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Damned If I Do Ya

I'll Be Waiting On A Miracle

I woke up with a start, and everything around me happened too fast.

Everyone was here. Everyone seemed to be going crazy. Alex was above me, saying something, but I couldn't comprehend it. He turned to look at someone and said something to them. Next thing I knew, I was being lifted off the ground and carried to the back of the bus. I looked back and saw Zacj shoving Jack towards the front. What was going on?

It didn't come back to me till the person, who I figured out was Vinny, set me on the backlounge sofa. Jack and I were fighting again. I was trying to get him to understand that he needed help. I remembered him hitting me and kicking me on the ground. I stood back up and threatened to leave.

So he tried to kill me.

“Ember, do you think you need to go a hospital?” Vinny voice asked me, but I was too caught up in all my memories to answer. Jack tried to kill me.

I hugged my self around my middle, not even all the pain throughout my body could match what I was feeling right now. Curling up into myself I started crying. How could he do this? I know he was sick, but it couldn't have been bad enough to cause him to do that.

“Ember, please.” Vinny knelt down in front me. “I'm not good with this, but talk to me. What happened?”
“How could he?” I whispered, looking at Vinny. “After everything...he just...”
“Look, I don't know what happened, but I'm sure he didn't mean to. Jack's just been going through some things and-”
“He almost killed me.” I screamed and just broke down into sobs.
“Ember, I...”
“Just go away.”
“But, you might need medical attention or-”
“I'm fine. Go away.” I sobbed, holding onto myself tightly. I was trying to keep myself together, but I knew I was falling apart.

Vinny tried talking to me more, but I just didn't respond with anything but crying. I wouldn't even look at him. All I could focus on was everything that happened. I could hear a bit of what was going on upfront, but there was less yelling then I would have thought I would hear.

After while, I knew Vinny left. I still had tears running down my face, but the noises had stopped. Heard footsteps again, and knew someone else was in here with me. I didn't move, I didn't even flinch when they sat down next to me and pulled my arms away form me and replaced them with their own. I got a glimpse of their pants and I knew it was Alex. He slowly rocked me back and forth, trying to get me to stop crying. I have no idea how long we sat there, but eventually I ran out of tears.

“Ember,” He spoke, breaking the silence. “Are you sure you don't want to go the hospital?”

I answered with a nod.

“He's going to get help.” He said. “Matt called his previous doctor, Jack has to go back. Tours canceled. Technically, we have a good four day drive back to Baltimore but I want you to go home immediately.”
“What?” I asked, looking up at him.
“I'm getting you tickets home by the nearest airport. I called Hayley, and she's home for next month.” Alex looked at my sadly. “I don't want you near all this. You've been through enough.”
“What does...he have to say about this?”
“He doesn't know. I got a rental car, and I'm driving you out of here tonight.”

I didn't bother arguing, I knew there would be no use. Alex probably ran this by everyone else. I didn't have the strength or mental capacity to fight the whole bus. I only nodded, and went to get up, but Alex stopped me.

“I already packed up your things.” He said, “We have time before the bus gets to the rental place.”

My mouth shaped into a small 'o' shape and I just stayed sitting. I looked down at my hands, a glint catching my eye. The promise ring, I hadn't taken it off despite everything. I probably still won't. I slowly ran my finger along it, Alex saw me do it.

“I can't believe you still have that thing.” He said, sounding pissed. “After everything he's done to you.”
“It's not his fault.”
“Yes it is, I don't care how fucked up you are. You don't hurt someone who clearly loves you.”
“Alex, just stop.”
“Why aren't you pissed about this?”
“Because I'm too busy being upset by the fact that I couldn't even get through to him. I tried everything.” I stated. “My last resort was leaving him. You think he was choking me out of the blue? No, I brought that on myself.”
“You can't seriously blame-”
“Me? Yeah. I can.” I said, and ended in a whisper. “It didn't even phase him.”

It was quiet from there, since Alex clearly wasn't going to change my mind. Once he motioned for me to get up and follow him, it took me a second to realize something. How are we supposed to just walk off the bus without Jack noticing? Alex noticed my hesitation and just took my hand and pulled me behind him. We walked through the bunks, no one there. Got to the main lounge, I saw Rian first, he gave me a sad smile. Then there was Danny, Vinny, and Grieco, they all looked like they wanted to say something. Jesus, I felt I like I was on death row. It wasn't till we got near to the kitchen, where the door was when I saw Jack.

Zack was sitting next to him, looking ready to pounce if something were to happen. Matt was leaning against the wall, and when Alex walked by him, he handed off some keys to him and what looked like to be my suitcase. I gave one more look back to Jack, wondering what I would see. The last thing I remember was how dark and cold his eyes were.

He looked up right as my eyes landed on him. His eyes locked with mine and there was just a small moment between us. His eyes weren't hard and cold anymore. They looked like they were filled with regret and sadness as he stared at me. There was also a hint of confusion. He didn't know what was going on and I didn't have the heart to tell him.

However, he seemed to get it when I looked away and Alex tugged me towards the door.

“Where are you taking her?” His voice rang through the silence of the bus. Everyone seemed to suck in a breath as Alex went rigid. He stopped, looked back past me and glared.

“Away from you.”

He quickly tugged me off the bus right as I heard a commotion, I wanted to look back but the door was shut before I could even figure out what was going on. I heard Jack yelling, I heard Matt tell Zack to keep him back, and I heard my heart shattered.

Alex opened my door for me and I got in without a word. The whole ride to the airport was silent up until we got there, and there was a line at the parking lot monitor station.

“You know this is best, right?” He asked, and I just shrugged. “He needs help before he can be around you. I don't want anything like this to happen again.”
“What if he needs me?” I asked quietly.
“Then he should have thought of that earlier.”
“What am I even going to do at home? Sit there and wonder how he's doing?”
“I'll keep you updated.” Alex promised. “Matt told Hopeless that they could use you for the next couple months or so. They'll give you work to do.”
“I've never have just stayed in Hayley and I's apartment for longer then a few weeks.”
“It's going to be an adjustment for all of us.” He sighed. “It not like any of us are going to be on the road.”
“Where is Jack going?”
“Matt said he might either have to be put in group therapy or sent to a facility.”
“He can't go there.” I insisted. “I won't let you guys send him off to some mental hospital.”
“Whatever the doctor says goes Ember.” Alex said sternly, and I glared at him. “Don't look at me like that.”
“As soon as you're entire world crashed and burns you can tell me 'not to look at you like that.'” I scoffed and he just shook his head.

We went through the motions of getting me on a plane. The flight would take off in about two hours. I went past the gate early, not wanting to be stuck around Alex for the time being. I sat there and wondered how this would all work out. I found my gaze fall down to my promise ring again.

Here goes my last bit of hope. All I can ask for is a miracle.


Oh snippity snap. What's going to happen?

And I really love that you guys like this story despite the change of Jack's character to one to be a bit more...insane


i love this story so fucking much

JalexATL03 JalexATL03


AllTimeeLowsGirl AllTimeeLowsGirl


Chin up! (:

literally sobbing. I need the two of them in my life </3


Thank you!