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Damned If I Do Ya


It had been exactly one week since Jack had come over when Dalton decided to drop another bomb on me. He walked into my room and stood in front of me.

“Ember,” He sighed. “I'm kicking you out.”
“What?!” I asked, looking at him. “Why?”
“Why? Because you refuse to talk to me unless you have to now. You stay coped up in here, working constantly, and I'm sick of all this.”
“So, you're just going to kick me out. Where the hell am I supposed to go?”
“Go back to Baltimore.” He shrugged and that's when it clicked.

“Go back to Baltimore? Really?” I asked, shutting my laptop. “I know what this is, you've been talking to that lying son of a bitch. Is this really how you're going to get me to compromise with him? Cause it's a shitty plan and won't work.”
“This isn't part of some plan. Even before all this I was trying to think of a way to get you to go back.” Dalton shouted back at me.
“Really? So all that shit about me staying as long as I need was bullshit? I do pay rent here now, what does it matter if I go now?”
“You don't need to be here anymore. You're always welcomed here, but Baltimore is your home. Your real home.”
“Not anymore.”
“Yes it is. Now you have four days to pack up and move back.”
“So, what, I'm supposed to ask Hayley to just let me back to her apartment?”
“It's still yours too. You're on the contract. You still have been paying, I know you have. I also no you still have the key. Now go back home.”
“Fine!” I got up. “I don't need four days, I'll be gone before you tomorrow. You, however, can get out of my soon to be former room right now.”

He did so without another word and I shut the door behind him. As much as I was tempted to trash the room, I already did that back home and didn't really clean up. Hayley always believed I'd come back, so I guess she left my room alone. Great.

Walking over to my closest, I dug out my bags and got to work of packing. I would just buy whatever plane ticket was next available. I'll sit in the airport all day if I have to. This is ridiculous and I can't believe it was happening.

Dalton said goodbye and that he does care, but I just blew him off. I would have to take a bus to the airport, since I didn't really own a car here. I just used a rental for awhile then Dalton's. On the bus ride, I messaged Hayley. I knew she wouldn't be home, she was on tour still. She of course said I could come back to our apartment, and I told her about what Dalton said when he kicked me out. She said she had to agree with him that Baltimore was my home but he could have done this better.

The trip to Baltimore wasn't too much of a hassle. I guess not many people go there from LA, so I got a ticket pretty quick. It was when I arrived did everything around me just start falling apart again. I was in the same city as all of my old 'friends' and Jack. I was bound to bump into someone, sometime and I didn't want to deal with that. I had a room to clean up, which meant seeing all the pictures I broke or ripped, and other such things.

Once I was standing in front of the apartment, I just sighed and walked in. Everything was clean here,then again, no had lived here really since I left. Walking towards my room, I opened it and saw...nothing. It was clean. Just the bed and my old dresser. The floor was clean, nothing was scattered across the bed, or dresser. I stared for a second, wondering what was going on. Hayley never went in here, she told me so herself. She was the only one in my friends who could never really lie.

I decided to just ignore it for now, and went to just set up the bed. I'll unpack later. I was tired and annoyed and I just wanted to sleep and hopefully not wake up for a day or so. Which of course didn't happen. I woke up the next morning, had a boring day and went to sleep just for it to be repeated for the next two days after that.

However, the fourth day, I went to check our mail, and I had a letter. I looked at it, finding no return address, or name. Walking back to the room and sitting on the couch, I tore it open. There was...a key and a paper. I picked up the key, wondering what the hell it was for until I read the note.

Come to 1567 Sahara St. Be there at four.

I knitted my eyebrows once I read it. Was this a joke?
I looked at the clock, it was only noon. I could easily make it there. Wherever there was, but why should I? This could be either some murderer, or worse. A trick by a Mr. Barakat.

I pouted, staring at the note and key. What the fuck was the key for? Maybe I'll just do a drive by, and see what this address led to.

Which is exactly what I did, and I found a huge building. It was a fancy, smancy apartment building. I don't even think they counted as apartments, maybe penthouses? Maybe I just got this note by mistake. Getting out, I was greeted by a door man, there was a desk in the back of this lounge like floor. I went up to it, and a receptionist looked up at me.

“Can I help you?”
“Uh, yeah. I got this key in the mail....and a note with the address of this place?”
“May I see the key?” I nodded and handed it over. She smiled brightly.
“Oh yeah, this room.” She pointed to the elevator. “It's on the fourth floor. The room is 4C. Like on the key, sweetie.”
“Wait, but... I-” I tried speaking but she just handed the key back.
“Let me know what you think.”

I felt my shoulders sagged, and just decided to check it out. I still have no idea what was going on. The elevator took me up to the floor, and I walked into a hall with only four doors that were widely spaced apart. Room 4C was furthest on the left. I used the key on it, and the door unlocked with ease. Walking in, I was met with the site of a huge penthouse. I was in a hard wood floor living room, empty though. I could see the doorway to a kitchen. Stepping in further, I felt something crinkle under my foot.

Another note? I picked it up and read it.

There's a surprise for you up stairs. The first room to the right.

I looked over, and sure enough, there was a stair case and yet another archway leading to another room area.

“Hello?” I called, looking up the stairs. No answer. “Anyone up there?”

Still no answer. I walked up slowly, wondering what the fuck was going on. Why was I in a penthouse?
Who leaves a surprise in one? I continued up and found three doors in this hallway. One on the left, two on the right. I went to the first one, cautiously opening the door only to find....

A bed and box. A really big box on a bed. A really big moving box on a bed. I walked up to it, ready to run away and scream. I lifted the lid of said box and out jumped a puppy, straight into my arm.

“Holy shit!” I yelled, and held he slobbering pup away from me. It was a chocolate lab puppy. “What are you doing here, little guy?” I paused before laughing. “Girl...”

It just whimpered at me, clearly wanting to attack me with more kissing, but I say something tucked into her collar. A note. Great, another freaking note. I took it out and put the pooch under one arm while I read it.

This is Bailey. Isn't she cute? She has something to show you in the kitchen.

I set the dog down and sure enough she ran straight out of the room. I followed after her, almost tripping on the stairs. I got to the bottom in time to see her scramble into the kitchen, try turning, and slipping a bit, before disappearing around the corner. I chuckled and ran in after her only to be shocked out of my wits.

Jack was in the kitchen, not holding Bailey and smiling at me. I felt my jaw drop, wondering what the hell was going on. Which I voiced.

“I said I would never give up on us.” He said, walking over to me. “I know you don't believe me, but I really do love you. This...this is all for you, for us. This place, the dog, everything. I know it's a lot to ask for and to take in, but please, Ember.”

I stared at him for a long time, wondering how the hell he eve afforded all this.

“You bought 'us' an apartment?”
“Penthouse technically.” He smiled wider.
“And a dog?”
“She's more of a present for you.” He admitted, handing her to me. “You always wanted one even though I kept saying no... Alex said she can just stay at his place and be watched by his dogsitter when we're gone.”
“You really did all this?” I asked, running my hands through Bailey's fur nervously.
“For you.” Jack stepped a little closer, brushing back some of my hair. “Because I love you. You have to believe me.”
“I...” I faltered. Part of me want to say no, fuck that and leave but one look at the place around us, and the dog now licking my hand, I looked at him carefully. He wasn't lying. I knew when Jack was lying, I just convinced myself otherwise for so long cause I was afraid of being hurt. “I love you too...”

It came out as a whisper, but next thing I knew Bailey jumped from my arms as Jack wrapped his arms around me and connecting our lips together. The sensation of tingles running down my spine and the spark exploding in my brain cause me to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back like I never wanted to stop. Everything was back to the way it should be, and I was an idiot for trying to avoid it.

We broke apart when Bailey started barking at us. Jack laughed and I picked her back up to give her the attention she wanted. Jack patted her head and leaned over to peck my cheek.

“I have one more thing for you.”
“What? No, Jack this is already-” I went to argue but he held up a hand.
“I have to do this.” He said, and gave a small smile. “I saw your room.”
“Oh...” I looked away, but Jack nudged my head back up to look at him.
“It's okay, I can understand why you did that. I also can't help but notice you don't have that ring anymore.” I blushed, but before I could apologize, Jack spoke up again. “It was time for a new one anyway.”

I felt my breathing stop as Jack got down on one knee and pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. He opened it, revealing a much more expensive and extravagant diamond ring. I slowly put the dog down, who ran off to God knows where and Jack opened his mouth to speak.




i love this story so fucking much

JalexATL03 JalexATL03


AllTimeeLowsGirl AllTimeeLowsGirl


Chin up! (:

literally sobbing. I need the two of them in my life </3


Thank you!