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Oh Life


Ashley POV:

Today was the day. I had been waiting for this moment since the minute he'd left. Emily and I had asked for a week vacation and luckily our bosses had agreed. We had packed our suitcases and left New York City. And now we were waiting at the airport for the boys to return. I had missed him so much. I wanted to feel his arms around me and taste his perfect lips again. A big thank you to the people who invented Skype, by the way. That really saved my life and made these weeks a little more bearable.

"How late is it?" Emily asked. "Almost 5pm. They can be here any minute now." I could see that Emily had missed Jack also very much. I had missed that kid, too. We actually became good friends this summer and he is the most funny person that I know. Whenever you're feeling a bit down, Jack can always make you feel better by just.. You know.. Being him? "THERE!" Emily yelled. I looked in the direction that she was heading and saw Jack's black hair with a white strand in it immediately. He was walking next to Zack and behind them I saw Rian and Alex. Emily jumped into Jack's waiting arms and they kissed each other very passionately. "Alex!" I ran towards him with a big smile on my face. "Ashley!" He dropped his luggage and gave me a big hug. "I missed you so much, Ash." He took my hands in his and kissed me deeply. God, I'd missed this so much. "I want a hug, too." Jack stood beside me, his arms open, ready to hug me. "Jack!" I smiled and hugged him. After I gave Zack and Rian a hug as well, we walked to my car. I drove and Alex sat in the passenger seat. Emily and the boys sat in the backseat. There wasn't enough space in my small car but Emily sat on Jack's lap. Alex' hand was on my leg the whole ride and I had a hard time concentrating on the road since I was constantly looking over at him, smiling.

"So, where do I have to drop you guys off?" I asked. I had no idea where Zack lived. I barely knew where Jack lived. Zack gave me the right instructions to get to his house and Rian asked me to drop him off at the apartment where he and Cassadee were living now. After we said bye to Jack and Emily I drove to Alex' house. I parked the car in the driveway and we took our luggage out of the trunk. This week was going to be amazing. I was staying at Alex' place for a whole week and Emily stayed at Jack's. Alex opened the door and put his suitcase in the corner of the hallway. I put mine there, too and we sat down in the couch. "I missed you so much." he said softly and stroked my hair. "I missed you too, Lex." I smiled. "What do you want to do tonight?" he asked me. I thought for a while. "Uhm, we could go celebrate with the guys, Emily and Cassadee?" I suggested. "That's a great idea." he smiled and pulled out his phone to text them. Everyone replied almost immediately that they were in. "Well, then we better get ready, it's already 6pm and I want to eat something before we go." I stood up but he pulled me back onto the couch. "But I missed you so much." He put his lips on mine and kissed me. His tongue licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a bit. Our tongues found each other again and he put his hands on my waist. My hands were in his hair and I sat on top of him. His warm hands lifted up my shirt but I stopped him. "There's really no time for that now, Alex." I said and stood up from the couch again. He pouted but walked into the kitchen eventually. "I'll make dinner while you get ready." "Thanks." I kissed his cheek and ran upstairs.

I chose a simple black dress since I knew it was going to be hot in that club anyways. I straightened my hair and did my make-up. Mascara, eyeliner and some lipgloss. When I walked back into the kitchen I saw we were eating pizza. "It was the only thing I could find." Alex apologized. "Pizza is fine." I smiled and kissed him. "You look.. Gorgeous." He complimented me. "Thanks."

After we finished dinner Alex went upstairs to shower and to put on a pair of different clothes. "You look handsome." I winked at him. He chuckled and grabbed his keys. "No, I'll drive tonight." I said. He agreed, knowing that was probably for the best since we both knew he was getting really drunk tonight. When we arrived at the club, Zack, Rian and Cassadee were already there. "Wonder what Emily and Jack are doing." I chuckled. I saw Rian giving Alex a questioning look and Alex shook his head at him. "Hey party people! Who's ready to get drunk tonight?!" Jack walked towards us with 3 bottles of champagne. I forgot about Alex and Rian's silent conversation and opened the first bottle. Let's get this party started!


Sooo, if you guys have some things you really want to see happening in this sequel, message me and I'll try to do something with it :)

Ashley's outfit


I couldn't let it end like that haha, first chapter will be posted tonight :)
PaintingFlowers PaintingFlowers
When I saw that you said this was the last chapter I literally wanted to punch the wall but there's a sequel thank god
Jessilovex3 Jessilovex3
Aww, thank you! Comments like these can really make my day :)
PaintingFlowers PaintingFlowers
Ugh I am In love with this story.
All_Time_Kaitlin All_Time_Kaitlin
D: it was all going so well!!! No!! <3
x_Amy_o x_Amy_o