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I Don't do American's

Stay Awake

We got to the park; Jack instantly took off towards the swings. I laughed and followed him. The creaking of the swings filled the silence.
“So, when do I get t’ hear ya play?” I asked, breaking the silence.
“We have a gig next week, you want to come?” Jack seemed excited.
“I’d love to!” I smiled.
“Awesome.” He smiled. My phone buzzed.

Dad: You need to get home. Same with your friend.
Me: Why?

I looked around.
“Wanna go back t’ my house?” I asked nonchalantly.
“Sure.” Jack seemed taken back.
“Awesome, let’s go!” I grabbed his hand and we began running. We made it back to my house within five minutes. I unlocked the door and ushered him inside.
“What was that about?” Jack asked.
“Oh good! Yer home.” My mum seemed worried. She hugged me and then Jack.
“What’s goin’ on?” I asked, panic rising. My mum showed me the text my dad had sent her. Someone was out to get him? The colour drained from my face.
“Mari?” Jack asked. I had to tell him. I looked at my mum and she nodded.
“C’mon.” I grabbed his hand and gently pulled him up to my room. Jack looked more confused than ever.
“Mari, what is going on?” He asked.
“Me dad…he’s a dealer.” I hadn’t told anyone.
“Drugs?” He asked. I nodded.
“I’m sorreh I didn’t tell you. I’m sorreh you got dragged into dis. Now you know why we left Ireland.” I felt like crying. I was expecting Jack to run. Just like Michael. He ran when I told him. He told the police. He made us leave. Instead, Jack hugged me.
“You don’t do drugs right?” He asked.
“No…I don’t.” I said. He smelt good. A mixture of Axe and…I don’t know. But he smelt good. He was also comfy.
“Good.” He pulled away and sat on my bed. I sat across from him. This was the first time it wasn’t an awkward silence.
“I wanna hear ya sing.” I stated, grabbing my Martin acoustic.
“Why?” He asked, startled by my sudden question.
“I just do.” I smiled.
“I can’t.” He blushed.
“Alex told me you could.” I encouraged.
“Asshole.” He muttered under his breath and then began strumming chords to some song I didn’t recognize at first.
“Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go” He began to sing. His voice was beautiful. It was almost hypnotizing. I was so mesmerized that I hadn’t realized he’d finished.
“Earth to Mari.” He chuckled, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
“You should sing more often!” I enthused.
“Ha, I can’t sing.” He looked down.
“Shut up, you too can sing!” I glared. He just stuck his tongue out at me. His phone buzzed.
“Alex is wondering where we are.” Jack chuckled.


The week flew by. My mum wanted to get to know Jack more, meaning he got to spend the night. School was boring, but hey, education.
“Jack, can you make pop-corn?” I asked, popping in Mean Girls.
“Sure, extra butter?” He asked.
“No.” I scrunched up my nose.
“What’s so bad about extra butter?” He asked, shocked.
“It’s icky!” I whined. He huffed and went to make food. I smiled a little. Within minutes he returned with food and drinks.
“For you, princess.” He smiled.
“Tank ya kind sir!” I smirked. He rolled his eyes.
“What movie are we watching?” He asked, stealing my blanket.
“One; Mean Girls. Two: Dick dat’s my blanket!” I pulled it back. Jack had a strong grip, instead of being logical and letting go, followed the blanket and landed on top of me.
“You have pretty eyes.” He whispered. My cheeks were red by this point.
“T-tank ya.” I said softly. He leaned in slowly, and I wasn’t stopping him. Then his phone went off.
“Fuck.” He muttered, getting off of me and answering his phone. I giggled and paused the movie. Once Jack was off the phone, he resumed his position on the couch, next to me. I curled up and put my head on his shoulder. Soon, dreamland took over.


I don't like this chapter. But none the less, an update!


Great story so far!
Band Slut Band Slut