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Weightless ~

A daydream away

I came home late, took a shower and went to bed since I had to wake up for my first day of work the next day. I quickly dozed off and when I woke up it was already 6am. I had to be a the firm at 7:30 which was just perfect. I put my semi elegant long sleeved white shirt on and black jeans (not skinny, because my father specificially ordered not to wear them to work lol). He didn't say anything about my vans, so I did wear black ones. I walked to the city, took me a few minutes. Got some coffee and a donut, double glazed for my fat little ass. I was excited!

Mr. Sanchez gave me a warm welcome, introduced me to everyone at the firm and showed me where and what I'll be helping him with. I'd be doing some important paperwork and later I'll be joining him in meetings with real clients and later also in the courtroom. So I went straight to work and I really enjoyed it. Law took over my mind, forbidding me of thinking about anything else, I felt calm. Vic texted me, asking if I wanna join the rehersals for the band's next gig, also saying that he had a great time yesterday and is hoping we'll do it again soon.

After I was finished I did go to the rehersal. Vic was happy to see me and the feeling was also mutual. I couldn't wait to be done with the paperwork for the day. If I read too long, my head would start aching and I'd mix the number and the letters. When the guys left, it was just me and Vic. »Hey I wanna show you something. Wait a sec.« He said and went to get something off the table. »Here. Read it and let me know what you think. You is the lyrics master, haaa!« He joked. But I really was good with lyrics. I recited him some yesterday at the beach, he was thrilled.

I read a part of his loud:

I breathe you in with smoke
In the backyard lights
We used to laugh until we choked
Into the wasted nights
It was the best time of my life
But now I sleep alone
So don't, don't, don't wake me up
'Cause my thrill is gone
In the sunset turning red behind the smoke
Forever and alone

I finished the rest in silence. »Wow, is this an autobiography? Harsh, but I like it.« Vic got up to get himself a beer. »Want one?« He asked. »Yeah, sure.« He handed me one in complete silence. »Oh, come on Vic. You knew I'd ask you about it eventually.« He hesitated about telling me. I could see the sadness in him, just pouring out. Then he took his snapback off and drank some beer. I decided not to ask him about it ever again. If he wants me to know, he'll tell me himself. If I wasn't something, it was pushy, I hated that. »So, what are you gonna do tomorr-« I asked when he cut me off. »I was very much in love with someone.« I was quiet and listened. »And that someone hurt and betrayed me. Not a big deal.« He said. »Of course it's a big deal, I can see you're still sad because of it.« He looked down, saying nothing. »Hey, you know when you said I could talk to you and the guys if I needed something?« He nodded. »Well, so can you. If you want or need anything, don't hesistate to say something and ask for – whatever it is that you need. Now, do you wanna talk about it?« »Maybe some other time, but thanks Alex. New York borrowed us a great great guy.« I blushed. »Thanks Vic.« I loved how he always joked about things, no matter the tough stuff we were talking about. I went home a few minutes later, because it was late and Vic closed up and also went home. Things were going well for me. I was surrounded with great people, the internship also treated me pretty nicely. I called my parents before I went to bed and told them about Vic and the guys and the boardwalk and my first day and how great everything was. I missed them.

Next three months went by so fast. Working at the firm was great and it was already time to join Rodrigo in meetings. In my free time I pretty much hung with Vic and the guys. I got pretty close to all of them. We were really good friends and Vic and I were kinda official. When I sent my mom the picture of us, she called me and almost cried and squealed in the speaker, all about how cute we were and how she can't wait to meet him when they visit. It was a bit awkward but at least they were understanding and supportive.

It was Friday and when I came to work, Rodrigo was waiting for me in up in his office. Then we went to my first meeting with him. Some guy was suing a neighbour for breaking and entering his property twice. So Rodrigo was representing him. I quickly browsed trough the case just so I'd be prepared. I walked into the meeting room and saw a very good looking guy in his fifites. He looked really simple and kind. »Alex, this is Mr. Barakat and we will be representing him. Mr. Barakat, this is Alexander, valedictorian, he's my new intern, and has a real drill for this kind of stuff. He'll be joining us.« »Nice to meet you Alex.« He said and offered me a hand. I shook it. »Likewise Mr. Barakat, I'm happy to be here and I hope we'll win.«
We got down to business. I really liked working with Rodrigo and when we finished, he was so happy with my work and cooperation that he said I'm very welcome to join in on this case. Mr. Barakat invited us for a drink this evening to a pub downtown, they all liked and went there all the time. This was great, really.


Yes yes yes, you didn't think I'd leave Alex with no Barakat... I'll be posting the next one soon :) hope you like it, thanks to everyone for reading and



THANKS :* I am thinking of writing a sequel :P

powerpillz powerpillz

oh my good lord this was too good!! i loved it, shed a few tears as well ahah, it's so so well written! it's cute as fuck , thank you for writing it!!! :D

sheriartysykes sheriartysykes

I most definitely will write another Jalex :) it's my favorite^^

powerpillz powerpillz

No problem c: Are you gonna write another Jalex story? Or even just another story, Jalex or not? Please do!

Kaitlynn1121 Kaitlynn1121

Thank you so much :* Means a lot :)

powerpillz powerpillz