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Manage Me

You're the Bee's Knees, Sweetie

Alex’s Perspective

I drove home in Jack’s car with Brooke next to me, holding my hand. I wasn’t sure where this was going. Hell, I didn’t know how I was going to be a father, but then I stole a glance at Brooke and I knew everything would be okay if I was going through it with her.

I really wanted things to be okay between us, but so much had happened. I just wanted her to be mine, and for me to be hers. That’s all. To say I was in love would be a gross misstatement. I’ve never felt this way toward a girl before. It was dumb and cliche, but she made everything worth it. She made me better.

Since Zack drove back to my house, I pulled him aside when we got there.

“What’s up, dude?” he asked.

“Man....you kissed Brooke.” I told him obviously.

“I know. Look, it was in the moment...and I’m really sorry. I mean, I love Brooke, but I don’t feel that way about her.” he told me.

“Oh thank God.” I sighed in relief.

“Alex, she’s unique. You aren’t going to find a girl who will call you out on your bullshit and love you for it all at once. You can’t--You can’t fuck this over again. This is it, man. Sooner or later, she’s not going to come back to you.” Zack told me.

“I know. And I’m going to try to do better.” I told him.

He nodded and we hugged.


Brooke’s Perspective

When we got home, I planned to shower and take a nap. But while I was in the shower, I heard the door creak open. Through the steam, I saw Alex.

“Alex, I’m taking a shower.” I told him.

“I know.” he nodded, looking around as if he’d never seen this bathroom before.

“So, get out.” I laughed.

“I...I wanted to talk to you.” he said nervously.

“It’s kind of a bad time.” I said pointedly.

“I can wait.” he nodded.


I didn’t feel like arguing with him right now and he’d seen me naked several times, so I just let him sit on the toilet lid and stare at his hands. I finally finished and he handed me my towel. I dried off and he left me alone in my room to get dressed.

I put on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of yoga pant leggings. When I came out, he was leaning against the wall next to my door with his knees pulled to his chest. He looked up when I came out and I took his hands, pulling him up.

We walked hand in hand to his bedroom and sat down on the bed. I folded my legs under me. Alex took both of my hands in his.

“Brooke, I know I said a lot of things...back at the clinic...but I meant it all. I do love you. God, I was willing to commit to you, before...” he trailed off. We both knew what he meant. He swallowed. “I know that a lot has changed. But one thing hasn’t. You’re still what I want. And more importantly, I need you, Brooke. You even me out. You make me see the world so differently. I don’t know what to do with these feelings and it scares me because I don’t want to screw it up. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yeah, I do.” I smiled.

I kissed him sweetly on the lips. He grabbed my face and kissed me passionately, trailing kisses down my jawline and my neck. He nibbled on my collarbone and I moaned loudly. He pulled me onto his lap, curling my hair around his fingertips.

He stroked my cheeks and shoved me down on the bed, rolling on top of me. He pulled my shirt off easily, going after my breasts, taking one in his mouth. I arched my back and took off his sweatshirt. He broke away from me, only to slip his shirt over his head. We helped each other out of our pants. I pulled off his boxer briefs and he pulled off my thong. He slipped into me slowly and then thrust hard.

Our hips slammed together as he increased his pace.

“Oh my God, Brooke. Holy shit.” he grunted.

Suddenly, a wave of pleasure came over me. We both fell back in the bed, panting.

He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.

“Brooke, I love you so much.” he breathed.

“I love you too, Alex.” I smiled.

I shifted so my head was resting on his chest. I could hear his heart pounding. I was home.


Title: Original Love, Cassadee Pope. she's my girl!!!

A lot of you are asking for a sequel, but I'm not sure what would happen if there was one. Sorry :/

Soooo, just for fun, what do you think they should name the baby?

Thanks to:
aaaand the ladies of the hour, SociallyAwkwardRocker and NewKidOnAnOldBlock


I've been stumbling across stories I've read, and checking them out again since I seem to forget them after it's been a while. This was one of those cases.
Reading this again, and after reading other stories on here and Mibba, I've realized that with my last comment, I was a bit off. Yes, Brooke and Alex's relationship was cute when they were together/sweet to each other, but reading it again, their relationship was a bit abusive. Neither is completely innocent, but the version of Alex you wrote in this took it to the next level. I realize a lot of it was because of his insecurities, what he dealt with in the past, etc., but Brooke didn't deserve any of that. When she did mess up, she definitely didn't take her anger to the levels he did.
Idk, I'm conflicted because again, when they were together, it was cute, but then it just got sad when they weren't. I'm not sure why she put up with as much as she did.
Your writing is still good, though. Just wish they didn't have so many downs in their relationship. It got really sad at a lot of points, and I just felt Alex didn't need to take it to the degree he did, I mean really.
I doubt you saw my other comment, but just thought I would comment again as an update and to possibly get you to see it.

Nanook Nanook

This was very cute. I just read it and loved it. :)
You're a great writer! :D I'll probably be checking out some of your other stuff as well. :)

Nanook Nanook
Wait, what? Really?! I'm coming over this weekend and eating dinner at your place! lol XD
So sad to see it go. but that was such a cute ending. (:
tragic_ending tragic_ending
So sad to see it go. but that was such a cute ending. (:
tragic_ending tragic_ending