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Grow Up Jack


Tour has been going smoothly so far, no one knows about Adison as far as I know. No news has come out about her yet. Its been two weeks of tour so far and it has been awesome. Adison has been doing great with being in a dressing room to play with someone while I have to be away. She's been drawing for me a lot lately and now half of my bunk is covered in her drawings. Adison is still having nightmares, but I don't know of what. After I would comfort her she would say she misses mommy, it seems each nightmare deals Ali.
I walk into the front lounge of the bus and see Adison drawing with Matt. I go over to them, Matt was drawing Mickey Mouse as usual, while Adison was drawing three people. "What are you drawing Adi?" She looks up at me and shows me, "Daddy. Me. And mommy." I look at the drawing of the three of us. Ali had a yellow circle over her head and weird looking wings coming from her shoulders. I stare at the drawing, "Jack?" I blink and look up at Matt. "Its time to head inside." "Okay. Come on Adi, time for you to go play with Charles." "Yay!" Two of our friends, Alli and Charles Trippy have been visiting us lately since Charles is on tour with We The Kings right now. Some of our shows lined up with ours so they been visiting lately. Adison loved being Charles and Alli and I'm glad she is. I pick up Adison and walk off the bus and go into the venue with security.

"Char!!!," Adison yells and I let her down and she runs off to Charles. Charles laughs and picks up swinging her around a bit. I walk over to the, "I missed you Char! Where Alli?" "She'll be here soon, I promise." "Yay!" She throws her arms around his neck and makes him laugh again. Charles and Alli are going to make great parents one day. "She sure loves you two." "We love her to. Me and Alli been talking having a baby soon, and since I got my sperm frozen we can start trying." "Oh yeah, you to do that because of chemo therapy." "Yeah, its been going smoothly and I'm happy I can travel now. Before I couldn't." "There's my girl!," I hear Alli yell. "Alli!!" Charles sets Adison down and she runs over to Alli.

Watching Charles and Alli, how they interact with Adison, makes me wonder how me and Alli would of been with Adison. And it hurts a bit that I didn't have that chance for the past six years.
"I'm stuck in this fucking rut!!!," I yell along with Alex as he sang. I jump around in my spot a bit, turned around and shook my butt to the crowd. Earning a few laughs and screams. I smile more to myself and run to Zack's side. I quickly put my guitar behind my back and jump on Zack's back and he holds me up. I sing with him in his mic, damn did I love this. I jump off his back and run back to my side. I start hearing awe's come from the crowd and I look at them confused. I then feel two little arms wrap around my sweaty hairy leg and look down. Staring in shock at Adison. The guys stop playing. My hear was pounding in my ears. I didn't know what to do. I take my guitar off and hand it to my guitar tech. I pick up Adison and she wraps her arms around me. I stare out at the crowd, fans were waving and saying hi to her, others were confused. I see Charles and Alli standing side stage looking shocked, out of breath like they ran for her. Adison must have gotten out when they weren't looking and ran here. I should not have shown her where the stage was.

"Jack, who's the little girl?," Alex asks in his mic. He knows its time I tell everyone. I step up to my mic and clear my throat. "So um, this is Adison. Say hi Adison." She waves shyly and the crowd waves back and smiles at her. "And your probably wondering why she's out here and why she ran to me. Well. Adison is my daughter." Screams erupted through out the stadium and Adison covers her ears.




Twisted Knife Twisted Knife

@Sarah's Butterflies
aw thanks :)

It's really no problem, I know good writers when I see them, I'm highly picky with who and what I read so when I like a story, it must be good


Glad it made you laugh :) But I seriously want to strangle her. Or run her over. Or both. Both would be quite lovely for me.

Null Null

@Sarah's Butterflies
thank you so much for always commenting and reading :) i actually love getting comments from people after i post, it lets me know people enjoy what i type. and your one of the people that comments the most so i just had to add you to the story!

brittbrattcatt brittbrattcatt