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Damned If I Do Ya

I Was Alone, Falling Free

"Ember, something is wrong. You used to be my best friend, why can't you just talk to me about it?"

I cringed from my place in the bunk. Everyone thought I was still sound asleep, but they were wrong. I felt Ember get out of bed and I heard Alex stop her before she could leave the area. We haven't aruged for a few days, mostly because she stayed quiet around me. A part of me felt bad, but the rest of me was just spinning out of control. Anger was really the only feeling I had. Everything just pissed me the fuck off. Alex trying to snoop around with Ember was no different.

I was always curious about those two, anyhow. The way he would take her shopping and buy her slutty bathing suits or bras. He would even obviously check her out right in front of me. I fought those feelings of jealousy for as long as I could. She's probably fucking him. That's probably why he picked her over me. Fucking whore.

What am I saying?

This was my Ember. The girl who risked everything just to be with me. But that's no excuse. She probably turned against me when I started my medication. Probably wanted a normal boyfriend, a big shot frontman in a band. The worst part was, I always knew they were wrapped around each other's fingers, I just never voiced it. Couldn't, actually, the pills made it all seem like a dream.

"Lex, please just leave me alone. I'm going to grab some food before Jack wakes up. You know how cranky he gets when he's hungry."

Oh, so now they talk shit about me behind my back? Well, fuck them. I don't need either of them.

"This isn't you and you know it. You act like you're scared of him. Is there something going on that I should know about?"

Fuck. I thougth I told her not to let anything slip? My God, she really must not love me. She's been out to get me this whole time. Why haven't I noticed before? Oh, right. The drugs. That's why she wanted me to go on them, to numb me, to make her seem like an innocent, loving girlfriend. Bitch.

"I'm not having this discussion with you. I have to go."

I heard Ember's feet storm out of the bus, and my so-called best friend let a deep sigh fall from his lips. At least now I'm not the only one who isn't getting laid. With the fury building in my gut, I ripped the curtain open and sent a glare at Alex. He studied my face for a moment before taking a step back, the light in his eyes slowly fading, along with the color of his flesh.

"Next time you try to talk about someone behind their back, make sure they're not awake."

"Dude, it's not like that. I'm just worried. What the fuck is going on with you?"

"Fuck off, Gaskarth."

"Jack! Bro, chill the fuck out!"

Snarling at his comment, I stormed into the bathroom and went through my normal routine, minus the whipping my dick out to piss part. Alex remained in the doorway, his eyes following my every move. Couldn't I at least have a moment to relieve myself? Realizing he wasn't going to have it, I spit out the foam from the tooth paste and wiped my mouth. Pushing past Alex, I made my way back to my bunk and grabbed some fresh clothes, changing right there.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"What the fuck do you care?"

"Considering the last two times you've ran out you never came back, I'd say I care a lot."

"It's a free day. I'll go wherever I damn well please."

"Like where? To another bar, so you can cheat on Ember again?"

I pulled my shirt the rest of the way down my body and let my eyes burn holes through Alex's head. It was never really confirmed if I cheated on Ember, and what right of it was his to just assume I did? Yeah, he saw me talking to Bri a little longer than I should have, but he was just jealous because she had no interest in him.

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to fuck my girlfriend while I'm gone."

"Fucking excuse me?" Alex growled, blocking my path so I couldn't get through. He was really getting on my last nerve. "You don't seriously think I'm sleeping with Ember? Neither of us would do that to you, Jack!"

"Oh really? Is that way you take her out all the time and buy her the trashiest things you can get your hands on? Why does she need a fucking push-up bra from Victoria's Secret, Alex? Why is it that, when she puts on those fucking bikinis that you paid for, you stare at her harder than I do?! Explain that, Gaskarth!"

By this point, we'd attracted the attention of everyone on the bus. Normally, this would freak me out, but I didn't give a shit. They probably all knew about Alex and Ember, they were hiding it from me because they didn't give a shit about me anymore. Even Ember had come back, she was clinging to a bag and and coffee as she pushed past Rian and Matt to get to where Alex and I were standing. There were tears in her eyes as she watched the scene unfold. Busted.

"I'm sorry that I feel like she should have nice things! You know Ember and I are just friends, come on, Jack! And yeah, maybe I do stare at her when her tits are all over the place, but I'm dude and she's the only chick on this bus!"

"Well don't worry, I won't be coming back tonight so you two can fuck for as long as you want!"

Ember winced at this comment, but Alex looked like he was getting ready to stab me or something. At least he admitted to checking her out, which a real best friend wouldn't do. He knows how jealous I can get.

"You're in no shape to go anywhere," Alex's voice went low and he averted his gaze from me.

"Get out of my way, Alex."

I attempted to push past him, but he held his arms up to block me. Everyone else had backed off by this point, knowing that if I'd target Alex, I'd come after them in a heartbeat. Ember wasn't even in the group anymore. She was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. For fucks sake, why is she always fucking crying?

"I can't do that, Jack."

"I said," my voice was rough, but my grip was worse. Grabbing Alex by the neck of his shirt, I slammed him up against the wall, not even knowing where the strength in my arms came from. It was like a repeat of the fucker who tried to rape Ember. "Get the fuck out of my way, Gaskarth."

Alex clenched his jaw and turned his face away from me, clearly trying hard not to knock the shit out of me. I smiled in returned, giving him one last shove before my grip on him faded. Everyone cleared out of my way as I moved toward the door. No one said a word. No one tried to stop me.

No one cared.


"Baby, did you forget to take your meds?" *Is totally rocking out to Placebo as she writes*
Loves you guys. <3.


i love this story so fucking much

JalexATL03 JalexATL03


AllTimeeLowsGirl AllTimeeLowsGirl


Chin up! (:

literally sobbing. I need the two of them in my life </3


Thank you!