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7 Years Later

New Friends

"Oh my god Natalia, why are you such a bitch" "Yeah, Go back to whore island" "everyone hates you, just kill your self!".... The insults got worst and worst, My tormentors Alex, Jack, Rian & Zack were laughing at me and walking away, while I was on the ground crying. "Are you okay??" I looked up and saw the worlds most beautiful boy, He had brown hair that went to his shoulders, tan skin, a nose ring and dark eyes you could stare at forever. "Uh, yeah I'm fine." He helped me up, and started walking with me... "So are you new? I've never seen you around..." I asked, trying to make conversation "Yeah, I moved here a few days ago with my brother Mike and my cousins Tony and Jaime." I nodded, "I'm Natalia" "Oh god, I'm sorry, I'm so stupid, I'm Vic. Vic Fuentes" I smiled at the thought of him being my friend... "You're not stupid, It just never came up" He smiled at me. "Uh, not to be creepy, but can I look at your timetable?? I could help you with your classes..." He handed it over, and I saw we had most of our classes together, as I was looking at the timetable, I heard Vic say "Hey Mike, Tony, Jaime, come here, I want to introduce you to someone." I looked up and saw 3 guys walking towards us, one was a really tall guy with pitch black hair, alot of tattoos and a lip piercing, the second one, had heaps of tattoos as well, stretched ears, a micro dermal and dark hair and eyes, and the third one, had spiked up hair, and adorable dimples. They all looked really nice, but they wouldn't want to be friends with a fat, stupid worthless girl like me. "Hey Talia, Can I call you that??" I nodded. "Okay sweet, Talia, this is my brother Mike," He pointed to the tall one, "and my cousins Tony," he pointed to the one with the dermal and stretched ears, "and Jaime" and again he pointed to one with the dimples. "And guys this is Talia" I smiled awkwardly. They smiled widely... "Oh Vic, here's your timetable back, we have most our classes together by the way" As soon as I said that, 3 other timetables were flashed in my face, I laughed and checked them all, when I wasn't with one of them, I was with another, so all my classes I had with at least all of them, which was great!! But Vic was the eldest which meant he'll graduate first, but at least I'll graduate with Jaime, Tony and Mike. BRIIING!!! The bell bell went which signaled us to go to class, which I dread considering, Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian, I looked at my timetable again, I frowned, I had science which is one of my least fave subjects. But at least I had it with Vic and Jaime. "Lets go!" Vic said with a smile, but I frowned, "Talia, you okay??" Jaime asked when we were walking into science, I forced a smile "Of course" But they all knew I was lying....
"Well, well, well... what do we have here??" I turned around to see Alex, and Jack. Rian and Zack, didn't take this science class. "Oh look Alex, It's our little emo slut" I felt my self boil inside, but I didn't let them phase me. Vic, Mike, Jaime and Tony stood in front of me, "Leave now, or we won't hurt you" Mikes voice was like venom. I flinched. Alex and Jack laughed and sat down at the back of the class room. Mike looked at me, and asked "Do they bully you??" I nodded, "Can I ask you guys something??" they all nodded, "Why did you become friends with me, I know we became friends like half an hour ago, but why me??" Jaime was the first to speak, "Because you're different, you're not like the sluts that we see everywhere" They all nodded, I felt a tear fall out of my eye, and they all hugged me, "Let's go find some seats" they all agreed.

And that was the day I became friends with Vic, Mike, Jaime, and Tony.


First chapter sucks, I know, But the second chapter, will be what happened in those 7 years...


I really like what you have of this, I'm really bummed to see it was never continued. :(
If you do choose to pick up with it again, I will be here to read. I would like to see what happens with Talia, and what decisions she chooses to make. Has she actually fully forgiven them? Which character will end up being the love interest? That last question I'm really dying to know.
It was really looking like you were planning to continue this, but just didn't. :/ I hope maybe you find some inspiration to continue it someday, to at least give us answers to what you never got to...
But yeah, I really enjoyed what you have of this, regardless, and I'll cross my fingers that you'll continue. If you do, I'll be here to leave active feedback, or I should be anyway. :) You're a great writer and I just wanted to leave a comment letting you know that.

Nanook Nanook
@Billie Joe Gaskarth
Thank you, I'm writing another chapter now :)
Shadow_Angel Shadow_Angel
I like it :)
Thank you, I'll try and put up another chapter soon :)
Shadow_Angel Shadow_Angel
I like it so far :)
Iktsohs Iktsohs