starring out the window. Luckily, there was a spear chair next to him (he was sat nearest to the wall) I pulled the chair out and sat down. I looked at Jack as he was oblivious that I was sat next to him. I smirked and pulled my fingers to his ribs, attacking them. He gasped and started laughing. I smiled and instantly stopped.

"Hey." I smiled. Jack brought his hand that was in his heart down and smiled warmly.

"Er, hey." He smiled a little, changing it into a frown. Then yesterday came rushing through my head. Jack left me. Now I was a little uncomfortable. I didn't even know if he wanted to be friends with me. I shook my head and placed my hands in my pocket. Just then, the bell went.

"You guys have been fantastic, thank you. Off you go." The blonde teacher smiled to everyone. Everthing started getting louder as chairs scraped. It was Friday after all. I heard shuffling beside me.

"Hey, um, Jack?" I mumbled. Jack put his bag on and tucked his chair in while mumbling a 'mhm?' I started fiddling with Jack's phone in my pocket.

"You Er," I pulled his black phone out and held it up.

"You kinda left this around mine." I chuckled. He smiled at me and grabbed his phone steadily.

"Thank you." He mumbled, smiling.

"Have you um, seen my keys?" He asked shyly. I gasped and nodded my head remembering. I fiddled in my pocket and pulled out his jingling keys. I placed them in his hand. He ducked his head and put them into his pocket. I must admit at this angle, he look very attractive. What? Can't I like the way he looks? Can't I accept that he's quite attractive? I have noticed this since the beginning and tried to shy away from the thought, but right now, I couldn't give two fucks if I randomly blurted it out.

"Hey, Jack? Could I walk with you? I know you might hate me..." I murmured. He looked confused by the question.

"Y-yeah, you can. I don't hate you by the way, it's just...I don't know." He mumbled the last bit. I bit my lip and nodded, stepping aside. I let Jack lead me out the school. I couldn't help but look at the way he swayed his hips. Woah, where did that come from? I shouldn't be thinking like that...right?

"Hey, um, do you mind if we stop at the shop? M' kinda hungry." I chuckled, stuffing my hands in my pocket. Jack looked behind and smiled.


Oh my god! I'm speak sorry about the updates. For some reason, it's not allowing @MakeMeLOveATL Update. Also, I realised this chapter didn't add the Jalex moment. I'm so sorry. Maybe it did add the Jalex moment, I don't know, I can't see it on mine. So here you go. I think I'll be updating Jack's p.o.v in the next chapter seen as it won't let MakeMeLOveATL Update.



I'll join you. We can sob and hold each other :(

JalexInMyButt JalexInMyButt

Gosh darn it now I'm gonna be quietly sobbing in my room...xD <3 ; - :

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110


it made me cry because it just reminded me so much of him in that story and slslsmsjsls ;-;

JalexInMyButt JalexInMyButt

YEEESSSSS oh my Jesus. YUS

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110


"Demons" by Imagine Dragons reminds me of Jack in Dangerous and I get a little emotional.

JalexInMyButt JalexInMyButt